Canada Kicks Ass
Trees, CO2, Global warming.


Milton @ Sun Jun 04, 2006 4:38 pm

Good post Rural, good info!


Brent Swain @ Fri Jun 09, 2006 2:09 pm

Want to do something for the environment ? Have a vasectomy and live cheaply. Overpopulation is the problem along with the new religion called 'Consumerism"<br /> Your personal environmental impact is directly porportionate to how much money you spend. The homeless have the lowest per capita environmental impact of anyone.<br /> It's high time they came up with a retroactive vasectomy or a fifteen years after pill.<br /> Brent


This @ Wed May 07, 2008 8:31 pm

Hi all, my third post, and it's kind of like my first two, but I'm trying...

Brent, how are you today? I just happened to hit this thread from a search link, and I have to follow your post, so here goes:

The new religion really is the Green movement, Earth worship, Gaia, the 'New Age'. Cities are definitely overpopulated, but the reason we do increase our population is that plagues or famines typically reduce our numbers drastically. It makes sense to spread across the globe when times are good and reproduce, because at some point whole regions could encounter famine. All life expands and contracts, it is natural.

I haven't seen earlier posts in this thread about CO2, but I offer the following which may be useful to some readers, on the concept of global warming in general:

-Earth has been experiencing increased volcanic activity this past decade. 70% of volcanoes are under water, hot lava heats up the oceans causing increased evaporation - more rain and snow. Warmer oceans melt ice

-Sun magnetic strength varies over time, which corresponds pretty much directly with temperatures here on Earth. Cities are artificially hot for several reasons, real temperatures on land should be measured away from them rurally. Hottest rural decade past century was the 1930's in NA, hottest year was 1936

-CO2 provides much needed 'greenhouse effect' in our atmosphere on the order of 6 degrees warming. Nothing humans do will affect this 6 degrees warming because of the huge and instantaneous role the oceans play in absorbing or releasing CO2 depending on their temperature. CO2 is part of the natural carbon cycle where trees and vegetation grow quicker with a higher concentration. CO2 has never been a pollutant, and plans to sequester it have got to be the stupidest thing you will ever hear of this century.

-Atmospheric CO2 levels on Earth have been as much as 17 times higher than the current 380ppm. If increased C02 causes warming, why did the Earth go in to an Ice Age at levels 10 times of today? A little bit of CO2 goes a long way, for giving us the 6 degrees warming. More CO2, a lot more may give us another degree. But since humans and our industry only give off 3% of the world's CO2 to begin with, this whole "reduce greenhouse gas emissions" issue is a complete utter farce

-you can't tax a volcano, which along with bacteria dwarf human CO2 emissions


sasquatch2 @ Thu May 08, 2008 12:21 am


-Earth has been experiencing increased volcanic activity this past decade. 70% of volcanoes are under water, hot lava heats up the oceans causing increased evaporation - more rain and snow. Warmer oceans melt ice

This is a misunderstanding as a result of the same lie being repeated so often. While arctic ice changed configuration it did not really melt---when the wind shifted it froze up earlier and harder than before. The Antarctic never did exhibit thawing at -30C. Gore video clips were computer generated images---FAKES.

Greenland's warmest year was 1942 in the 125 years that it has been monitored.
Since 2002, the oceans are monitored by the NASA ARGOS system of 3000 robot buoys which have only detected a slight cooling.

Warming Oceans is a lie---a damn lie----clear and simple.

Whatever warming we experienced up to 1998 was natural climate cycle, EL NINO.

The "let's pretend" fantasy science was a HOAX and is now only supported by fools babbling about BIG OIL.


sandorski @ Thu May 08, 2008 3:26 am

Hi Brent! How's 2006? 2008 is great so far! Well take care.