Canada Kicks Ass
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Diogenes @ Fri Jan 18, 2008 12:52 pm

There are two ways to slide easily through life; to believe everything or to doubt everything. Both ways save us from thinking. <br /> Alfred Korzybski


Diogenes @ Fri Jan 18, 2008 3:45 pm

Imperitia culpae annumeratur. Ignorance, or want of skill, is considered a negligence, for which one who professes skill is responsible. Dig. 50, 17, 132; 1 Bouv. Inst. n. 1004. <br /> <br /> So? Increase youR skill. seems simple enough <br />


Diogenes @ Mon Jan 21, 2008 8:35 am

I have been noticing a growing backlash that is hopefully chipping away at the either/or thinking embreaced by those who fell prey to political correctness as applied to Zionism and chargews of anti-Semitisn the following may allow agreat chunk of once held sympathies to fall away and expose long ignored truths- Dio <br /> <br /> Dear Radical Reader,<br /> <br /> It didn’t take too long for pro-Zionist critics to attack my recent article, KILLING THE HUNDREDTH MONKEY: The Battle for Control and Censorship of Canada’s Internet by the B’nai Brith and the Canadian Jewish Congress. The standard procedure is usually to cry “anti-Semite” or nowadays to employ the more updated version of “holocaust denier”. <br /> <br /> Considering that my mother was Ukrainian and that her mother came to Canada in the 1890s during the mass exodus of the Doukhobours I find the following article by Eric Margolis rather a fitting rebuttal to all the endless Zionist-controlled media hullabaloo over the paramount importance of the “Jewish” holocaust and their relentless efforts to make their plight always No. 1. Even more so, they tend to steer people’s thinking toward the absurd notion that their persecution and suffering was somehow the only one and any other nation’s genocide is either irrelevant or unworthy of mention. <br /> <br /> Thanks to Eric Margolis’ article below we can readily see that that this is not the case. One point from Mr. Margolis’ article is particularly note-worthy during these times of massive seed patenting and hoarding by the world’s powerful elite. Many people argue that they are purposefully trying to gain control of all seed production so they can, in turn, exploit the masses and charge exorbitant prices for food. When one realizes what Stalin and his Zionist controllers did to the Ukrainian nationalists of the 1930s the thought occurs that possibly they have more than high food costs in mind when it comes to controlling the people and their food sources. Coupled with Rockefeller’s public statement that it is imperative that millions of “useless eaters” be eliminated from the world’s population, it gives one pause to reflect.<br /> <br /> Thank you Mr. Margolis for bringing to people’s attention one of the more blatant acts of genocide inflicted upon the non-Jewish people of the Ukraine. While your article is ten years old I feel the republishing of it now is most apt.<br /> <br /> Peace and Justice for All, <br /> <br /> Arthur Topham<br /> Pub/Ed<br /> The Radical Press<br /> [email protected]<br /> --------<br /> <br /> <br /> Lest We Forget the Real Holocaust and It’s Bolshevik Jewish Perpetrators! <br /> The Ukrainian Holocaust of 1932-33 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> "Stalin is century's bloodiest figure"<br /> <br /> <br /> by Eric S. Margolis<br /> <br /> [email protected]<br /> <br /> <br /> Foreign Affairs Editor for Sun Media Newspapers<br /> London Free Press <br /> December 12, 1998 <br /> London, Ontario, Canada<br /> <br /> ... In 1932, Soviet leader Josef Stalin unleashed genocide in Ukraine, Stalin determined to force Ukraine's millions of independent farmers -<br /> called kulaks - into collectivized Soviet agriculture, and to crush Ukraine's growing spirit of nationalism.<br /> <br /> Faced by resistance to collectivization, Stalin unleashed terror and dispatched 25,000 fanatical young party militants from Moscow - earlier<br /> versions of Mao's Red Guards - to force 10 million Ukrainian peasants into collective farms. Secret police units of OGPU began selective executions of recalcitrant farmers.<br /> <br /> When Stalin's red guards failed to make a dent in this immense number, OGPU was ordered to begin mass executions. But there were simply not enough Chekists (secret police) to kill so many people, so Stalin decided to replace bullets with a much cheaper medium of death - mass starvation.<br /> <br /> All seed stocks, grain, silage and farm animals were confiscated from Ukraine's farms. (Ethiopia's Communist dictator Mengistu Haile Mariam used the same method in the 1970s to force collectivization. The resulting famine caused one million deaths.)<br /> <br /> OGPU agents and Red Army troops sealed all roads and rail lines. Nothing came in or out of Ukraine. Farms were searched and looted of food and fuel. Ukrainians quickly began to die of hunger, cold and sickness.<br /> <br /> When OGPU failed to meet weekly execution quotas, Stalin sent henchman Lazar Kaganovitch to destroy Ukrainian resistance. Kaganovitch, the Soviet Eichmann, made quota, shooting 10,000 Ukrainians weekly. Eighty per cent of Ukrainian intellectuals were executed. A party member named Nikita Khruschchev helped supervise the slaughter.<br /> <br /> During the bitter winter of 1932-33, mass starvation created by Kaganovitch and OGPU hit full force. Ukrainians ate their pets, boots and belts, plus bark and roots. Some parents even ate infant children.<br /> <br /> Britain, the U.S. and Canada were fully aware of the Ukrainian genocide and Stalin's other monstrous crimes. (Soviet Leader Josef Stalin committed genocide in the '30s, then became an ally against Hitler in the '40s)<br /> <br /> The precise number of Ukrainians murdered by Stalin's custom-made famine and Cheka firing squads remains unknown to this day. The KGB's archives and recent work by Russian historians show at least seven million died. Ukrainian historians put the figure at nine million or higher. Twenty-five per cent of Ukraine's population was exterminated.<br /> <br /> Six million other farmers across the Soviet Union were starved or shot during collectivization. Stalin told Winston Churchill he liquidated 10<br /> million peasants during the 1930s. Add mass executions by the Cheka in Estonia, Lativia and Lithuania, the genocide of three million Muslims, massacres of Cossacks and Volga Germans, and Soviet industrial genocide accounted for at least 40 million victims, not including 20 million war dead.<br /> <br /> Kaganovitch and many senior OGPU officers (later, NKVD) were Jewish. The predominance of Jews among Bolshevik leaders and the frightful crimes and cruelty inflicted by Stalin's Checka on Ukraine, the Baltic states and Poland led the victims of Red Terror to blame the Jewish people for both communism and their suffering. As a direct result, during the subsequent Nazi occupation of Eastern Europe, the region's innocent Jews became the target of ferocious revenge by Ukrainians, Balts and Poles.<br /> <br /> While the world is now fully aware of the destruction of Europe's Jews by the Nazis, the story of the numerically larger holocaust in Ukraine has been suppressed, or ignored. Ukraine's genocide occurred eight to nine years before Hitler began the Jewish Holocaust and was committed, unlike Nazi crimes, before the world's gaze. But Stalin's murder of millions was simply denied or concealed by a left-wing conspiracy of silence that continues to this day. In the strange moral geometry of mass murder, only Nazis are guilty.<br /> <br /> Socialist luminaries like Bernard Shaw, Beatrice and Sidney Webb and Premier Edouard Herriot of France, toured Ukraine during 1932-33 and proclaimed reports of famine were false. Shaw announced: "I did not see one under-nourished person in Russia." New York Times correspondent Walter Duranty, who won a Pulitzer Prize for his Russian reporting, wrote claims of famine were "malignant propaganda." Seven million people were dying around them, yet these fools saw nothing. The New York Times has never repudiated Duranty's lies.<br /> <br /> Modern leftists do not care to be reminded their ideological and historical roots are entwined with this century's greatest crime - the inevitable<br /> result of enforced social engineering and Marxist theology.<br /> <br /> Western historians delicately skirt the sordid fact that the governments of Britain, the U.S. and Canada were fully aware of the Ukrainian genocide and Stalin's other monstrous crimes. Yet they eagerly welcomed him as an ally during the Second World War. Stalin, who Franklin Roosevelt called "Uncle Joe", murdered four times more people than Adolph Hitler.<br /> <br /> "None of the Soviet mass murderers who committed genocide were ever brought to justice. Lazar Kaganovitch died peacefully in Moscow a few years ago, still wearing the Order of the Soviet Union and enjoying a generous state pension."<br /> <br /> - by Eric S. Margolis<br /> <br /> Presented in the interests of truth by James W. Black who is of Ukrainian and Scottish descent. Some of his relatives were interned in the Nazi forced labour camps and died in the camp during World War Two. His grandmother's brother, who was a Ukrainian nationalist, was arrested in Ukraine for wearing Ukraine's national colours and reading Ukrainian poetry to his friends and then sent to the Gulag. He was never seen nor heard from again.<br />


h.f. wolff @ Mon Jan 21, 2008 9:19 am

Eric Margolis is one of the more competent and honest columnists in Canada; nonetheless, he also has a burr up his backside regarding the "Nazi Holocaust". <br /> <br /> A little research would show that this Holohoax has been completely disproved based on scientific investigation, population statistics of that time, review of Nuernberg "evidence", and the fact that Soviet "judges" condemned and EXECUTED German soldiers for massacres for which the Soviets were later found guilty, eg. Katyn Forest in Poland. <br /> <br /> Jewish literature itself speaks of "things that are true but didn't happen, and things that happened but aren't true".<br /> <br /> H.F. Wolff


