Canada Kicks Ass
Face to Face


Crankster @ Thu Oct 14, 2004 6:26 am

You put way to much into that propaganda machine.The lady's take on liberalism was a clearly defined "poke"by someone clearly antiliberal.I sa good on her for voicing her opinions. <br /> On the other hand,she is just somebody with money and an opinion on something.That is why the rest of us have the internet forums to express ourselves.We can't afford the airtime.I wait for the day that everyday working people get will get a chance to "air" comments on TV. Maybe a show thats titled,The Real Person Speaks Out. <br /> One final note,TV sucks the big one these days.


Dr Caleb @ Thu Oct 14, 2004 7:27 am

[QUOTE BY= Crankster] <br /> One final note,TV sucks the big one these days.[/QUOTE] <br /> <br />Yup. Turned off the cable 6 months ago. I still get all my regular shows (that didn't come in through cable anyhow). <br /> <br />Do it, save yourself $80 a month, and catch up on some reading. Spend some time down at Rogers Video. Well worth it, IHMO. <br /> <br />


N Say @ Thu Oct 14, 2004 8:39 am

Ann Coulter is a nutcase like Bill O'Reilly. If she's really a force for the American right, I think she should debate Noam Chomsky, Greg Palast or William Blum.


whelan costen @ Thu Oct 14, 2004 9:17 am

Agree,Ann Coulter is off base big time. I saw her on Larry King and really she has written several books and doesn't allow facts to get in the way of her story!


z_whalen @ Thu Oct 14, 2004 2:54 pm

You've never heard of Ann Coulter? Check out some of her earlier books such as Slander or Treason. I'm sure she will sufficiently piss you off. Like Crankster, I'm glad she voices her opinion, though I hardly agree with her. She is like the Micheal Moore of the extreme right wing world. Somewhere in between her and Moore, you will find reality.


Kory Yamashita @ Thu Oct 14, 2004 9:14 pm

Is she anywhere as entertaining as Moore, though? I haven't actually seen/heard Ann Coulter, but I gotta admit Fahrenheit 911 didn't really live up to all that hype. I guess maybe in the US people didn't already know all that stuff! "What? It wasn't Saddam who was responsible for 911??? NO WAY!!!"


z_whalen @ Thu Oct 14, 2004 9:45 pm

Not only that, but I thought Fahrenheit was over-sensationalized. The way a lot of the facts were put together was over the top, and twisted to meet Moore's perspective. It is a movie after all and its first function is to entertain. I think a lot of people liked Columbine better than Fahrenheit, because frankly, it was more entertaining. All the hype you here now about people having their lives changed by Fahrenheit is pure bull, ment to amp up DVD sales. Mike keeps saying he released his movie before the election because he wants to get it out to as many people as possible. I don't buy it. I think their trying to sell as many copies as possible before the election because if Kerry wins, the movie will be obsolete. No offense to all the Michael Moore fans out there, I actually like his movies, just don't like the hype.


Kory Yamashita @ Fri Oct 15, 2004 3:05 pm

I'm with you on this, Whalen... his movies are great, but his sensationalism is almost enough to counter CNN. I would never think of Michael Moore as an unbiased documentarian (or whatever you call it). Interesting point about Fahrenheit becoming obsolete... I hadn't thought of it that way...


z_whalen @ Fri Oct 15, 2004 3:33 pm

Yah if you like Fahrenheit 9/11 and want to see it stay on store shelves, vote Bush. <img align=absmiddle src='images/smilies/mrgreen.gif' alt='Mr. Green'>


whelan costen @ Sat Oct 16, 2004 12:39 am

To be fair to Michael Moore on the hype, I think the Bush camp helped to hype it by trying to ban it, don't you? <img align=absmiddle src='images/smilies/exclaim.gif' alt='Exclaimation'>


4Canada @ Sat Oct 16, 2004 8:03 am

I rather wondered why Coulter was given any airtime and if anyone really took her seriously. <br /> <br /> Dr. Caleb: I've been reading (for months), David Icke's book (I hear you laughing), "...and the truth shall set you free", and until I saw Ann Coulter I didn't give any credence to his "4th Dimension" aliens weird stuff. But, she clearly was not developed in a human womb. No doubt. <br /> <br /> Crankster: I have minimal T.V. and would love to just pay for the programs I do watch. I'm working on getting that choice for myself and others. I think it's coming anyway because of the Internet. I love my documentaries. <br /> <br /> N.Say: I would love to have seen her up against Palast. But I think she would eat Chompsky alive and exhale him on a 2km flame. <br /> <br /> Z. Whalen: Isn't hype also spelt U.S.A.? My eyes would go blind reading anything she wrote, I won't be taking your advice on checking out her books. <br /> <br /> Flat Cath: You are not kidding about the "what truth?" factor in what she had to say. If she had been attatched to a lie detector she would have been scratched to death in about 3 seconds flat.


z_whalen @ Sat Oct 16, 2004 1:08 pm

[QUOTE BY= whelan costen] To be fair to Michael Moore on the hype, I think the Bush camp helped to hype it by trying to ban it, don't you? <img align=absmiddle src='images/smilies/exclaim.gif' alt='Exclaimation'> [/QUOTE] <br /> <br />Meanwhile Kerry's camp wants to ban "Stolen Honor: Wounds that Never Heal," a documentary attacking Kerry's war record. Also, Michael Moore continues to assault media outlets for not showing his movie, actually suing pay-per-view channel InDemand for <b>choosing</b> not to air his election night special, which will include Fahrenheit as well as commentary from know-it-all celebrities. <br /> <br />The similarity between Fahrenheit and Stolen Honor is that both movies are feature length campaign ads. <br /> <br />In my opinion, media outlets have the right to air whatever content they want, and they have the right to be slanted if they so choose. It's up to the people to think for themselves and realize that both Stolen Honor and Fahrenheit are heaps of biased bullshit.


whelan costen @ Sat Oct 16, 2004 1:55 pm

4Canada, I don't think a lie detector would detect, because the woman has spent a great deal of time actually believing and writing this stuff, so she wouldn't know if it was truth or fiction, such makes her a pile of money. <br /> <br />And ZWhalen:'It's up to the people to think for themselves and realize that both Stolen Honor and Fahrenheit are heaps of biased bullshit.' The think for themselves is good, but you have already determined for them the results of their thinking, how independant is that?


z_whalen @ Sat Oct 16, 2004 3:30 pm

Sorry that is the result of my thinking, but it's quite reasonable to say that both movies are heavily biased.