Canada Kicks Ass
Que sont unit angails en francais?


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Knoss @ Wed Mar 08, 2006 6:00 am

Je vit le conditionnement pour la ficelle et la measurment est en pied non feet ou metre. Pourquoi sont units anglais en français? pourquoi est system international ne pas utilisé?


maple_leaf1 @ Wed Mar 08, 2006 9:01 am

Knoss Knoss:
Je vit le conditionnement pour la ficelle et la measurment est en pied non feet ou metre. Pourquoi sont units anglais en français? pourquoi est system international ne pas utilisé?



VitaminC @ Wed Mar 08, 2006 9:19 am

Knoss Knoss:
Je vit le conditionnement pour la ficelle et la measurment est en pied non feet ou metre. Pourquoi sont units anglais en français? pourquoi est system international ne pas utilisé?

I <vit ?> the condions for the <facile?> and the measure is by walking not feet or metres. Why are units english in french? Why is international system not used?

Not sure what verb you are trying to use with "vit"....??

I am guesing you are trying to say "facile" which means easy, when you said "ficelle" which is not a word.

"En pieds" usually means walking or travellling somewhere by foot. You say something about feet and metric units. And you ask, I think, why the international system is not used.....

Are you asking why it is not used in France? or Quebec? Or England? You said "anglais en francais" which I'm not sure what you are trying to say there.


VitaminC @ Wed Mar 08, 2006 9:22 am

Also, I don't think your topic title is saying what you want it to say....

"Que sont unit angails en francais?"

Translated to english that would read:

That are unit english in french?


VitaminC @ Wed Mar 08, 2006 9:27 am

Oh I know, are you trying to ask what the Imperial English Units they use in England are in French?

if so, change "Que" to "Qu'est-ce que" or change it to "C'est quoi"...if you are trying to say "what"....

C'est quoi les units d'Angleterre en francais.

Not sure if that is proper french, but it would be understood by a french person. And I'm not sure if "units" is a word in french.


Knoss @ Wed Mar 08, 2006 10:14 am

I am trying to ask why the Imperial system is used on billingual packaging as it must be translated. Why isnt' the metric system used instead?


VitaminC @ Wed Mar 08, 2006 10:45 am

Ah, ok....Je ne sais pas pourquoi c'est comme ca...

I don't know why.


Poisson @ Wed Mar 08, 2006 1:20 pm

Knoss Knoss:
I am trying to ask why the Imperial system is used on billingual packaging as it must be translated. Why isnt' the metric system used instead?

To be honest, I never saw any imperials on packings. Just metrics. Only time I see imperial is when I order the turkey from the deil section in the supermarket.

It can't be from the US if it's in imperial only since the US put both on their packings.


Knoss @ Wed Mar 08, 2006 3:12 pm

I've seen it done on baler twione though the Candain Co-op and for things like cars where they will have 700 hp or 700ch but not 525kW.


QuebecSpock @ Wed Mar 08, 2006 7:18 pm

Knoss Knoss:
I am trying to ask why the Imperial system is used on billingual packaging as it must be translated. Why isnt' the metric system used instead?

Imperial system is still used because of US influence and of customs (elderly didn't learn metric system when they were young). Many people still use imperial units : "pouces", "pieds", "verges", "gallons" and "milles".

Usually, commercercial packaging uses both metric and imperial, or metric only (I think there is a law stating that you cannot ignore metric system on packaging in Canada). However, since a lot of the stuff we buy comes from the US or is designed to be sold in US, dimensions are easier to remember when written in imperial system than in metric (example: the 8.5x11 letter format, which is 21.59cm x 27.94cm in metric 8O ). That's why it is still used nowadays.

Fortunately , the metric system is the reference in the scientific domain (even in the US), with the advantage of being much easier to use (excepting may be for some NASA suppliers... with the costly consequences we know...:lol: )

Therefore, language has absolutely NOTHING to do in the choice of metric system vs imperial system. The effort needed for translating imperial units is negligible compared to the one of using those crazy "translated dimensions".


Knoss @ Wed Mar 08, 2006 7:52 pm

Oui, vous êtes loqique, mais Je ateptte la lindg du française, et je ne pas considére qu'est-ca que (merci Vitamin C) le sujet.


QuebecSpock @ Thu Mar 09, 2006 5:19 pm

Knoss Knoss:
Oui, vous êtes loqique, mais Je ateptte la lindg du française, et je ne pas considére qu'est-ca que (merci Vitamin C) le sujet.

:?: :?:

Désolé, je ne comprends pas certains mots de votre message.


Knoss @ Thu Mar 09, 2006 9:31 pm

Oui, vous êtes loqique, mais Je ateptte la langue du française, et je ne pas considére qu'est-ca que (merci Vitamin C) le sujet de unit.

I hope this is clearer. Je espois il est clair.


VitaminC @ Thu Mar 16, 2006 8:40 am

Knoss Knoss:
Oui, vous êtes loqique, mais Je ateptte la langue du française, et je ne pas considére qu'est-ca que (merci Vitamin C) le sujet de unit.

I hope this is clearer. Je espois il est clair.

Je ne sais pas, si tu veux que je te corriger, mais je veux essayer.

Je espois.....should be J'espere.....means I hope

loqique...?...logique idea what this is.....seems close to the english word attempt, so maybe you want to use the french verb for "try", which is essayer.

I don't know if "considere" is a verb or not. I haven't heard it before, but it very well could be one...maybe reflechir, or penser are other choices.....I've noticed though that you like to use the structure:

ne pas <verbe>

It should be:

ne <verbe> pas

Or you can drop the ne altogether, and just use the pas.....In common spoken french the "ne" often gets dropped. So you can just use/say "Je sais pas".....

It's really good that you are putting together sentences. That is really how learning a language works best, start throwing together sentences and eventually you will get better and better at doing it.....

It's much better than the method of memorizing single words, and repeating them doing drills in a class room.


Knoss @ Thu Mar 16, 2006 8:40 pm

Oui, vous êtes logique, mais Je essaye la langue du française, et je ne pense pas qu'est-ca que (merci Vitamin C) le sujet de unit.

I hope this is clearer. J'espois il est .

I've been doing drills too



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