Diogenes @ Mon Jan 21, 2008 10:54 am

There are many hard lessons to be learned when it comes to what we have and have not been told <br /> <br /> Eisenhower's Holocaust - His <br /> Slaughter Of 1.7 Million Germans <br /> Author Not Known<br /> 12-28-03<br /> <br /> <br /> "God, I hate the Germans..." (Dwight David Eisenhower in a letter to his wife in September, 1944) <br /> Carried by Rense <br /> <br /> The truth will set you free?<br /> well maybe after you dig through mounds of BS and then the truth will piss ya off.<br /> Thinking for ones self has become a revolutionary act that few participate in <br /> <br />


Diogenes @ Thu Jan 24, 2008 12:29 pm

More letters of support for in the Quesnel Cariboo Observer‏ <br /> From: The Radical Press ([email protected]) <br /> Sent: January 24, 2008 8:07:25 PM <br /> To: RADICAL PRESS ([email protected]) <br /> <br /> Dear Radical Reader,<br /> <br /> On Wednesday, January 23, 2008 the Quesnel Cariboo Observer ran two more excellent letters in support of myself and my website . These two fine individuals deserve much credit for helping to keep the issue of freedom of speech alive and healthy on the net.<br /> <br /> I am also aware of many more letters submitted to the newspaper but the Editor does have to present letters on a number of community issues and cannot print them all at one time. The newspaper comes out twice weekly on Wednesdays and Saturday.<br /> <br /> If you can, please let the Editor know that you appreciate her efforts to keep you informed. In this way, hopefully, she will publish more of them in future editions.<br /> <br /> I thank these two courageous people from the bottom of my heart for their support!<br /> <br /> Peace & Justice for All,<br /> <br /> Arthur Topham<br /> Pub/Ed<br /> The Radical Press<br /> Canada’s Radical News Network<br /> [email protected]<br /><br /> “Digging to the root of the issues since 1998”<br /> ------------------------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> Website for the Quesnel Cariboo Observer:<br /> <br /> Email Address for Quesnel Cariboo Observer: Editor Quesnel Cariboo Observer <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------<br /> <br /><br /> <br /> <br /> Freedoms are threatened<br /> <br /> January 23, 2008<br /> <br /> <br /> Editor:<br /> <br /> Re: Topham views under attack, the Observer, Jan. 13.<br /> <br /> Having known Arthur Topham for the past 10 years and followed his courageous research on the roots of suffering in the Middle East and throughout the world, I can’t think of a more inaccurate charge against one as devoted to historical fact, dignity for all and truth that brings peace to the world, not more war and “hatred.”<br /> <br /> Any genuine and rational researcher investigating the back room designers of globalization and all the wars of the last centuries and those currently plaguing the Earth would have the same questions and concerns Topham invites his readers to consider.<br /> <br /> It is the freedom to consider the facts beyond the propaganda of the powerful that defines a democracy. And isn’t that what our fathers and grandfathers thought they were fighting for in the last world war....a war sold at the time as the war to “end all wars.” <br /> <br /> The Observer story states B’nai Brith representative Harry Abrams, the complainant to the CHRC, “felt” Topham’s articles were discriminatory against individuals of the Jewish faith.<br /> <br /> It is an astonishing and quite terrifying development that in these post 9/11 times, a citizen exercising freedom of thought and speech can receive what becomes a public complaint and possible jail time based on “feeling” rather than fact. It’s paranoia, rather than constructive, respectful dialogue. <br /> <br /> A foreboding future looms before all of us, when offending someone can be spun into a hate crime. Sounds like it may be time to pull out my dusty old copy of George Orwell’s 1984. His nightmare vision of a One World Government, Thought Police and eternal war now appears prophetic. <br /> <br /> It’s hardly a future so many millions fighting for freedom have given their lives to protect their grand children from.<br /> <br /> Maureen Campbell <br /> <br /> Errington, B.C.<br /> <br /> --------<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> More open discussion needed<br /> <br /> <br /> Back in 1995 during the Gustafson Lake standoff, the mainstream press was full of stories on the theme “They’re after your house and home.” I attended the long court case which revealed a great deal of negative attitudes toward the indigenous people, not the least from our national police. For examaple, the Mounties were presented on their own videos asking “how can we make the Indians look bad, and ourselves look good.”<br /> <br /> The thought did occur to me whether such police initiatives would have been allowed had the standoff been between members of CJC and RCMP. The First Nations should adopt some of the trigger fine reactions of the organizations now pursuing Arthur Topham.<br /> <br /> Freedom of speech, however, is one of the most fundamental freedoms that define a country as a democracy or dictatorship. I have seen dictatorship twice – the first time under Nazi occupation and, while Topham’s and my view may differ as to what happened there, I will always stand up for his right to say what he wants. An open discussion is better than persecution of dissenting views.<br /> <br /> Eva Lyman<br /> <br /> <br /> Coincidently while I was composing the following bit I recieved the above <br /> <br /> <br /> Seens to me that we have been indoctrinated to accept spin<br /> <br /> <br /> I am a moralist like few others and have "known" intuitively much of what i was told and taught was not right.<br /> <br /> I has taken a 68 year lifetime to slowly verify my intuitions <br /> <br /> Why must it take so long and and what is happening today that is spin in need of being un spun?<br /> <br /> <br />


Dr Caleb @ Thu Jan 24, 2008 3:40 pm

[QUOTE BY= Diogenes]<br /> Seens to me that we have been indoctrinated to accept spin<br /> <br /> . . . Why must it take so long and and what is happening today that is spin in need of being un spun?<br /> [/QUOTE]<br /> <br /> The RPMs have been increasing.<br /> <br /> Since Eisenhower's farewell address, everything he's warned about has been coming reality. The current generation has little concept nor concern for the past so they don't see how it is being utilized in the present.<br /> <br /> Right now, I'm reading 'End of America' by Naomi Wolf. It goes into great detail the similarities between how Hitler seized Germany through legal means, and other dictatorships, like Chile and Thailand in 2006, have come to be. And of course, the lock step approach of the US and the direct and indirect parallels between Neocons and Nazis. <br /> <br /> Canada hasn't given in to all the 'spin' that's out there, but we are starting to rev up. Ezra Levant and Arthur Topham are prime examples. 'Thought crimes' first, 'newspeak' (see front page for Nuclear Weapons aren't WMD's story) then 'We have always been at War'.<br /> <br /> I guess '1984' was a how-to manual.


