Canada Kicks Ass
Parlons Positivement! à propos de la Séparation du Québec !


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Pimpbrewski @ Sat Jan 21, 2006 10:03 pm

LaMitraille LaMitraille:
Pimpbrewski à écrit:

Y'a pas de raison d'être separatiste pour être fier d'être Quebecois stie!!

Je l'ai dit auparavant, vous traitez les Federalistes comme des traites.


----------calme toi n'aie pas dis ça.--------------

I was not targeting you specifically dude so.....

chill out yourself


LaMitraille @ Sun Jan 22, 2006 12:09 am

well you said seperatists...that included me as well ! and beside, you posted that right after my comment so...Again calme toi bonhomme and enjoy your beer !


Elvis @ Sun Jan 22, 2006 1:19 pm

Pimp je ne te comprend pas, est ce que tu sais qu'ils existent plus de 198 pays dans le monde?

Bien sûre que le Québec aura sa place dans le monde tout comme le Canada en a une Bordel! La Norvège, La Suède et le l'Island ont tous une voix sur les forum internationnaux et ont moin de richesse naturel que nous. Moin de population, et son tous .... Des sociale Démocractie (Ce sont des pays qui sont encore plus à gauche que les pire politiques du PQ!!!) et qui réussissent très bien et qui Clanche le Canada sur l'indice de dévellopement humain.

Norvège = 4 500 000 habitants
Suède = 9 000 000 Habitants
Islande = 293 000 Habitans!!!!

La grosseur d'un États et son prestige est bien peu de chose dans ce monde Pimp! Et si le Québec devien un pays social Démocrate j'en serais très heureux et je ne vois pas en quoi cela devrais faire peur à qui que ce soi de sérieux.

Pourquoi est-ce que l'ont ferait pire?
Est-ce que l'ont est trop Con?


Poisson @ Sun Jan 22, 2006 4:08 pm

Elvis - Dis-moi, quel genre de richesses naturelles dont le Québec a possiblement?

N'oublie pas...

La Norvège a l'huile. Elle est l'une des pays les plus riches au monde.
L'Islande a l'industrie de la pêche. Ça me fait me demander, la Terre-Neuve l'a aussi, mais elle n'est pas aussi riche que l'Islande. L'Islande est aussi l'une des pays les plus riches au monde.
La Suède a...euh...rien. :lol:

Of course, you are stuck with the Bloc`s website. Even if Quebec was an independent nation (as you call it). It would not even have a voice on an international forum. Imagine how the smaller countries, as it is, don't have much of a say right now.

So you're saying the Vatican doesn't have much say in the international community? :lol:


Elvis @ Sun Jan 22, 2006 4:28 pm

De l'énergie :twisted: Quand il ne restera plus une goutte de pétrole en Alberta les turbine de Manic 5 elles tourneront toujours.

En passant toute les industries du Québec ont un avantage compétitif parce que les coût de l'énergie au Québec sont très bas. Et dans l'avenir les Pays qui posséderons cette richesse à bas prix pourrons dominer aux niveau de l'industrie lourde. Par exemple maintenant les coûts de fabrication en Chine sont inférieur au Québec parce que leur coûts de mainsdoeuvres contre balance le coûts de transport et leur coûts énergétique. Mais dans 10 ans qu'en sera t'il?

Du Fer + Du Nickel + Du Cuivre + de l'Or + Nobium etc Le Québec à un potentiel minéral très important.

La forêt etc

C'est sûre que c'est moin spéctaculaire qu'un lac de pétrole mais ce sont des richesses naturel qui non seulement peut être extraite à profit mais aussi être transformé.

Ils y a plus tu n'a qu'a t'informer



grainfedprairieboy @ Sun Jan 22, 2006 4:34 pm

Elvis Elvis:
De l'énergie :twisted: Quand il ne restera plus une goutte de pétrole en Alberta les turbine de Manic 5 elles tourneront toujours.

That maybe true, but Alberta's oilsands alone contain more oil than all of the worlds known reserves combined. That does not include her natural gas, methane and coal resources. It is estimated that at the current rate of consumption Alberta alone can sustain global demands for at least 500 years. My point? hell, we'll just buy turbine de Manic 5 and give it to an old Baba in Vegereville as a bi-centennial gift.


Elvis @ Sun Jan 22, 2006 5:38 pm

Bien pour vous les Albertains :wink: je ne disaient pas ça pour être méchant.


