Canada Kicks Ass
Canada Dollar Dominance Shows Break With U.S. Dollar


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N Say @ Wed Sep 19, 2007 2:11 pm

<strong>Written By:</strong> N Say
<strong>Date:</strong> 2007-09-19 14:11:15
<a href="/article/100225457-canada-dollar-dominance-shows-break-with-us-dollar">Article Link</a>

``Canada is in a very strong position,'' said John Taylor, chairman of New York-based FX Concepts Inc., which manages $12.1 billion in currencies. ``Its economy has significantly diverged from the U.S., and it's got all those things the world needs. My longer-term bias is that the Canadian dollar would be stronger than the dollar.'' <P> Canada's currency, nicknamed the loonie after the image of the national bird on the one-dollar coin, has risen about 4 percent against its U.S. counterpart since June 12 amid growing speculation that losses related to U.S. subprime mortgages would prompt the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates. <P> Of the 16 most traded currencies, none has done better than the loonie's 13.5 percent gain against the dollar this year. It reached a 30-year high of 97.66 U.S. cents today. The currency has rebounded from a low of 61.80 cents in January 2002. <P> <a href=''>Linkie</a> <P> [Should we dump our dollar now and use an "Amero?" HELL NO! Not when we're breaking free from the US! & I'm sure it will only get better once those ships start arriving from China, & Ontario & Quebec firm up their plans to do more business with Europe. -- NSay]


dpwozney @ Wed Sep 19, 2007 6:16 pm

A “Federal Reserve Note” is not a <a href=""><b>U.S.A. dollar</b></a>. In 1973, Public Law 93-110 defined the U.S.A. dollar as having the value of 1/42.2222 fine troy ounces of gold.


RPW @ Thu Sep 20, 2007 8:27 am

Strange how Canadian retailers are suddenly "helpless" in adjusting imported items to reflect the rising loonie (or is it the devalued US dollar?).

I would suggest either a boycott of such items, or at least go to the bank for US funds to pay for said items........

"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."
-Max Planck


Ed Deak @ Thu Sep 20, 2007 9:38 am

The Canadian dollar was .5 to .10 cents higher 40 + years ago and we did very well, wages were higher, prices lower, lumber exports were booming and the industry was employing 3-4 times the present numbers.

The present big business panic is an artificially created hysteria to put Canada down and into the pocket of the USA.

In any case, their plan is not for the Amero, but the acceptance of the worthless US dollar for the SPP/NAU conspiracy, using Canada's wealth to back it up.

If the big speculators wouldn't jack up the US dollar right now, until they can get rid of their holdings by turning it into Canadian resources and gold, the US dollar would be around .20 cents Canadian.

So, what will happen, when they pull the carpet?

Ed Deak.


Crankster @ Fri Sep 21, 2007 7:46 am

There are things that are just to hard to swallow,then there are things down right choking. Our gov will never ever find a 'balanced budget'.
It dosen't matter how strong the loonie gets,Canada will never be rid of that tag along down south and that willbe the eventual downfall of all Canadians.
Those bisnesses that have gotten rich off the tit of American currency should at all costs be boycotted.It is absolutely alarming how we have been so dependant on the US for trade that when our dollar becomes what it should be,we still get screwed over.Sheesh,big busness and trade still boggles my mind and gives me dry heaves.

General strike could be coming to a place near you...are you ready?


Dr Caleb @ Fri Sep 21, 2007 9:34 am

On the contrary Crankster, our dollar should be nowhere near what it is.

We simply haven't worked hard enough to justify it. We still export raw materials, and import finished products. We ship raw crude south, and buy back refined gasoline.

Our dollar is so high against the USD simply because their dollar has tanked, while ours hasn't tanked as hard. Compare both to the Euro and gold, and you'll see. The Euro, Gold and Oil have risen, meaning our dollar is worth less. On par with the Euro is what we want.

The preceding comment deals with mature subject matter, however immaturely presented. Viewer discretion is advised.


rearguard @ Fri Sep 21, 2007 10:06 am

Of course the US$ is dropping due to the country being run by homicidal lunatics, so when the US$ is compared against the CDN$ things look more rosy than they are.

However I checked just yesterday and it seemed that indeed the CDN$ is rising when compared against most other currencies - not just the US$ - so it seems the CDN$ is holding its own for some reason, but why I don't know.