Diogenes @ Thu Jan 24, 2008 11:25 pm <br /> <br /> By the close of the 1300s much of Western Europe was, for all practical purposes, completely empty of any perceivable Jewish population. What the Crusades failed to accomplish in the eradication of Western European Jewry the "Black Death" -- the Bubonic Plagues of the bacilli Pasteurella pestis -- virtually completed. Those Jews of that era suffered doubly; from the plague itself and from the proliferation of superstitious rumours that they were responsible for the disease by poisoning wells, just as they were blamed earlier for "the ritual slaughter of Christian children." This resulted in the burning alive of Jews in great numbers over the whole of Europe. 60 Later some of the Sephardic Jews of Spain immigrated northward, accounting for some of the smaller Jewish populations of Western Europe.<br /> <br /> "Because of the long and varied history of the Jews," says the 2001 edition of World Book Encyclopedia, "it is difficult to define a Jew. There is no such thing as a Jewish race. Jewish identity is a mixture of religious, historical, and ethnic factors." Thus, those who might have truly claimed to be of the genealogy of Abraham and of true Semitic origin became extinct as a discernible race, being replaced by the white Khazars of the Transcaucasus, none of whose ancestors, as Benjamin Freedman phrases it, have ever placed a foot in the land of Palestine. This causes a serious problem with modern Christianity's infatuation with the Jews and their "return to their Homeland," begging the question: How can one return to a place where they have never been?<br /> <br /> <br /> As late as 1960s the Sephardic Jews numbered only about 500,000, compared with the Ashkenazim of the same period estimated at approximately twelve million. 61<br /> <br /> In defining the origins of the Ashkenazim, Alan Brook states that "The geographic location of the Ashkenaz, based on references in the Torah, may be centered around southern Russia, Armenia, and Asia Minor. The ashkaenoi (askae or askai) were the people also known as Phrygians or Mysians (Meshech)." Some historians claim that the name Ashkenaz applies exclusively to German Jews. However, more recent evidence shows that they had immigrated from the southern regions of Russia and western Asia and Asia Minor -- that region clearly identified as the location and origin of the ancient Khazars. The name originally indicated Iranians and was later given as the name of the god of Meshech, Men Askaenos. "It should also be pointed out," Brook adds, "that Ashkenaz did not become a definite Jewish designation for Germany until the eleventh century." 62<br /> <br /> "According to the explanation by the Talmud," writes Hugo Freiherr, "Ashkenaz thus means a country near the Black Sea between Ararat and the Caucasus, within the original region of the Khazar empire." 63 This, again, is precisely the geographic locality of the Khazarian empire. The Talmudic observation is abetted by Scripture which names Ashkenaz as descending not from Shem but from Japheth through Gomer, and whose uncles were Magog and Tubal. (See Gen. 10:3)<br /> <br /> Ashkenaz (alt. spelling: Ashchenaz) is mentioned in but one scripture other than 1 Chronicles 6:1, which is only another reference to the genealogy as descending from Japheth. In the book of Jeremiah the prophet, God announces that Israel is to call upon other nations as allies in bringing His judgments against Babylon. Among those allies, who are not part of Israel or Judah, and therefore could not be numbered as Jews, is Ashchenaz. (See Jer. 51:27)<br /> <br /> UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, published a series of booklets entitled, The Race Question in Modern Science, in which oneof the authors, Harry Shapiro, states:<br /> <br /> The wide range of variation between Jewish populations in their physical characteristics and the diversity of the gene frequencies of their blood groups render any unified racial classification for them a contradiction in terms. For although modern racial theory admits some degree of polymorphism or variation within a racial group, it does not permit distinctly different groups, measured by its own criteria of race, to be identified as one. To do so would make the biological purposes of racial classification futile and the whole procedure arbitrary and meaningless. ...despite the evidence efforts continue to be made to somehow segregate the Jews as a distinct racial entity. 64<br /> <br /> Thus, attempting to claim the existence of a "race" of Jews has been proven to be an anthropological impossibility. Though their God consistently warned them against intermingling themselves amongst non-Jewish races, their miscegenistic tendencies are well documented, and has resulted in their complete erasure as a distinct, genetic peoples.<br /> <br /> When, inevitably, there was mixing of Western European and Khazarian Jews, there was a notable difference between the educational levels of the two Jewish sub-cultures. The Khazars greatly admired their vastly less numerous but far more learned Western (German speaking) brethren and quickly adopted their language, education and cultural practices. This resulted, also, in an assimilation of their other talents in the area of economics, business and things politik.<br /> <br /> "The Khazars were not descended from the Tribes," says Koestler, "but, as we have seen, they shared a certain cosmopolitanism and other social characteristics with their co-religionists." 65<br /> <br /> Somewhere in the historical roots of the Ashkenazi Khazars there incubated a desire to possess a national Jewish homeland. That desire expressed itself in the form of a Messianic movement in twelfth century Khazaria that took on the texture of a "Jewish crusade" whose goal was the forcible subjugation of Palestine. A Khazar Jew named Solomon ben Duji instigated the movement and began an international correspondence with all the Jews of surrounding nations.<br /> <br /> It seems that ben Duji was possessed of messianic delusions of his own in that he claimed that "the time had come in which God would gather Israel, His people from all lands to Jerusalem, the holy city, and that Solomon Ben Duji was Elijah, and his son the Messiah." 66<br /> <br /> This desire for a Jewish homeland echoed down the centuries and found expression again. "It was among Ashkenazi Jews," says the Encyclopedia Americana, "that the idea of political Zionism emerged, leading ultimately to the establishment of the state of Israel....In the late 1960s, Ashkenazi Jews numbered some 11 million, about 84 percent of the world Jewish population." 67<br /> <br /> <br />


