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raydan @ Fri Jun 17, 2022 8:47 am

Are threats of violence Traditional Christian Values? :?


Zipperfish @ Fri Jun 17, 2022 10:39 am

Scape Scape: ... WL&index=5

This would after socialism was co-opted by the bourgeoise and left the working stiffs behind. Those folks are still concerned with stagnant wages, higher prices and the growing gap between the rich and the poor.


xerxes @ Fri Jun 17, 2022 11:26 am

raydan raydan:
Are threats of violence Traditional Christian Values? :?

Nope. They’re Republican Christian values, and they supersede anything Jesus said about loving one another or turning the other cheek.


xerxes @ Fri Jun 17, 2022 8:31 pm

Victoria drag show cancelled after venue receives shooting threat

An all-ages drag show set to take place in Victoria this weekend has been cancelled after the venue hosting it received multiple harassing phone calls and one threatening gun violence.

The Sashay Cafe drag show was scheduled to be held at Caffe Fantastico Saturday in the lead-up to Victoria Pride Week.

But in recent days, Caffe Fantastico employees were subject to harassing phone calls, including a serious threat made on June 15.

“One caller escalated, actually threatening that someone should shoot up the place and everyone in it,” the café said in a statement. “We reported this threat right away to police. The threat understandably was very upsetting to our staff and the organizers and scheduled performers for the event.”

Performers shared news of the cancellation on social media, saying that the venue had earlier received phone calls by an anonymous person “who is upset and claiming that drag shows sexualize children,” and who threatened to show up outside of the show to film.

“It stems from ignorance, it stems from a lack of information and it stems from misunderstanding,” said Britton Kohn, president of the Victoria Pride Society.

“Drag is not sexualized. And to lump drag in with burlesque or other forms of artistic expression means there’s more education that needs to happen. When it comes to children by no means is it sexualized.”

It’s so family-friendly, you can tune into primetime TV to catch Ru Paul’s Drag Race.

A police report has been filed, and organizers said they made the decision to cancel the show out of concern for performers’ safety.

Makes perfect sense. Kill all the children to protect them from the drag queens.

I hate this world some days.


Thanos @ Mon Jul 04, 2022 5:12 pm

NOTE: This thread has been hijacked by SJW's and virtue signalers. Instead of creating their own separate thread to peddle their insanity they opted to desecrate this one instead.

If you don't like SJW's and their bullshit start your own separate thread on the diseased, disgusting, and mentally ill crap they believe and implement as policy. This thread has been ruined by them, deliberately, simply because they can't tolerate any dissent from their sick philosophies.


Tricks @ Mon Jul 04, 2022 5:44 pm



rickc @ Tue Jul 05, 2022 5:00 pm

Two woke douche bags going at it in the middle of the street: ... -portland/


herbie @ Wed Jul 06, 2022 9:26 am

8O My sister & b-i-l paid a visit. Lifelong never voted anything but Conservative, fundumbmental psycho-Christians.... said if Poilievre wins they will bite their tongues and vote for Justin as the lesser of two evils 8O


housewife @ Wed Jul 06, 2022 9:53 am

Yeah I’m having a problem with him too. Not sure how I will vote if he gets in.


N_Fiddledog @ Sat Jul 09, 2022 9:45 am

rickc rickc:
Two woke douche bags going at it in the middle of the street: ... -portland/

I'm over at RePolitics but I still drop in here once in awhile just to scare myself with what the world would look like if you gave up free speech.

Nice to see there's still one left who's not afraid to observe the obvious, Rick.

'White' is a cuss word amongst the 'build back better' crowd now, is it?

Click Rick's link Housewife. The left's corporate media did that. It's too late for them but there's still hope for you. They don't like Pierre and they're going all Portland on him.

There are two sides to a story though. You and Rick should drop by to see for yourself if you don't believe me.

You'll be surprised who you meet over there. Right, herb? :wink:


llama66 @ Sat Jul 09, 2022 12:12 pm

I hate both PP and JT. I shall once again vote for my cat for office.


herbie @ Sat Jul 09, 2022 1:00 pm

I don't vote for either of those right wing parties :evil:


Strutz @ Sat Jul 09, 2022 1:33 pm

llama66 llama66:
I hate both PP and JT. I shall once again vote for my cat for office.

Does your cat have a relative that might be running in my riding? :mrgreen:


housewife @ Sat Jul 09, 2022 6:08 pm

N_Fiddledog N_Fiddledog:
rickc rickc:
Two woke douche bags going at it in the middle of the street: ... -portland/

I'm over at RePolitics but I still drop in here once in awhile just to scare myself with what the world would look like if you gave up free speech.

Nice to see there's still one left who's not afraid to observe the obvious, Rick.

'White' is a cuss word amongst the 'build back better' crowd now, is it?

Click Rick's link Housewife. The left's corporate media did that. It's too late for them but there's still hope for you. They don't like Pierre and they're going all Portland on him.

There are two sides to a story though. You and Rick should drop by to see for yourself if you don't believe me.

You'll be surprised who you meet over there. Right, herb? :wink:

Thanks for the invite N_Fiddledog. Unfortunately a shit storm is coming so I don’t really have time. Real life sucks sometimes.

As to the link as soon as someone tells me to go back where I came from I assume race is in play.


Scape @ Sat Jul 09, 2022 6:29 pm



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