Knoss @ Sun Jan 22, 2006 5:47 pm

4.5 inhabitants need food. What about food? You don't even have a CCA member association.


Poisson @ Sun Jan 22, 2006 10:26 pm

grainfedprairieboy grainfedprairieboy:
Elvis Elvis:
De l'énergie :twisted: Quand il ne restera plus une goutte de pétrole en Alberta les turbine de Manic 5 elles tourneront toujours.

That maybe true, but Alberta's oilsands alone contain more oil than all of the worlds known reserves combined. That does not include her natural gas, methane and coal resources. It is estimated that at the current rate of consumption Alberta alone can sustain global demands for at least 500 years. My point? hell, we'll just buy turbine de Manic 5 and give it to an old Baba in Vegereville as a bi-centennial gift.

Hell we know that the current rates of world comsumption will rise every year, so it's much less that 500 years for sure.

Et Elvis, merci de me l'avoir expliqué! Je pensais la même...l'energie, la forêt et des minéraux! ;)


Numure @ Sun Jan 22, 2006 10:31 pm

Knoss Knoss:
4.5 inhabitants need food. What about food? You don't even have a CCA member association.

Where the hell do we get the food we have right now?


grainfedprairieboy @ Mon Jan 23, 2006 1:36 am

Poisson Poisson:
grainfedprairieboy grainfedprairieboy:
Elvis Elvis:
De l'énergie :twisted: Quand il ne restera plus une goutte de pétrole en Alberta les turbine de Manic 5 elles tourneront toujours.

That maybe true, but Alberta's oilsands alone contain more oil than all of the worlds known reserves combined. That does not include her natural gas, methane and coal resources. It is estimated that at the current rate of consumption Alberta alone can sustain global demands for at least 500 years. My point? hell, we'll just buy turbine de Manic 5 and give it to an old Baba in Vegereville as a bi-centennial gift.

Hell we know that the current rates of world comsumption will rise every year, so it's much less that 500 years for sure.

Regardless, increased consumption will be offset by new discoveries. There is no doubt that "easy" oil is coming to an end with no new significant finds discovered in the last 25 years. Essentially consumption has outpaced the discovery of new fields by about 10%. What me worry? Not a chance! For the last 15 years we have revived the easy fields long thought through horizontal drilling. New seismic and geological data point to vast reserves a little farther down then we are used to drilling. Combine that with the tar sands, arctic, and the ocean floor and there is an endless bounty. The market simply has to correct itself first.


Knoss @ Tue Jan 24, 2006 9:38 pm

Things like ethanol from grainand methonal from biomass are becoming viable. Things are gonna change on the grain belt and in cattle country, if we can dump the NDP from Regina.


grainfedprairieboy @ Tue Jan 24, 2006 11:30 pm

Knoss Knoss:
Things like ethanol from grainand methonal from biomass are becoming viable. Things are gonna change on the grain belt and in cattle country, if we can dump the NDP from Regina.

At the turn of the 20th century Saskatchewan is generally regarded to be the wealthiest jurisdiction on a per capita basis on the planet and more than a million people reside in her borders making her the 3rd largest province in Canada by population. Laurie is terrified of the prospect of either a prairie province of Buffalo (Alberta, Sask, Man) or an east west boundary that creates a province with Regina and Calgary so he divides it up along North/South lines to prevent the new province from overtaking Ont/Queer in power. When the depression hit it hit the Canadian prairies harder than anywhere else in the world and more than 1/3 of farms were abandoned with records showing that not a single household in Southern Saskatchewan was not on relief at some time during the 30s. When the smoke cleared Alberta and Sask had similar populations but Alberta turned to the private sector to develop her industries and resources while Sask turned to government.

Despite the majority of the world's Uranium and Potash, conventional oil reserves to rival Alberta and an abundance of other natural resources Sask remains a have not province while Alberta next door booms with a population that is now approaching 4x Sasks.

Yes, the CCF and NDP have stifled Sask but the culture of entitlement is so ingrained in the people (who have not left for Alberta) that I doubt it will change anytime soon.

Real sign in window at suit store outside University Regina: “Spring Specials on now, look good for your job interview in Alberta”

That is the truest sign of the times and I don’t like it. Not until the poorest province in Canada is outperforming the richest State in America should we rest.



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