Diogenes @ Wed Jan 30, 2008 8:01 am

An issue close to my heart,<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Recovered Memory Syndrome is another of the many absurd and fabricated diseases invented by a psychiatric profession which is based more on mumbo jumbo, then on any known science. Unfortunately the women who claim to have recovered memories and the "therapists" who helped them fabricate these delusions are never the victims. It is always some innocent man, a father, husband or close relative in the life of a hysterical, demented woman. This sick woman, (the 20th century versions of the girls at Salem who accused innocents of being witches) is lashing out, seeking to find a scapegoat for her failures as a human being. These are the women and therapists who insist that some innocent man take responsibility for things that never happened, but they never take responsibility for what they do or for their failure. These women and therapists never are jailed for falsely jailing innocent men. Why is that? <br /> <br /> <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> Please read the following and become a co-signer to Alan Gold's letter (below) to the Minister of Justice. <br /> This letter will stay open until the Justice Minister takes action.<br /> <br /> <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> Minister of Justice Spurns Advice of Legal Scholars and Mental Health Researchers.<br /> Re: Wrongful convictions as a result of repressed memory therapy<br /> <br /> Recently, yet again another professional organization, the Royal College of Psychiatrists, condemned what has been called "repressed memory therapy", calling the practices used "powerful and dangerous methods of persuasion". (Recovered memories of childhood sexual abuse, British Journal of Psychiatry April 1998, 172, pp 296-307)<br /> <br /> Alan Gold, as president and with the support of the board of Canadian Criminal Law Association, wrote a letter (see below) to the Minister of Justice asking that the cases of men falsely accused and wrongfully convicted as a result of accusations that surfaced in "repressed memory therapy" be reviewed and that these men be released from prison. <br /> <br /> The Globe and Mail in an Editorial see below " Remember those justice forgot" ( Wednesday, April 15, p. A14) supported the concerns of Alan Gold.<br /> <br /> Meanwhile the Minister of Justice has chosen to ignore the concern of Alan Gold and the legal scholars as well as the scientific evidence provided by the mental health researchers who share his view. (See list of names below). On May 4, Southam Press newspapers across Canada reported that the minister considers an inquiry into the cases of the wrongfully convicted men "premature". <br /> <br /> Alan's letter therefore will stay open for others to endorse it until action is finally taken.<br /> <br /> <br /> We are asking you to do one or all of the following things to help the unjustly incarcerated men.<br /> Study the matter carefully. Read the reports at the bottom of this page. <br /> Add your name to a list of people in support of Alan Gold's letter. <br /> Write a letter to the Minister of Justice as well. <br /> Bring the matter to the attention of others of your acquantance who understand the issues.<br /> <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> Alan Gold's Letter<br /> ---------BEGIN YOUR CUT AND PASTE HERE--------- <br /> March 25, 1998<br /> <br /> Minister of Justice and Attorney General for Canada<br /> Justice Building 239 Wellington Street<br /> Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0H8<br /> <br /> Minister<br /> <br /> Under the direction of your predecessor in office, a special inquiry was conducted into a particular category of past criminal convictions, namely that of women found guilty of murdering their husbands; you were involved in acting on that inquiry's conclusions. The ground for reopening all those cases was not the usual one applied in appeals of individual convictions (such as errors at the trial level or new evidence); rather, it was a new psychological concept (the "battered wife syndrome"), one not explicitly existing in law at the time of the original trial, but later deemed applicable to an entire group of cases.<br /> <br /> Without considering the merits of the earlier inquiry, it has become increasingly plain that an urgent and powerful need exists for that type of governmental action in another category of cases. In recent years, a certain concept has been allowed uncritically into jurisprudence in Canada and elsewherethat of "repressed" and later "recovered" memory. There was never any legitimate reason for regarding such alleged memories as trustworthy; but by this point in time it is perfectly clear that they are not.<br /> <br /> In the past two years, professional associations of psychiatrists, psychologists and other mental- health workers in various countries (including Canada) have officially warned that such "memories" are so unreliable in general that their evidential value in any individual case is zero. In fact, great numbers of practitioners in those fields maintain that memory "repression" (an unconscious act, not mere forgetting) does not exist at all, certainly not in the case of serious trauma. But that debate is immaterial to the concerns of the Justice system; real or not, such alleged memories are too readily confused with the results of suggestion and confabulation to have any degree of reliability.<br /> <br /> As realization of the total unreliability of "recovered memory" has taken hold in the justice community, courts in many places have responded appropriately. In the US, Appellate and Supreme Courts in New Hampshire, Michigan, Iowa, Minnesota, Tennessee, Texas, Rhode Island, Alabama, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Arizona, California, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Utah and Maryland have issued judgments recognizing the injustice of an accused being convicted on grounds of "recovered memory".<br /> <br /> And yet that now-discredited concept has by this point in time been applied in scores of court cases in our country. More recently, such "evidence" has not been allowed to hold sway in Canada either. But those men convicted under the older naive views continue to suffer - and some of them are still in prison because of it. Worse yet, courts in certain individual "repressed memory" cases in Canada have turned down appeals based on today's greater awareness of how memory works - apparently on the narrow grounds that all was done properly under the jurisprudence of the time. Because of these circumstances, the undersigned believe, there is only one just and proper thing for the Justice Minister to do. Conduct an inquiry into this entire category of convictions, with a view to releasing forthwith all those prisoners who would not have been convicted but for the testimony of "recovered memories".<br /> <br /> Given the systemic nature of the original injustice, and given the failure of Canadian courts to act on the problem even in individual cases, and given the ongoing suffering of those convicted without any adequate grounds, it is absolutely imperative that you act on this matter without delay.<br /> <br /> Yours very truly,<br /> <br /> Alan D. Gold, <br /> President Criminal Lawyers Association <br /> <br /> <br /> --------------END CUT AND PASTE-------------- <br /> <br /> I cut some out but here is the rest,<br /> <br /> <br /> THE GLOBE AND MAIL, Editorial<br /> Wednesday, April 15, 1998<br /> Remember Those Justice Forgot<br /> 'SCIENCE helped convict him. Science exonerated him," wrote Mr. Justice Fred Kaufman in his inquiry into the wrongful conviction of Guy Paul Morin for the 1984 murder of Christine Jessop. Mr. Morin is lucky, if you can use such a word to describe the ordeal he has endured, because DNA evidence allowed him to triumph over the failures of the Canadian criminal justice system. Like Judge Kaufman, though, we believe Mr. Morin is not the only innocent person to have been "swept up in the criminal process."<br /> Unfortunately, many of these people are unable to marshal DNA or any other evidence to bolster their protestations of innocence. That's because they have been convicted of horrible crimes, including rape and murder, based on nothing more substantial than an accusation founded on so-called repressed and then recovered memories of sexual abuse. Most of them can't even publicize their stories because publication bans have been imposed to protect the privacy of the alleged victim.<br /> <br /> Recovered-memory therapy was one of the most pernicious trends to sweep North America in the late 1980s and early 1990s, fracturing thousands of families and leading to hundreds of arrests and financially crippling lawsuits. Almost two years ago, the Canadian Psychiatric Association followed the lead of the Americans and the Australians and produced a position paper saying that memories of childhood sexual abuse triggered in adults during psychotherapy are unreliable and should not be accepted without corroborating evidence. In January, a leaked report from Britain's Royal College of Psychiatrists went even further.<br /> <br /> "Despite widespread clinical and popular belief that memories can be "blocked out' by the mind, no empirical evidence exists to support either repression or dissociation," said the report, which went on to say that "repression and recovery of verified, severely traumatic events, and their role in symptom formation has yet to be proved."<br /> <br /> These denunciations have yet to penetrate the Canadian criminal- justice system. That's why we are calling on Justice Minister Anne McLellan to order an inquiry into all convictions based on this internationally discredited therapeutic theory. There are precedents for such a review.<br /> <br /> In 1995, the justice minister and solicitor-general asked Madam Justice Lynne Ratushny of the Ontario Court's Provincial Division to review nearly 100 cases of women convicted of murder or manslaughter before 1990, when the Supreme Court ruled that battered- women syndrome is a legitimate defence. As a result of the review, the federal government granted conditional pardons or early release to four women and referred the case of a fifth woman to an appeal court.<br /> <br /> Recognizing battered-woman syndrome provided a retroactive defence to women charged with murdering their partners. A similar consideration should be extended to people who were convicted based on another syndrome that has, in this case, been discredited. We aren't the only ones arguing for such a review. Late last month, Alan Gold, president of the Criminal Lawyers Association made a similar appeal in a letter to the Justice Minister. He asked her to "conduct an inquiry into this entire category of convictions, with a view to releasing forthwith all those prisoners who would not have been convicted but for the testimony of 'recovered memories.' " As Mr. Gold said, "an urgent and powerful need exists" to act on this matter without delay.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF PSYCHIATRISTS <br /> R E P O R T E D R E C O V E R E D M E M O R I E S<br /> O F C H I L D S E X U A L A B U S E <br /> Press Release , 1st April 1998<br /> <br /> On the Validity of Repressed Memory Therapy<br /> A comprehensive review of the literature on recovered memories of childhood sexual abuse has concluded that when 'memories' are recovered after long periods of amnesia, particularly when questionable techniques were used to recover them, there is a high probability that the memories are false.<br /> Published in the April 1998 issue of the British Journal of Psychiatry, the review article by Professor Sydney Brandon and colleagues presents the conclusions of an overview of recovered memories and the techniques used to elicit them. This follows last year's publication of consensus recommendations for good practice (Royal College of Psychiatrists Working Group on Reported Recovered Memories of Child Sexual Abuse, 1997). A recovered memory, in the context of this paper, is the emergence of an apparent recollection of childhood sexual abuse of which the individual had no previous knowledge. <br /> <br /> A false memory is the recollection of an event which did not occur, but which the individual subsequently strongly believes.