Canada Kicks Ass


Benoit @ Fri Jan 11, 2008 6:48 pm

Hydroelectricity is the trademark of Québec. The government is subsidizing the consumption of this energy. That’s how it has attracted an aluminum industry.

Canada should pay close attention to the pricing of Québec’s energy because it has a direct effect on the transfer payments that the equalization formula dictates.


sasquatch2 @ Fri Jan 11, 2008 11:21 pm

Now that is an inconvenient truth but certainly not something new. No excuse that it is a non-renewable resource......


Benoit @ Sat Jan 12, 2008 11:39 am

sasquatch2 sasquatch2:
Now that is an inconvenient truth but certainly not something new. No excuse that it is a non-renewable resource......

For redistribution purposes, it is morally irrelevant to distinguish between a income originating from a renewable or a non-renewable resources; it is even morally irrelevant to distinguish between a internal (like a gene for example) and external (like ores for example) resources.