Canada Kicks Ass
Merged - Paul and the Seals


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Ruxpercnd @ Tue Mar 22, 2005 5:24 pm

The story: ... index.html

An annual controversy, some Americans threatening to boycott Canadian seafood over seal bashing.

Seems to me that the Canadians have thoughtfully considered a scientific culling (and killing) plan. However, the photos I've seen in the past of guys with bloody clubs beating up these little baby seals isn't very pretty.

What say the liberal Canadians? Is this scientific game management or Canadian Bloodlust Unleashed? :)


JackD @ Tue Mar 22, 2005 6:03 pm

Agreed, it is not a pretty picture.
Is the killing of mooses and deers "for the fun of it", (called sport hunting), a prettier picture.??
Baby seals are the livelihood of several NFLD'ers as were cod a crabs.
Animals are killed everywhere in the world for 2 reasons: food and as a source of revenues, some legal, some illegal (whale hunting by the Japs).
Seal hunting is not illegal, ....and I agree, not pretty.


Robair @ Tue Mar 22, 2005 6:25 pm

What a bunch of bleading heart, missinformed, dipshit pansies!

Why don't they protest something usefull, like, I dunno, the killing and starving of PEOPLE!

The seals have obviously become pests at their current numbers. Just like cyotes and rats in SK. I'm sure there are other examples.. just cant think of them right now...


RoyalHighlander @ Tue Mar 22, 2005 6:41 pm

The seal population has exploded and they are one cause of fish stocks not coming back as quick as they should be.. They are becoming too large a population to be able to sustaion them selves so whjy not let the Newfoundlanders do the culling and earn a living while they are at it???

BTW for all the tree huggers here.............

Spotted Owl tastes just like chicken....


Ruxpercnd @ Tue Mar 22, 2005 7:29 pm

I am thinking that it is proper management of critters. However, Canada (and Norway with their whaling) need to do a better public relations job.

It too bad that the killing can't be done in the manner of Native American Indians of old where there are rituals to thank the animal spirit for giving of himself for the sustenance of men.

I trust that Canadians are capable of properly managing their wildlife. They should not allow pictures to be taken of the hunt as it is offending to people who do not understand the situation. The pictures I saw showed smiling men with bloody clubs, proud of their hunt. But, it just doesn't play well to city folks.


canadian1971 @ Tue Mar 22, 2005 9:42 pm

Ever see a cow get "knocked" in a slaughter house? Ever see a fish get filleted while its still floppin around? That aint pretty either. Im sure all those who oppose the seal hunt eat beef and fish(90% at least) and dont have any problems with how they are killed...Fucking hip-o-crits...but then again...cows and fish aint as cute those seals eh

Why don't they protest something usefull, like, I dunno, the killing and starving of PEOPLE

I guess they are not as cute either :?


Richard @ Wed Mar 23, 2005 2:17 am

They should start playing wack the activist. Most them are sheep that know only what they are told almost cult style. I remember years ago the Animal Defence League got the bright idea to save 2400 Chinchilla's from being made into fur coats. Liberated them so that they could all starve to death.


figfarmer @ Wed Mar 23, 2005 6:25 am

I thought you meant we were getting rid of some of those Rambo type Yanks. Sea Air Land, whatever. Let me know willya?


Chopper @ Wed Mar 23, 2005 9:26 am

I would normally agree with comments like Richard's, however, I feel obliged to disagree. I am an avid hunter, and I am proud to tell people I am. I also consider myself a sportsman. To me, this means I do not waste the animals I harvest. If we were to switch over to hunting activists, I would feel obliged to eat them. [drool] mmmmm....activists [drool]


LadyofCanada @ Wed Mar 23, 2005 9:49 am

Ruxpercnd Ruxpercnd:
I am thinking that it is proper management of critters. However, Canada (and Norway with their whaling) need to do a better public relations job.

It too bad that the killing can't be done in the manner of Native American Indians of old where there are rituals to thank the animal spirit for giving of himself for the sustenance of men.

I trust that Canadians are capable of properly managing their wildlife. They should not allow pictures to be taken of the hunt as it is offending to people who do not understand the situation. The pictures I saw showed smiling men with bloody clubs, proud of their hunt. But, it just doesn't play well to city folks.

:idea: There are any number of reporters I'd like to see hunted to extinction....


Freefall @ Wed Mar 23, 2005 10:27 am

most problems we have with animals, ie overpopulation and feeding habits changing are as a result of human interferance with the ecosystem. Overfishing, hunting/poaching and our living area spreading into their natural habitats. That being said though i have read a bit on this before regarding the seals...they are getting out of hand and slowing the process of regeneration of the fish population. Did we cause this problem...yes. Do we need to try to fix it...yes. I won't be out hunting any seals anytime soon but if it needs to be done, it needs to be done.


Ripcat @ Wed Mar 23, 2005 10:30 am

Officials say the population of harp seals is now five million animals, triple what it was in the 1970s, and it wants the number reduced to 3.8 million.

Ottawa says the cull protects depleted fish stocks and provides jobs in the economically depressed eastern province of Newfoundland. The province's cod fishery collapsed a decade ago and some fishermen says seals were partly to blame.

If the seal population gets too large and fish too scarce there won't be much to boycott. Then we can report on the mass starvation of seals and show pictures of these cuddly seal pups emaciated and dying on the ice flows at which point our now non-existent seafood can be boycotted because we refuse to help the starving creatures in case people get upset with the method we use to put the starving animals out of their misery.


spikecomix @ Wed Mar 23, 2005 10:34 am

Why has the seal population increased so much?


EyeBrock @ Wed Mar 23, 2005 10:43 am

Because the Newfies can't hunt them anymore. They've been hunting them for 500 years but Bridget Bardot ended it all, topped off with a piss poor PR effort by the Newfie Govt to excuse the brutality of the hunt. Now the fish stocks are being chomped by the mega seal population. Seals don't sit down and scoff a fish, they take bites out of several different fish. They are no cod conservationists.

Go ask a Newfie about it all, one of the many reasons they are pretty pissed off with the Feds on the mainland.


canadian1971 @ Wed Mar 23, 2005 2:59 pm

I can remember debating the seal hunt in elementry school for christ sake.....One of the books that is a manditory read in Nfld. schools is "Death on the Ice".....all about a bunch of seal hunters who get caught in the flows during a blizzard...shit load of em die.

Part of the heritage....brutal I'll admit, but there it is. You don't like it? Then don't eat seal...or buy anything made from seal...just shut your cake hole, and MYOFB.

But ohhhhhh, them cute little seals, :cry: I must go protest, :cry: just let me step over this homeless person :roll: , and tell that guy bumming change to fuck off :twisted: , best avoid those crack dealers over by the hookers too. There, now I'm on my way to the protest! Oh!!! Was that a gun shot? No matter...I ho, I ho, Off to the protest I go! :?



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