<br /> <br /> The paper distinguishes different types of memory, namely episodic, autobiographical and implicit. Numerous studies in children and adults have found that psychologically traumatic events often result in an inability to forget, rather than a complete expulsion from awareness. Amnesia for prolonged recurrent abuse is rare. Adult patients suffering from amnesia are well aware of the gap in their memory. It has not been possible to demonstrate any clear link between clinical accounts of trauma and the neurobiology of memory.<br /> <br /> Memory changes overtime and is subject to error and distortion<br /> <br /> A growing body of research indicates that memory is fallible and vulnerable to suggestion; and that suggestibility and confabulation increase with the length of time between the events and later attempts to recall it. The authors conclude that individual autobiographical memory is unreliable, and that people are often unable to remember considerable parts of their past experiences. Expectations and beliefs can colour people's recollections, and gaps in memory will be filled to create a "life story" which they find satisfying.<br /> <br /> Confidence in one's memory does not correlate with the accuracy of the memory. No autobiographical memory can be relied on without some external corroboration, but the frequent denial, even by proven abusers, and the secrecy surrounding child abuse often make such corroboration difficult to obtain.<br /> <br /> Memory enhancement techniques questioned<br /> <br /> Therapists may use a number of techniques, some of which are regularly employed in orthodox therapy but are questionable when used as 'memory recovery' procedures. These include: <br /> <br /> Check Lists: there is no evidence that any check lists, syndromes, symptoms or signs indicate with any degree of reliability that an individual has been sexually abused in the remote past. <br /> Drug-induced abreaction: It is inappropriate to use repeated abreaction to 'trawl' for traumatic events. There is considerable anecdotal clinical evidence that in repeated session patients will eventually generate material which is a product of fantasy. Even in a single session of abreaction great caution is required. <br /> Hypnosis: this technique has been shown to be unreliable as a means of eliciting memories of past events, and such 'memories' are no longer admitted as legal testimony. <br /> Age regression: there is no evidence for the efficacy of this technique, nor can it be shown that the subject's 'memories' actually do regress to the target age. <br /> Dream interpretation: there is no evidence that dreams are a 'royal road' to historical accuracy; and interpretations usually reflect the training and personal convictions of the therapist. <br /> Imagistic and 'feelings' work and art therapy: although many of these techniques are applications of accepted clinical practice, they can be powerfully suggestive and induce trance-like states. The beliefs of the therapist are the determining factor in how a patient's production are shaped. <br /> Survivors' groups: whilst these can be supportive, the practice of mixing those who clearly remember abuse with those who are suspected by the therapist of having repressed their memories has been strongly criticised because of the risk of suggestion and contagion among group members. <br /> The authors conclude that memory enhancement techniques do not actually enhance memory, and that there is evidence that they can be powerful and dangerous methods of persuasion. Many of the memories 'recovered' by these measures refer to events in the early months and years of life, which fall within the period of infantile amnesia, and must be regarded as implausible for that reason. The evidence suggests that all the techniques outlined above can create entirely new and false memories, not only experimentally but also in clinical practice.<br /> <br /> Can repeated, severe childhood abuse be forgotten?<br /> <br /> There is no evidence that memories can be 'blocked out' by the mind, either by repression or by dissociation. Given the revalence of childhood sexual abuse, even if only a small proportion of memories are repressed and only some of them subsequently recovered, there should be a significant number of corroborated cases recovered through psychotherapy in the literature. In fact, there is none.<br /> <br /> Distortion of memory may occur in any therapeutic situation, and psychiatrists need to be aware of the techniques employed by other members of their teams, such as community psychiatric nurses, psychologists and social workers.<br /> <br /> The review paper ends with a series of guidelines to help psychiatrists to avoid the pitfalls of memory recovery. The issue of false or recovered memories should not, the authors emphasize, be allowed to confuse the recognition and treatment of sexually abused children. However, it is also essential to minimise the risk of creating false memories of abuse which will cause the patient and family further suffering. More research is needed into the reported associations between childhood sexual abuse and later adult psychopathology. The authors conclude that at present there is no specific post-sexual abuse syndrome.<br /> <br /> For press copies of the paper or further information contact<br /> Deborah Hart<br /> or Vanessa Harries<br /> on Tel 00 44 171 235 2351 ext 127 or 154<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> EXCERPTS FROM THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF PSYCHIATRY REPORT <br /> From the "RECOMMENDATIONS"<br /> <br /> Psychiatrists are advised to avoid engaging in techniques which are intended to reveal evidence of past sexual abuse of which the patient has no memory, and should regard with extreme caution memories of this kind whenever they appear. There is no evidence that the use of consciousness-altering techniques, such as drug-mediated interviews or hypnosis, can reveal or elaborate evidence of childhood sexual abuse. Techniques of ‘regression therapy' (age regression, guided imagery, ‘body memories' journaling, or literal dream interpretation, where this is used as evidence of fact) are of dubious provenance. <br /> Forceful or persuasive interviewing techniques are not acceptable in psychiatric practice. Doctors should be aware that patients are susceptible to subtle suggestions and reinforcements, whether or not these communications are intended. <br /> The psychiatrist should alert the patient to any doubts about the historical accuracy of recovered memories of previously unknown sexual abuse. This is particularly important if the patient intends to take action outside the therapeutic situation. Memories, however emotionally intense and significant to the individual, may not necessarily represent historical truth.<br /> Memories may be <br /> (1) historically true, <br /> (2) metaphorical representations, <br /> (3) caused by the psychological state of the patient or <br /> (4) be the result of unintentional suggestion by the practitioner. <br /> It may be legitimate not to question the validity of a recovered memory while it remains within the privacy of the consulting room, although this introduces the risk of colluding in the creation of a life history based upon a false belief. <br /> The psychiatrist should help the patient think through the consequences of any confrontation. In these circumstances it is important to encourage a search for corroborative evidence before any action is taken. The truth or falsity of the underlying memories cannot be known in the absence of such evidence. <br /> Where an alleged abuser is still in touch with children, serious consideration must be given to informing the appropriate social services. This must be done where there are reasonable grounds for believing that the alleged assault took place and that children may still be at risk. The psychiatrist must also be prepared to state clearly whether he or she believes that the grounds for any accusation are unlikely or impossible.<br /> Alongside reports of recovered memories of sexual abuse there have been growing numbers of cases of multiple personality disorder (also known as dissociative identity disorder). <br /> <br /> There seems little doubt that many of these cases are iatrongenically (caused by the doctor or therapist ed.) determined. <br /> Any spontaneous presentation of multiple personality disorder should be sympathetically considered but should not be made the subject of undue attention nor should the patient be encouraged to develop ‘alter personalities' in whom to invest aspects of their personality, their fantasies or their current life problems.<br /> <br /> Psychiatrists should be particularly aware of the unreliability of the memories reported in these cases and of the close association both with prolonged therapy and with recovered memories of sexual abuse, particularly alleged satanic abuse. Since there is no settled view of the validity of multiple personality disorder, and because of the very strong correlation with recovered memories of sexual abuse which is itself a disputed concept, there is a strong case for a consensus paper on multiple personality disorder based upon a substantial review of the literature.<br /> <br /> The Royal College of Psychiatrists working party produced also a full report which was published in the April 1998 issue of the house organ of the College the British Journal of Psychiatry. The following are the conclusions of that report based on a study of the relevant scientific research:<br /> <br /> <br /> SUMMARY OF THE EVIDENCE<br /> (from the Royal College report) <br /> There is NO empirical evidence to support either repression or dissociation, though there is much clinical support for these concepts. Evidence does not support the existence of "robust repression." <br /> Events are constantly forgotten and remembered on a daily basis. <br /> There is abundant evidence, both clinically and experimentally, that memory can be distorted and that false memories do occur. <br /> Illusory memories can arise during the course of any psychological treatment, whether or not it is designated as "recovered memory therapy". Their creation seems to depend upon the conviction of the therapist or the patient that child sexual abuse underlies adult psychopathology. <br /> Memory enhancing techniques do not improve the quality of remembering. They do increase the conviction with which memories, true or false, are held. They appear to be dangerous methods of persuasion. <br /> More research is needed into the associations between childhood sexual abuse and later adult psychopathology. At present we can only conclude that there is no pathognomic post sexual abuse syndrome. <br /> There is no means of determining the factual truth or falsity of a recovered memory other than through external evidence, difficult though this is to obtain. Some reported events are so incredible that they could not have occurred and should not be believed.<br /> For the full report and biblography see The British Journal of Psychiatry (1998) 172, 296 - 307<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> For more information do not hesitate to write to Adriaan J.W. Mak<br /> Editor False Memory Support Groups Newsletter Canada<br /> 555 Kininvie Drive<br /> London, ON, N6G 1P1<br /> Tel: (519) 471-6338<br /> Fax: (519) 471-0583<br /> Email<br /> <br /> Send a Free Fax via email to Anne MacLellan<br /> Me again <br /> For some of us there is no redress through the courts.<br /> <br /> Coincidently the dates here coincide perfectly with the events in my life and for me there will be no relief through the courts.<br /> All the courts can do id turn it into a money issue, or bring even more havoc into the lives of the acussers.<br /> The best one can hope for is a turn of conscience by the acussers, then perhaps justice will be served<br /> Dio<br />


