Canada Kicks Ass
Women can go topless in Canada?


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hamiltonguyo @ Mon Jun 19, 2006 7:31 pm

According to the local news it is perfectly legal for women to go completely topless in canada. All male hormones asside. This is completely immoral. I don't want my brother to be exposed to stuff like this this early. like omg. thats it. When i grow up i'm leaving. I'm going to find and island and take every decent person from canda who isn't on drugs and actually wears clothes. and is involved in sometype of religion (even humanism is fine) and move because i can't take this damn country anymore.


MrMagicMan @ Mon Jun 19, 2006 7:32 pm

hamiltonguyo hamiltonguyo:
According to the local news it is perfectly legal for women to go completely topless in canada. All male hormones asside. This is completely immoral. I don't want my brother to be exposed to stuff like this this early. like omg. thats it. When i grow up i'm leaving. I'm going to find and island and take every decent person from canda who isn't on drugs and actually wears clothes. and is involved in sometype of religion (even humanism is fine) and move because i can't take this damn country anymore.

What, do you want them to wear clothes in the shower?


Blue_Nose @ Mon Jun 19, 2006 7:33 pm

Boobs are the deeeeeeeevil!! Oh, laaaaaawd, yes!


hamiltonguyo @ Mon Jun 19, 2006 7:38 pm

I can deal with short skirts, i can deal with PDAs(public displays of affection), i can deal with alot of stuff. hell i can even deal with legalizing drugs and prostituition as long as the average person is not exposed if they don't want to be.

But this goes too far.

Men associate breasts with sex. Really its like they might as well be walking around fully naked. How would women feel if men walked around with no pants on? Doesn't this make you the least bit uncomfortable.

Don't give me this "but they'll have to wear clothes in the shower" shit. Of course they won't, thats their own house and not in public.

Do you think i like having to throw on a shirt and pants to go out and get the paper? NO! but i still do it in the name of public decency. I dunno about you but talk to parents, i'm sure most moms don't want their kids to see boobs 24/7.


Tricks @ Mon Jun 19, 2006 7:39 pm



Arctic_Menace @ Mon Jun 19, 2006 7:41 pm

hamiltonguyo hamiltonguyo:
According to the local news it is perfectly legal for women to go completely topless in canada. All male hormones asside. This is completely immoral. I don't want my brother to be exposed to stuff like this this early. like omg. thats it. When i grow up i'm leaving. I'm going to find and island and take every decent person from canda who isn't on drugs and actually wears clothes. and is involved in sometype of religion (even humanism is fine) and move because i can't take this damn country anymore.

Wow, I just lost alot of respect for you......

Let's look at the facts first, before you decide to leave the best country on Earth.......

You are saying that you just found this out, correct? Well then, it may interest you to know that only inc ertain provinces is this permitted.....

Also, have you seen alot of topless women around? I've been around this great country a bit and have yet to see one woman exercising this option. Note the word option. And trust me, alot of Canadians aren't on drugs...just mainly the youth and one in three usually do drugs(and by drugs I mean Mary J.)


MrMagicMan @ Mon Jun 19, 2006 7:41 pm

hamiltonguyo hamiltonguyo:
I can deal with short skirts, i can deal with PDAs(public displays of affection), i can deal with alot of stuff. hell i can even deal with legalizing drugs and prostituition as long as the average person is not exposed if they don't want to be.

But this goes too far.

Men associate breasts with sex. Really its like they might as well be walking around fully naked. How would women feel if men walked around with no pants on? Doesn't this make you the least bit uncomfortable.

Don't give me this "but they'll have to wear clothes in the shower" shit. Of course they won't, thats their own house and not in public.

Do you think i like having to throw on a shirt and pants to go out and get the paper? NO! but i still do it in the name of public decency. I dunno about you but talk to parents, i'm sure most moms don't want their kids to see boobs 24/7.

Why do you want to legalize prostitution? That is quite immoral.


Blue_Nose @ Mon Jun 19, 2006 7:43 pm

Unhooooooooooly body parts! Haaaaallelujaaaah, The bra is our saaaaaavyah!


Arctic_Menace @ Mon Jun 19, 2006 7:43 pm

i can deal with PDAs(public displays of affection),

God forbid if people actually go around and show the world how much they love eachother.... :roll: That's plain sacrilege and is just indecent and immoral..... :roll:


Tricks @ Mon Jun 19, 2006 7:46 pm

Who cares if they do? Guys walk around without a shirt. It's all good. plus...



Arctic_Menace @ Mon Jun 19, 2006 7:51 pm

I have to been some of the most liberal places in Canada, and have yet to see this.......

The only times I have ever seen topless women is with a group of really liberal friends in a secluded place somewhere, when I'm about to get some, or there is a really drunk chick at a party........

Just because you find this out, you freak out and now want to leave, when evidently, you haven't seen this in public....


hamiltonguyo @ Mon Jun 19, 2006 7:54 pm

Hey i'm fine if you want to do something that i wouldn't do on moral grounds ie Prostituition.

And as i said I'm fine (ok deal wasn't the best word) with PDAs, in fact i've made a few myself. But honestly if alot of women start exercising this option i will seriously consider leaving because i will not be able to raise kids in what i consider a proper moral environment.

Men go around topless yes, and it makes me uncomfortable but i can live with that. How many women have a complete obsession with a mans upper body and think of sex the moment they see one.

Now how many men do that for breasts?

and honestly Tricks get a gf or look in a nudedy mag...


hamiltonguyo @ Mon Jun 19, 2006 7:56 pm

Arctic_Menace Arctic_Menace:
I have to been some of the most liberal places in Canada, and have yet to see this.......

The only times I have ever seen topless women is with a group of really liberal friends in a secluded place somewhere, when I'm about to get some, or there is a really drunk chick at a party........

Just because you find this out, you freak out and now want to leave, when evidently, you haven't seen this in public....

actually I saw it on the news, some chick in downtown hamilton(the city where i live(hence the name)) oh and the news said In Canada. They didn't specify if it was all provinces.


RUEZ @ Mon Jun 19, 2006 7:57 pm

hamiltonguyo hamiltonguyo:
Now how many men do that for breasts?

I do :)


Elvis @ Mon Jun 19, 2006 7:57 pm

Well finally my wife will be able to breasfed my youngest son in public. this is no big deals guy in many country women go topless on the beach. And on the plus side all the religious nut will want to go back to there original country like pakistan or syria.....



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