Canada Kicks Ass
New NDP Bill - Human Rights


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mascott @ Wed Jun 21, 2006 5:20 am

Siksay introduces bill to amend the Canadian Human Rights Act
Mon 19 Jun 2006. Source: NDP.CA

OTTAWA - NDP MP Bill Siksay (Burnaby-Douglas) re-introduced a bill in the House of Commons today that would add protections for transsexual and transgender Canadians to the Canadian Human Rights Act by adding gender identity or expression to the list of prohibited grounds for discrimination in the Act.

This Bill is essential as it addresses the lack of explicit protection for transsexual and transgender people in the Canadian Human Rights Act.

"Transgender and transsexual people are often victims of violence and face
discrimination on a daily basis", said Siksay, "this is unacceptable and the inequity in protections for trans people must be immediately addressed by Canadian laws."

"I believe the inclusion of this ground would send a strong message that people should not be discriminated against because of their gender identity or gender expression. Transgendered persons are often isolated from family and societal support; people in transition often lose their jobs, social support and family. Such discrimination is wrong and this intolerance must end." said Siksay

The Bill follows the lead of the Northwest Territories, which was the first jurisdiction in Canada to prohibit discrimination on the grounds of gender identity in November of 2002. The Bill also fulfills the NDP's commitment to work for equality for transgender and transsexual people.

(bcc PSAC NCR Pride Committee)

(Note: PSAC was represented at the press conference on Parliament Hill for this announcement).



Bill Siksay présente un projet de loi pour modifier la Loi canadienne sur les droits de la personne

lun 19 jun 2006 -

OTTAWA - Aujourd'hui, à la Chambre des communes, le député néo-démocrate Bill Siksay (Burnaby-Douglas) a présenté de nouveau son projet de loi visant à ajouter des protections aux Canadiens transsexuels et transgenres dans la Loi canadienne sur les droits de la personne par l'ajout de l'identité et de l'expression sexuelle à la liste des motifs de distinction illicite.

Ce projet de loi est primordial car il remédie à l'absence de protections pour les transsexuels et les transgenres dans la Loi canadienne sur les droits de la personne.

« Les transsexuels et les transgenres sont souvent victimes de violence et subissent une discrimination quotidienne, a dit M. Siksay. C'est inacceptable, et il faut que les lois canadiennes mettent fin à l'injustice flagrante des mesures de protection prévues à l'endroit des personnes trans. »

« J'espère que l'inclusion de ce motif illicite de discrimination dans la Loi fera
comprendre clairement à tous qu'il ne faut pas exclure les gens en raison de leur identité sexuelle ou de son expression. Les personnes transgenres sont souvent isolées de l'aide de leur famille et de la société. En période de transition, elles perdent souvent leur emploi, l'appui de leur entourage et de leur famille. Une telle discrimination est indéfendable et cette intolérance doit cesser », a ajouté M. Siksay

Le projet de loi s'inscrit dans la démarche des Territoires du Nord-Ouest, qui ont été les premiers au Canada, en novembre 2002, à interdire la discrimination fondée sur l'identité sexuelle. Il donne également suite à l'engagement pris par le NPD de travailler pour l'égalité des personnes transsexuelles et transgenres.

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Patrick_Ross @ Wed Jun 21, 2006 6:24 pm

I'm tempted to crack a joke about his constituents, but he is clearly right.


hwacker @ Wed Jun 21, 2006 6:51 pm

Who elected this guy?


Ripcat @ Wed Jun 21, 2006 6:53 pm

hwacker hwacker:
Who elected this guy?

Your sister who used to be your brother?


hwacker @ Wed Jun 21, 2006 6:55 pm

Ripcat Ripcat:
hwacker hwacker:
Who elected this guy?

Your sister who used to be your brother?

hahah, but no, she's still a she.


Ripcat @ Wed Jun 21, 2006 7:01 pm

hwacker hwacker:
Ripcat Ripcat:
hwacker hwacker:
Who elected this guy?

Your sister who used to be your brother?

hahah, but no, she's still a she.

But prefers to dress and act like a he?


ShepherdsDog @ Thu Jun 22, 2006 12:24 am

Another Orwellian moment brought to you by the NDP.


Hyack @ Thu Jun 22, 2006 12:31 am

He could be Svend Robinsons significent other.


ShepherdsDog @ Thu Jun 22, 2006 12:34 am

Svend's ego only allows his mirror to be his significunt other.


BurytheNDPforgood @ Thu Jun 22, 2006 4:46 pm

He was Svend's assistant and ran in Svend's old seat.


Pissed @ Fri Jun 23, 2006 11:01 am

Do I ever hate the NDP. This furthers it.


hamiltonguyo @ Sun Jun 25, 2006 8:57 pm

i don't have a problem with protecting transgender eople but isn't it covered under gender rights already?


Zeipher @ Mon Jun 26, 2006 9:47 am

Because going to your doctor and choosing to get your balls mutilated is such an "affliction" right Ice?



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