Diogenes @ Thu Jan 31, 2008 10:21 am

From my mailbox<br /> <br /> Dear Radical Reader,<br /> <br /> This is a rather urgent message which I received today from the editor and owner of the Mohawk Nation News. She is rather desperate to find out what has happened to her website and is asking anyone who could help her get some answers to please contact her at the email addresses contained in this article. Don’t bother trying to write to ‘Ernie” as I’ve already tried and that email address no longer exists. <br /> <br /> Something weird is going on and it would be nice to help Kahentinetha resolve this dilemma as her website is of vital importance in keeping her community informed. If there is anything at all you can think of to help her please contact her immediately.<br /> <br /> Thank you.<br /> <br /> Arthur Topham<br /> Pub/Ed<br /> The Radical Press<br /> ------------------------------<br /> <br /> Wednesday, January 30th, 2008<br /> <br /> <br /> WHO “CRASHED” THE MNN WEBSITE? WAS IT HURT FEEEELINGS OVER “NICKNAMES” <br /> <br /> <br /> by Kahentinetha Horn<br /> "orakwa" <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> MNNN. Jan. 30, 2008. The gross corruption revealed in “Access to Information” documents from Public Security and Emergency Preparedness Canada and Indian Affairs has not made the front pages of the corporate media. [Dossier No. 1336-A-2006-0034]. Instead they’ve temporarily sabotaged MNN. It appears to now be owned by 1599754 Ontario Limited!! How could this happen? How could we lose ownership of our website without our knowledge or consent. Ernie Hilts, the website host, at 705-429-4792 email [email protected] won’t answer our calls or emails, that I never gave up ownership of my website. We can’t think of anyone who would have a motivation for doing this. <br /> <br /> [“Canada’s ‘Indian Affairs’ financed war machine to attack Mohawks on Jan. 12, 2004” – Jan. 27, 2008].<br /> <br /> We know that the Canadian government is riddled with corruption. They aren’t as careful to cover their tracks because they don’t see us as people. They think we are powerless, have no voice and are blind. They have secret meeting about us. We have no rights. They can plan to deprive us or even kill us. <br /> <br /> The people written about are objecting to the nicknames we gave them, such as “ambulance chaser” and “turn coat”. They are not denying the factual substance of the information found in the documents we reviewed. None have expressed any concern for those who are suffering from poverty, poor health, inferior education and unemployment because they are withholding or diverting our funds. <br /> <br /> None have called for an investigation. No criminal charges have been laid. This proves that Canada does not live by the rule of law. To them, as long as something is authorized by someone higher up, it’s legal even if it’s in blatant violation of their legal mandate set out for them by the laws passed by Parliament.<br /> <br /> Back in 1978 when I was working for Indian Affairs in Ottawa, the Assistant Deputy Minister, Cam Mackie, had a Christmas party in his swank spacious office on the 21st floor. No Indians were invited. A fellow non-native employee invited me to go up there. Cam Mackie was walking around wearing a t-shirt with the message, “Let’s have an Indian Affair”. Honest to goodness! It was supposed to be a joke. Just reading it felt like a knife right in my gut. I was terrified for the future of my three little girls. How could I protect them as a single mother and a native woman? <br /> <br /> “You are disgusting”, I said and went home to protect my little ones. My fear was real. Indigenous women are still being victimized. 500 are missing and not investigated. Everyone knew that it was open season on young native girls like Betty Osborne who had been raped and killed by four non-native young men. Everyone in the community knew. Nobody did a thing. It went unpunished for almost 20 years.<br /> <br /> Here was sanction of the abuse of Indigenous people from the highest level. <br /> <br /> Closer to hand, it was open season on young native boys. Kevin White, a Cree, was dying of AIDS contracted through association with Indian Affairs and high government homosexuals. [“Where Eagles Dare to Soar – Indians, Politics and AIDS”]. Not to mention the “Starlight Tours” in Saskatchewan where police left our young boys about 30 miles out of the city to perish in the freezing cold. <br /> <br /> This abuse of our young people cannot happen without the express complicity of the colonial hierarchy. When water goes down the toilet, it’s a sick maelstrom that sucks in a lot of people. Those who betrayed the Mohawks of Kanehsateke may have started out with good intentions. They get into the momentum, forget to take a stand when necessary and try to drag us down with them. <br /> <br /> They fell under the Svengali spell and started selling land like La Trappe without the people’s consent, negotiated away the beach or supported political manipulations with lawyers, third party managers, compliant band councils, and allowed the same law firm to represent the colonial government, the church and the Indigenous people. What a party they must be having with three major funding sources. These people are shocked to see themselves exposed. <br /> <br /> Perhaps they were so entranced by their access to foreign colonial power and the promises that they thought they were doing the people a favor by making decisions without our consent and taking part in these manipulations behind our backs. Or just sitting there and doing nothing.<br /> <br /> No one can complain they weren’t interviewed when it’s all there in black and white. Were we interviewed before they signed away our rights? What makes them think they can trash the democratic principles of rule by the people and think they are above everyone else? Once elected, forget about us!<br /> <br /> The conference calls, discussions and reports in the documents were pure sleaze. Those involved knew they were hurting us. We invite them to publish the full text on the internet without their spin doctors slanting it and lawyers burying the news.<br /> <br /> They’ve become props for outright dictators. They planned, schemed and sat there idly while our communities go without basic necessities like clean water, decent food and housing. They’ve diverted our funds to hire armed forces, manipulate the media and oppress and attack us. <br /> <br /> It appears to be okay to call us “squaws”, “wagon burners” or “welfare bums”. It’s not okay to call an “elected official” who betrays his people a “turncoat” or a lawyer who to tries to profit from our misfortune an “ambulance chaser”. <br /> <br /> They say if we had all the facts we would find that the nicknames are wrong. As far as MNN is concerned, they could be worse! Hey wait a minute! How could we get to “know all the facts” when the meetings are all secret or behind closed doors? If government was open and transparent the way it’s supposed to be in a society that supposed to treat everyone equally, we might find out more <br /> about this shocking abuse of governmental process and misspending of our money.<br /> <br /> Why hasn’t anyone been criminally charged for misappropriation of funds and for exceeding their authority or fraud? <br /> <br /> Why were people in Kanehsatake jailed for objecting to the attack made on us by a paramilitary force paid with money diverted from our health care, education and social programs? <br /> <br /> Some of our communities are within spitting distance of the glitz and glamour lived by high public officials in Ottawa, Montreal and Quebec City. People grow fat on publicly funded buffets while there isn’t enough money to get decent education, healthcare and even proper nutrition for our people. <br /> <br /> Why can’t they admit the horrendous reality of what they’ve done? What can we do to stop them? <br /> <br /> Why do these people feel that they can lie to and manipulate us? They’re worried about silly nicknames? I am sorry, this is no kid’s party. We are real people that the bureaucracy is trying to trample into the ground by using our own resources they’ve stolen. How low on the UN scale do we have to live before Canadian politicians and Indian Affairs stop yawning?<br /> <br /> They cannot admit to themselves how disgusting and vile their actions are. They stand behind guns that are pointed at us, manipulate the media and sabotage our right to freedom of speech, while they down more martinis and tranquilizers. <br /> <br /> There’s nothing charming about poverty. There’s nothing charming about the misuse of our funds. There is nothing charming about Cam Mackie walking around with a T-shirt announcing that it is open season on our young people. <br /> <br /> We’d be interested in hearing from our so-called “elected leaders” without the crutch of their spin doctors and public relations firms. They should be tried in open court, just like we are when we try to exercise our traditional sovereign rights that we have never given up. Steven Bonspille, Ghislain Picard and Phil Fontaine, get out of the way! Your genocidal services are not required. <br /> <br /> <br /> Kahentinetha Horn<br /> <br /> MNNN “Muzzled” Mohawk Nation News [for now]<br /> <br /> In the meantime, we are in the process of retrieving our “abducted” website. Please contact us: [email protected] , [email protected]<br /> <br />


Diogenes @ Sun Feb 03, 2008 1:01 am <br /> <br /> <br /> T H E A U T H O R I T Y H O A X<br /> For all those who think they have authority over me – agents of IRS/CRA, insurance,<br /> bank, government, and, in particular, cops:<br /> I know you think you have authority over me. What has caused you to think this? The<br /> only possible answer is that someone, whom you believe to have authority over YOU, has<br /> told you that you have authority over another. In other words, because we are all created<br /> equal, in order for you to believe in a concept which is contrary to this truth, you must<br /> have been programmed to believe a lie. What is true is that, unless one Man grants to<br /> another his God-given authority, it is impossible for another to have it. No one would<br /> willingly, knowingly, or intentionally grant another Man authority over his property, his<br /> body, or his life. So, if you believe that someone has authority over you, it is because you<br /> have either willingly granted it or you have been deceived into granting it to him and if<br /> you believe you have authority over me, it is because you believe in a false concept.<br /> Accordingly, you must provide proof that you do, indeed, have true – not what you might<br /> have obtained against my will – but, true authority over me. If you can’t prove it; you<br /> don’t have it.<br /> Birth Certificate (aka: BC)<br /> No man or woman has a NAME or is a NAME. Men and woman act in capacity of<br /> principal of a NAME which is on all documents based upon the Birth Certificate – which<br /> is not to be used to identify any Man (man or woman). The BC is a bond which evidences<br /> a treasury account which was set-up for the use of the bearer of the BC, yet, no Man,<br /> other than the elite, has ever been able to access the credit of this account. In fact, the BC<br /> – evidence of the account, has, until recently, never served us; it has only caused<br /> government officials to hold us as surety for charges against the account. In 1933, after<br /> the 1929 Depression – instigated by the banks to threaten governments to pay their debts<br /> – governments were forced to declare bankruptcy. Yet, they pledged the future labour and<br /> productivity of the people in order to repay the interest on the loans. When we work for<br /> ‘pay’, it only appears as if we are compensated for our labour. (What’s true is, then, we<br /> exchange the cheque – a promise to pay – for debt so we were never compensated at all.<br /> The only thing that occurred is that the company which allegedly paid us got off the hook<br /> for having to pay tax on an asset – our labour. The paycheque is their way of getting out<br /> of tax – nothing else. We did not ‘get paid’.) The NAME which is ‘paid’, via either<br /> cheque or direct deposit is owned by the province/state to which our parents gave a<br /> NAME to be registered. They were tricked into allowing the feds to create an account<br /> which could be charged. Because the NAME is so similar to what parents called their<br /> child, everyone came to believe that the NAME on the account is the child. The entity<br /> which is ‘paid’, owns the bank account, the house, car, etc. is the NAME which is owned<br /> by the state/province. This is why we do not ‘own’ our houses.<br /> Recently, I asked a bank manager, “Why were you so adamant about my providing you<br /> ‘government-issued ID’ in order for you to obtain the precise ‘name’ in which to open the<br /> account when, now, I see you’ve listed the account in a name which is nothing like the<br /> name on the passport?” She had no answer.<br /> We can no longer pay our debts, hence, we can no longer create debt because no bankrupt<br /> entity (government) can make a claim against us. So, they charge the NAME and<br /> convince us that we ARE that NAME, thereby making us surety for the charge and<br /> hoping we will be the one to pay the tax on the funds which ‘they’ create in order to pay<br /> back the banks. This is how we have become slaves. We MUST quit identifying with the<br /> NAME. All that is required of us, in order to obtain all we need and desire, is our<br /> signature so that the store/service can charge the account for credit to make another of<br /> whatever we just purchased, at no cost to us, because we already paid for it when the feds<br /> floated a bond against the NAME which never would have existed if our parents hadn’t<br /> allowed them to use it. This account was designed for OUR benefit. The feds would never<br /> take a chance on acting fraudulently so when we look at different ‘laws’ we see that they<br /> do not apply to us, they apply to the feds so that they will not take advantage of us. We<br /> all have experienced the bureaucrats’ violation of their own laws and we have all asked,<br /> “Where can we go for our remedy when courts, once designed for law and justice no<br /> longer exist?” The only courts in existence now are commercial courts meant solely for<br /> the collection of revenue in order to pay the interest on the loans to the World Bank.... not<br /> to mention pad the judges pension. Fortunately, via the Uniform Commercial Code, we<br /> can now regain our control.


