Canada Kicks Ass
Recent Polls on Free Trade?


Kory Yamashita @ Mon Nov 22, 2004 12:41 pm

I don't really know, but I get the feeling that it's drifted out of mainstream consciousness. I don't think it was even mentioned in the federal election. Nowadays, all I hear is that we need MORE integration *sigh* (ie: NAFTA Plus)


xdeathx10 @ Mon Dec 06, 2004 4:23 pm

It would be hard to find polls on that topic because its very controversial to Canadain Politics. However if anyone finds them, I would like to be informed also.


Brent Swain @ Tue Feb 26, 2008 4:16 pm

Polls in the US show an overwhelming majority of USanians opposed to Nafta, and Democrat candidates are trying to out do one another in terms of who is most opposed to Nafta. Lets hope they scrap it, because if we do there will be retailation. If they do , we can simply go back to the pre NAFTA days .
They certainly don't bring me any bad memories.