Canada Kicks Ass
Le poids du scandale des commandites


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Hrolfie @ Wed Jul 13, 2005 6:59 am

No nonsense to you all!

Sorry, but I don't speak French. I know you all speak some English, though, so you'll get my meaning.

Here is what we, westerners, have come up with after decades of interrogations and soul searching. We'll do the French a real favour and free them from oppression : we'll send them all back home to France, where they all emigrated from rather recently, after De Gaulle's famous "Viva la Québec libra".

Canadians have been excessively tolerant toward these hostile immigrants who are trying to regain a country squatted by their long gone ancestors, with whom they are not even directly related.

As for today's resident Frogs of the St-Lawrence Valley, let it be clear that they are the bottom of the barrel of an aleady inferior breed, the rejects from the French peasantry of the 17th century, the rejects of the rejects. They are in no position to compete, ever, with the superior WASP.

Generous as we are, we have supported them, monetarily and otherwise, for centuries. The leftover Frogs, that is. Leftover from the illegal French fur trading posts (this was British Territory) and their half breed offsprings. Ne'er-do-wells, all of them.

Canadians, be generous forever more! Keep on feeding those disadvantaged brothers, hand out your welfare to the needy Frogs. In return, they will call you "maudite Anglaìs" and they will keep on threatening to leave without blessing you with an actual departure.

Our swarthy oily skinned low foreheaded monkey shaped Canadians of the St-Lawrence area will surely give you something in return : a VIP pass to a well deserved heaven at the end of your philanthropic days! Well, that's worth a few bucks, ain't it?

PS Why haven't we launched a rallying song along the lines of "Let's ship'em all back to France" ???

True Canadian
No nonsense advocate


machinist @ Sat Aug 13, 2005 7:47 pm

Pour rester dans le sujet, le scandale des commandites, il faudra avouer que les gens qui se sont graissés la patte sont tous des Québécois alors il faudrait regarder dans sa propre cour mes amis.

Val123, les québécois aussi sont racistes. Dans les années 80, il y eu la naissance du "Equality Party". Je me souviens bien dans les premiers jours après les élections, tous les députés du PQ ne voulaient pas les laisser parler et leur criaient des noms a la chambre des communes. Il y a eu aussi durant la 2 guerre mondiale des regroupements de chemises brunes (regroupements NAZI) qui fleurissaient au travers du Québec. Ils parlaient de se débarasser de la vermine juive au Canada (j'ai trouvé des "posters" de ces groupes dans un marché aux puces a Chicoutimi quand j'y habitais encore). Ensuite le commentaire de falaise (comme celui de Mr Parizeau) sur le vote ethnique, c'est un peu raciste tu ne trouve pas? Si tu veux me dire qu'ils ne sont pas québécois les immigrants qui habitent le Québec, c'est quoi la norme qui fait de quelqu'un un québécois. Attention a ta réponse, essaie de trouver quelque chose qui ne peut être interprété comme du racisme.

And Now for you Mr. Hrolf, you should be a little more appreciative of you french brothers and sisters from Québec. When this country decided to open the West, Ontario and Québec paid for the railway that permited the developping of the West. Without the railway, everything that was produced there would have rotten away. When Mr. Trudeau (he was a quebecer) and his government developped the oily sand in Alberta, the West was not giving much to the state coffers. Again, Ontario and Québec financed that (Québec did turn in money to the state coffers until the mid 70's). And by the way, one of the greatest value of canadians is tolerance. Are you so sure you are such a real canadian....?

pour tos le monde, Tourlou!



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