Diogenes @ Fri Feb 08, 2008 8:04 pm

B¹nai Brith Canada Faces Revolt‏ <br /> From: The Radical Press ([email protected]) <br /> Sent: February 9, 2008 2:52:51 AM <br /> To: RADICAL PRESS ([email protected]) <br /> <br /> Dear Radical Reader,<br /> <br /> The article below came out one week before I received my complaint from the Canadian Human Rights Commission is a good illustration of what I continually talk and write about with respect to Harry Abrams and the B’nai Brith’s attack upon me and my website Here is an organization quickly shifting into more and more secrecy and unaccountability and resembling the Israeli Mossad rather than just another benevolent, for-charity organization here in Canada.<br /> <br /> Can you imagine any other charitable organization that refuses to allow its members to see the books or refuses to send out audited information to its members or manhandles members out the door if they happen to question the Minutes of an AGM or refuses to publish the names of the Board of Directors?!!!<br /> <br /> Could it be they don’t want members or the general public to know where they’re getting their money from or who they’re bankrolling? Or is it information regarding their exaggerated influence upon the Harper Conservative government that they want to keep hidden from the public eye?<br /> <br /> As the article states, for a group composed of only four thousand members they seem to be extremely adept at manipulating government policy. Is this a surprise? Not to me. This organization is 100% pro-Zionist and its mandate IS to influence Canadian government policy in favour of Israel. That, I suggest, is one of the main reasons why Abrams and B’nai Brith want to shut me up.<br /> <br /> Please pass this article along to anyone who still believes that Zionism is nothing but a benign political philosophy that only supports a spiritual homeland for Jews.<br /> <br /> Peace and Justice for All,<br /> <br /> Arthur Topham<br /> Pub/Ed<br /> The Radical Press<br /> Canada’s Radical News Network<br /> [email protected]<br /><br /> “Digging to the root of the issues since 1998”<br /> ------------------------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> B’nai Brith Canada Faces Revolt<br /> <br /> By Sheldon Gordon<br /> Tue. Nov 13, 2007<br /> <br /> Toronto — One of Canada’s foremost Jewish advocacy organizations is being shaken by an internal rebellion of members who say that the organization lacks “responsible governance.”<br /> <br /> A group calling itself Concerned Members of B’nai Brith Canada is challenging B’nai Brith Canada, a 132-year old service organization. The group of dissenters says that its members include four past presidents. The rebels have declined to reveal their identities, claiming they would face summary expulsion from B’nai Brith.<br /> <br /> Former Toronto lodge president Henry Gimpel, a spokesman for the dissidents, said, “It’s not that they’re trying to” oust B’nai Brith Canada’s top officers, “they have to.”<br /> <br /> “There’s no way you can reverse the situation with the existing [leaders],” Gimpel said. “There’s too much of [B’nai Brith Canada] being run by one person.”<br /> <br /> Frank Dimant, who has been B’nai Brith Canada’s executive vice president for the past 29 years, rejected the charge of one-man rule. “I would categorically deny that,” he told the Forward. “This organization is made up of many leaders, many of them well known in the community.”<br /> <br /> B’nai Brith is one of the Canadian Jewish community’s leading names. It was founded in 1875 as a Jewish service organization and later morphed into a defender of the community against antisemitism. Like its American counterpart, B’nai Brith Canada is affiliated with B’nai B’rith International. Unlike its American counterpart, it plays a leading role in Canada’s Jewish political advocacy and has a high-media profile — standing as a right-of-center alternative to the more centrist Canadian Jewish Congress.<br /> <br /> In recent years, B’nai Brith Canada’s political agenda has enabled it to build close ties with the ruling Conservative Party, giving it greater influence on the federal government than its limited base — 4,000 full dues-paying members — would suggest. The dissidents claim that B’nai Brith Canada’s membership has declined, and there’s no doubt that the organization has been struggling financially: Last January, it had to re-mortgage its head office building to raise $850,000.<br /> <br /> Gimpel, who is an ex-member of B’nai Brith Canada’s national administrative board, warned that three lodges, accounting for one-quarter of the national organization’s dues-paying membership, are discussing breaking away. Sources inside B’nai Brith denied this. Lodge officials could not be reached for comment.<br /> <br /> Since May, the dissenters have distributed an anonymous monthly newsletter called BBC News Without the Spin. In the June issue, they wrote, “We want to end the current dysfunctional corporate governance at BBC and restore it to its once prominent position.”<br /> <br /> Some of the criticism has taken on the organization’s political nature, with dissidents claiming that B’nai Brith Canada has become too closely identified with the Conservative Party, to the point that it could endanger its status as a charitable institution. Sources close to the organization say that these complaints come from dissidents who are supporters of the Liberal Party.<br /> <br /> Much of the criticism, however, takes on the organization’s financial governance. The rebels complain that there is “no financial accountability,” no annual general meeting involving participation by the lodges and no elections of officers. The dissidents have said that “senior officers” have failed for the past five years to provide members and donors with audited annual financial statements for the annual general meeting.<br /> <br /> Prior to the 2006 meeting, the president of the organization, Gerry Weinstein, wrote a letter to dissidents in which he said that “the business heretofore conducted at the [annual general meeting] is now within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Board of Governors and the Executive Committee.”<br /> <br /> Members wishing to review B’nai Brith Canada’s audited financial statements can do so only at the organization’s offices and cannot make copies.<br /> <br /> The dissidents filed a complaint with a federal agency, Corporations Canada, in December 2005, stating that the restricted financial disclosure violated the Canada Corporations Act. They asked for a probe of B’nai Brith Canada’s status as a registered not-for-profit. The agency told the group that it should take the matter to court.<br /> <br /> The rebels lost at the B’nai Brith International Court of Appeals, an internal tribunal that ruled against them in July and stated, “No irregularity in the procedures followed by B’nai Brith Canada has been made out that would invoke the jurisdiction of this Court.”<br /> <br /> Weinstein declined to be interviewed, but in a written statement he said, “These disgruntled individuals have chosen to attack B’nai Brith Canada and its leadership in a manner that we believe is without just cause and destructive to the organization and the Jewish community as a whole.”<br /> <br /> Weinstein said that B’nai Brith Canada was acting similarly to other Jewish organizations, including B’nai B’rith International, that had changed their power structures “to protect themselves from both internal and external challenges.”<br /> <br /> B’nai Brith sources said that the dissident past presidents are motivated by personal grievances against the organization or individuals in the organization, and that some have not been active members for decades.<br /> <br /> The rebels, for their part, say that there have been vigorous efforts to stifle their dissent. When an officer of B’nai Brith Canada’s biggest lodge disputed the contents of the minutes at the 2006 annual meeting, security personnel attempted to forcibly remove him, according to the rebels. More recently, they say, five members received a letter from the organization’s lawyers warning them not to publish the critical newsletter.<br /> <br /> The dissidents also are upset that B’nai Brith Canada refuses to reveal the names of its board of governors. A spokeswoman for the organization initially agreed to provide the Forward with “some names,” then later said that in order to protect the members’ privacy, the names would not be disclosed.