What is interesting, is that Canadians' are not seeing any benefits from a lower US$. We're probably being ripped off because almost everything of substance is controlled through the USA.

As the US sinks down the toilet, it will try and suck the live blood out of everything that is attached to it along the way.


Dr Caleb @ Fri Sep 21, 2007 1:34 pm

Yesterday, Gold and Oil rose, and the loonie closed at .9975. Today, the loonie is 1.00+ and holding, Oil and Gold are falling! It's gaining on all fronts!

"it seems the CDN$ is holding its own for some reason, but why I don't know. "

A strong economy, despite lower than forecast retail #s. We are gaining a bit on the Euro today, but not as much as the USD is losing against it.

"We're probably being ripped off because almost everything of substance is controlled through the USA."

To a degree, yes. But some long term goods will take longer to fall in price than short term. You'll see in the grocery store before you see it on the driveway.

The preceding comment deals with mature subject matter, however immaturely presented. Viewer discretion is advised.


Crankster @ Fri Sep 21, 2007 9:55 pm

Agreed 100%. The US has for too long been at the top of the heep,waving a big stick. It scares the sh*t out of me wondering whats driving it.
The other side just boggles my mind. Why do we not just trade on parity value and save all countries a big freakin headache everytime the rich boys play games?? Why oh Why??

General strike could be coming to a place near you...are you ready?


Diogenes @ Fri Sep 21, 2007 11:18 pm

<a href=""></a><br />
Carlin has it nailed it aint any more complicated than he says <br />
<p>---<br>"When I tell the truth, it is not for the sake of convincing those who do not know it, but for the sake of deBending those that do."<br />
<br />
William Blake<br />
<br />


rearguard @ Fri Sep 21, 2007 11:42 pm

"Why do we not jQst trade on parity value"

The first and final step is to stop trading something of value in exchange for valueless paper tokens.


Diogenes @ Fri Sep 21, 2007 11:50 pm

"phe first and final step is to stop trading something of value in exchange for valueless paper tokens."

Otherwise known as paycheques

"When I tell the truth, it is not for the sake of convincing those who do nKt know it, but for the sake of defending those that do."

William Blake


Crankster @ Sat Sep 22, 2007 7:24 am

hyuk! You made a funny.
Anyway,I don't pretend to even understand the world of trade and commerce.
All I cansee is a whole lot of hurt coming from all this.
There was a comment made earlier about Canadians not working hard enough for the dollar to be where it is and it should be there.
What constitutes hard work? The fact that Canadian mentallity is such that we roll over and wet ourselves everytime junior down there barks?? I suspect that we work hard at keeping that monster alive and well. We have worked hard at making it so that it is not viable to produce our own raw resources, so exporting them out and then buying them back at ridiculous prices in finished form has become the norm.
So why is it when people cry foul,suddenly everyone is blinded?
If all this is so wrong and becoming suicidal,why continue.

General strike could be coming to a place near you...are you ready?


Dr Caleb @ Sat Sep 22, 2007 1:39 pm

"There was a comment made earlier about Canadians not working hard enough for the dollar to be where it is and it should be there.
What constitutes hard work? "

In Economistese - how much value does work produce. IE: How much do you get paid, vs how much is the work you do sold for.

The difference in the US and Canadian workforce is automation. But, automation means fewer jobs. If it took 100 people to build a car in the 60's, then 10 robots and 10 people can build it in the 2k's. (not accurate, just analogy).

What I said was, our workforce value is so much lower compared to the US's, that our dollar shouldn't be as high as it is. It's the value of our resources (metals, oil, natural gas) that is keeping the dollar as high as it is. Making our workforce more efficient is the key to keeping our dollar high. And parity means we'll be able to afford all those expensive American built robots.

The preceding comment deals with mature subject matter, however immaturely presented. Viewer discretion is advised.


Diogenes @ Sat Sep 22, 2007 2:31 pm

"I don't pretend to even understand the world of trade and commerce"
With all due respect to the crankster, a friend I have as company on ocassion, it is the general lack of understanding which allows world trade and commerce to continue un abatted as it does.

As we hold and are held in ignorance we thereby give permission to.
"Qui tacet consentit" silence is taken as consent.
we must have knowledge to speak with authority it is a failurew of our education system to not teach what we are victims of

"When I tell the truth, it is not for the sake of convincing those who do not know it, but for the sake of defending those that do."

William Blake



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