Canada Kicks Ass
Sharia Law - coming to a province near you . . . .


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karra @ Thu Aug 19, 2004 9:44 am

If pandering to a very small minority for the sake of a few votes is acceptable to you - don't look at this link


-Mario- @ Thu Aug 19, 2004 11:32 am

karra karra:
don't look at this link

Ok... I won't



figfarmer @ Thu Aug 19, 2004 6:50 pm

But I sure would welcome a little law and order.


Donny_Brasco @ Mon Aug 23, 2004 3:50 pm

OK, I'm not running for office any time soon anyways. Didn't look.


sk1d @ Mon Aug 23, 2004 9:08 pm

Well I did look at the link. And if people want to settle their own affairs outside of the court system, as long as it doesn't break any of our own laws, good for them. it'll save the government some money.


RoyalHighlander @ Mon Aug 23, 2004 11:05 pm

excuse me.. You come to Canada cause its a better place than where you were before, then import YOUR laws etc... I dont think so... You come here, then you abide by OUR rules and laws


Donny_Brasco @ Tue Aug 24, 2004 9:42 am

RoyalHighlander RoyalHighlander:
excuse me.. You come to Canada cause its a better place than where you were before, then import YOUR laws etc... I dont think so... You come here, then you abide by OUR rules and laws


Oh ya? Then you scream when us Native Indians want our traditional healing circles and we want a say at a supreme court level. Just a reminder, this is our country. You might share it with us, but if you were in preschool and you shared there like you share with us you'd be standing in the corner in a time out all day every day.

I tell you what, I'm a Cree, and until you finish paying for what you enjoy here in Canada, weather it was you or your parents, grandparents, great grandparents or even their parents who come to Canada cause its a better place then where you were before you can't say shit about the folks who come over here and want to continue their customs.

You make yourselves sound so righteous and decent, yet its all a complete double standard, even more, a triple or quadruple standard (if there is such a thing).

And don't get me started on bagpipes.
(That's a joke highlander, don't get your kilt ruffled)


EricVA @ Tue Aug 24, 2004 9:53 am

*grabs for the lid to cover up the open can of worms*


Ralph @ Tue Aug 24, 2004 10:20 am

you can't say shit about the folks who come over here and want to continue their customs.

As a Cree your culture is as unacceptable to these people as anyone else’s is.
This is the Taliban coming to Canada. First it starts with there own people then it’s applied liberally to others.
Your Cree women would kick your little red ass all over the place if you tried to apply these laws to them, and rightfully so.

Way to shit disturb Karra :wink:


Donny_Brasco @ Tue Aug 24, 2004 10:38 am

Ralph Ralph:
Your Cree women would kick your little red ass all over the place if you tried to apply these laws to them, and rightfully so.

You are correct. But we are not talking about people coming over here and imposing their laws on US, we are talking about people who come here and want to continue their own customs.

If they want to impose their laws, customs, beliefs and religion on us we already have a term for those despicable, hostile, two faced people -

WHITE. (mooneyawl)


Donny_Brasco @ Tue Aug 24, 2004 10:41 am

Testing my new signature.


Ralph @ Tue Aug 24, 2004 10:53 am

To these people there is no line where there laws begin and religion ends.
Church and state have no meaning to them it is one and the same.
Law should be left to the State.
Customs are your music cooking dancing language dress NOT your laws.
If they want there laws then stay in there country.


Ralph @ Tue Aug 24, 2004 10:56 am

Where do we stop them??

An Islamic court in Nigeria yesterday upheld a sentence of death by stoning for a woman accused of adultery. The case is the latest in a series of sentences passed under sharia law - a set of religious laws adopted over the past two years in northern regions of Nigeria, which have predominantly Muslim inhabitants.

Sharia law, which derives from the teachings of the Koran and from Sunna (the practice of the prophet Mohammed), is implemented to varying degrees in different Islamic countries - from the beheadings of Saudi Arabia, to the relatively liberal social mores of Malaysia.


Donny_Brasco @ Tue Aug 24, 2004 11:13 am

Again, let me reitterate.....

So its not OK for people to come to Canada and impose their views on you?

Yet the Aboriginal population has to live under your laws. We have no voice in our legal system.

So its OK for you, as a newcomers to Canada, to impose your views on the indigenous population...but its not OK for someone to want to come here and practice their culture?

Sounds pretty self serving to me.

Maybe you should stop thinking white is right and start remembering why your family came to this great land in the first place.

Ralph Ralph:
Customs are your music cooking dancing language dress NOT your laws.

You are incorrect my friend.
1) A practice followed by people of a particular group or region.
2) A habitual practice of a person: my custom of reading a little before sleep. See Synonyms at habit.
3) Law. A common tradition or usage so long established that it has the force or validity of law.


EricVA @ Tue Aug 24, 2004 11:14 am

I think that people coming to this country, a country with a charter of rights and freedoms and defined laws should respect the laws that are in place. I think if you don't agree then don't come here. If you like the laws in your own country so much why are you leaving it? I am also sick to death of people and their bitching about how they got raw deals. The only reason anyone is without now-a-days is because they choose to be. My family is part Native American yet they are proud Canadians. I think it's time people quit bitching and blaming others for their own issues. Pointing fingers should start infront of a mirror!

We can't un-do what has already been done...but we can make sure that we leave a better country for the generations that follow. Untill some jackass on a power trip blows the whole world to oblivion.



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