Diogenes @ Tue Feb 12, 2008 5:56 pm

An ebook for your edification <br /> <br /> <br /><br /> <br /> <br /> Introduction and Overview<br /> <br /> <br /> Feudalism: control by an entrenched minority esp. for its own benefit : social, political, or economic oligarchy. <br /> <br /> You are reading this online, so I won't waste your time. <br /> The aim of the book is to provide enough shocking facts about the manipulative practices of America's power elite, that readers will be motivated (i.e., made angry enough) to take part in efforts to bring the richest 1% under control, ...before they impoverish the planet and destroy the biosphere.<br /> The book presents overwhelming evidence that masquerading behind a democratic facade, an economic elite comprising less than 1% of the population is quietly and cunningly ruling America. Their immense wealth and power enable them to exercise so much control over the governmental process, that they effectively operate the country as a Feudal oligarchy. The book will leave little doubt that Government has been serving as a tool to subsidize and legitimize their exploitation of national and international resources, while legislative tax changes have left the nation with a Feudal wealth distribution system. <br /> Presenting the evidence to substantiate this argument is not the main reason the book was written. Documenting the methods used by the elite to manipulate, control and exploit those with less money or power is the real purpose. At least 80% of the book is devoted to documenting their very effective methodology. <br /> <br /> While it is evident that most people are somewhat aware that government appears to cater to corporations and influential lobby groups, the average taxpayer is practically oblivious to the extent to which the wealthiest 1% directly and purposely control and manipulate the lives and destinies of everyone else on the planet. <br /> <br /> For those who have been brought up on a steady diet of the American Dream, but notice that today's reality and the American Dream seem to be growing further and further apart, it may be worth keeping in mind that if a frog is placed in a pan full of cold water, and the heat is turned up gradually enough, the frog will fail to sense the danger, and instead of jumping to safety, it could quite unknowingly allow itself to be cooked. In a similar fashion, the media continues to be used to desensitize and/or misinform the general public into repeatedly accepting domestic and foreign policies that are very often diametrically opposed to the best interest of the majority. <br /> <br /> my note<br /> ndie would have you beleive we Canadians are anti-American. He is wrong some are, some are not so what! <br /> if it were not for article (ebooks) like this one bt an American I doubt the infor would be available <br /> <br /> edited 12:05am tues April 13<br /> <br /> There is an election on the horizon <br /> There is always an election on the horizon so spread this far and wide so far so wide that I recieve it back in my mailbox <br /> <br />


Brent Swain @ Wed Feb 13, 2008 5:06 pm

Perhaps the lack of available info on finances explains where the money has been going.<br /> If too close ties with a political party can undermine a so called "charity's" status as a non profit organization, then why is the Fraser institute allowed to remain registered as a" charity," for tax purposes, given its long standing unquestioning support for whatever polices the Conservatives advocate and its long standing campaign against the very concept of charity? It is, after all, just another mouthpiece for the Conservative party, taxpayer funded due to it's clearly fraudulent status as a registered "Charity"<br /> Any MP's out there want to take up the issue?<br /> Brent<br />


Diogenes @ Tue Feb 19, 2008 5:36 pm

<br /> <br /> <br /> Why Are Jews Persecuted?<br /> Commentary<br /> By Jayne Gardener<br /> 2-19-8 <br /> <br /> I always used to wonder what it was about Jews that made people throughout history despise them. If they were indeed "God's chosen" I thought, they had to be the unluckiest people in the history of the world. <br /> <br /> Why were they persecuted throughout history? <br /> <br /> Why had the Nazis herded them into cattle cars and taken them to "extermination camps" to dispose once and for all of the "Jewish problem?" <br /> <br /> I suddenly recognized that if Hitler had developed a "Final Solution" to the Jewish question, that there had to have been a "Jewish Problem." Could the Jews have in any way behaved in such a manner that would make the countries in which they resided turn against them, or were they just unfortunate, innocent victims? <br /> <br /> I set out to find answers for my questions, mainly turning to the Internet, but also reading various books on the subject. What I found became increasingly disturbing to me. <br /> <br /> I had not known that throughout history, the Jews had been expelled from 79 countries, some countries more than once. <br /> <br /> I had not known that many of the claims they made about the Holocaust that I had believed unquestioningly for so long were in fact fraudulent. <br /> <br /> The books I had read and the movies I had seen about the "Holocaust" and wept over were nothing but thinly veiled attempts to garner unwavering sympathy for the state of Israel and an excuse to extort billions of dollars from Germany and 1.25 billion dollars from the Swiss banks. <br /> <br /> I discovered that a book I had read many times as a teenager and cried about, Anne Frank's Diary, had been at least partially written by someone other than Anne Frank. <br /> <br /> I learned that the confessions at the Nuremburg Trials and the executions of so many German "war criminals" were were extracted under torture and the defendants were being tried, judged and condemned by their very accusers. <br /> <br /> I learned about the "false flag" operations, especially the Lavon affair and the tragedy of the USS Liberty, an American ship that was attacked by the Israelis during the 1967 war. 34 young American men were killed and many more wounded. <br /> <br /> To add insult to injury, the Israelis claimed that it was simply an unfortunate case of mistaken identity, something the survivors of the Liberty have always vehemently denied. They, however, were threatened with court martial if they were ever to tell their stories. <br /> <br /> I learned about the Jonathan Pollard spy case and other incidents of Israeli Jews spying against their supposed "closest ally." <br /> <br /> I became shocked and horrified as I learned about the treatment of the Palestinian people in the occupied territories at the hands of the Israeli Defense Forces and the Jewish settlers. Israel purports to be the only democracy in the middle east, but it's only a democracy for Jews. Non-Jews are not considered equal. <br /> <br /> I was saddened to see pictures of innocent Palestinian children burned beyond recognition or suffering from serious gunshot wounds after being targeted by the IDF for no other reason than that they are Palestinian. <br /> <br /> I found out about the Jewish history of avariciousness, larceny, lying, manipulation and their questionable and usurious business practices. <br /> <br /> I learned about their roles in the radical homosexual movement, the radical feminist movement, the pornography industry as well as their over-representation in the abortion industry. <br /> <br /> I discovered their role in organized crime, in the slave trade, in the civil rights movement and in Communism, an ideology that is responsible for the deaths of untold millions and the repression of many millions more. <br /> <br /> I learned that it was Jewish supremacists behind the war against Christianity and Christmas. It is they who want God out of the Pledge of Allegiance and all symbols of Christianity removed from public life. <br /> <br /> <br /> They have driven Christianity from the public schools despite Christianity being the majority religion. <br /> <br /> They have taken Christmas out of the public school calendar despite the fact that it is a statutory holiday and it is named Christmas. <br /> <br /> I read about the anti-Gentilism and hatefulness of the Babylonian Talmud and their utter disrespect for, and hostility towards Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary and Christianity and Christians in general. <br /> <br /> I learned about their "chutzpah" in claiming that Gentile lives were worth no more than the lives of barnyard animals but that they considered Jewish lives to be akin to God Himself. It's okay to steal from a Gentile or to kill a Gentile, but Jewish lives are sacred. <br /> <br /> I learned of their control of the majority of wealth, the media and academia despite them making up less than 2% of the population (even lower in Canada). <br /> <br /> They are behind the ridiculous political correctness movement and hate crime legislation that was drafted so as to silence anyone who might figure out their agenda and attempt to shed light on it. <br /> <br /> Men like German Rudolf, David Irving and many more, previously recognized as great historians, were arrested, charged with hate crimes and incarcerated simply for having made academic inquiry into a specific period of history. <br /> <br /> Other so called "revisionists" or "holocaust deniers" have been intimidated, harassed, assaulted and smeared simply for trying to get at the truth. <br /> <br /> I found out that the Jews are responsible for our wide open immigration policies that have created the nightmare we call "multiculturalism," "diversity," inclusiveness" and "pluralism." <br /> <br /> It is mostly they who push for race mixing and miscegenation, knowing full well that it would eventually lead to those of white European descent being minorities in their own countries and the eventual extermination of white European DNA. <br /> <br /> It is patently clear that the war in Iraq is due solely to Israel wanting to hobble her enemies by destabilizing their governments in order to achieve hegemony in the middle east. <br /> <br /> It would be unthinkable for Israeli Jews to die for this cause, so they manipulated the US into the war with the help of the Jewish Zionist "Israel firsters" in the Bush administration in order that the blood of way too many young American men and women is shed instead. <br /> <br /> It is they who control the middle eastern foreign policy of the most powerful country in the world, the USA. It is they who control congress, the senate and the puppet president, George W. Bush. <br /> <br /> They have such control in movies and television that we are now subjected to endless programs and Hollywood movies that mock Christianity, Christian values and degrade the traditional family. <br /> <br /> After sober reflection on what I had discovered about Jewish supremacy and Zionism, I had to abandon all my previously held notions as to the history of Jewish persecution. <br /> <br /> What I have trouble understanding is why they continue this behavior in whichever society they live, knowing that eventually they will overplay their hand and their perfidy will be exposed yet again.Has history taught them nothing? <br /> <br /> As more and more people become aware of what is going on and who is responsible for it, anger is going to rise as it already has in the former Soviet Union and eastern European countries. <br /> <br /> They may control television, movies and the print media, but they don't control the internet. At least not yet. Blogs and websites devoted to "outing" the Jewish supremacists will ultimately be their downfall. <br /> <br /> If everyone who sees this information passes it on to at least one other person, the crimes and misdeeds of the Jewish supremacists and Zionists will be exposed and they will have nowhere to run or hide (except Israel). <br /> <br /> Please, do your part. Pass it on. Our world as we know it is counting on you. <br /> <br /> Posted by Jayne Gardener<br /> <br /> <br />



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