Canada Kicks Ass
Is the Annexation of Canada part of Bush's Military Agenda?


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pylon @ Wed Nov 24, 2004 11:15 am

<strong>Written By:</strong> pylon
<strong>Date:</strong> 2004-11-24 10:15:00
<a href="/article/83312151-is-the-annexation-of-canada-part-of-bushs-military-agenda">Article Link</a>

NorthCom's stated mandate is to "provide a necessary focus for [continental] aerospace, land and sea defenses, and critical support for [the] nation’s civil authorities in times of national need." <p> <a href="">Link to Full Article</a>


KWL @ Wed Nov 24, 2004 12:14 pm

It's really only a matter of time before the borders come down and we are sucked into the US. This prospect really depresses me. What we need is a serious campaign by all those concerned, waged via print and television media to alert Canadians to what is really happening to our country. We need to press the CBC to start running stories on NORTCOM, it's our sovereignty at stake.

What I find distressing is the silence from Jack Layton and the NDP, as well as the Council of Canadians. The COC seems like a lame duck these days.


Guest @ Wed Nov 24, 2004 12:15 pm

No one should be surprised. The USA is now acting out in the open with their foreign policy. they want it; they take it.
World be damned.


Guest @ Wed Nov 24, 2004 12:27 pm

That's absolutely absurd. As an American I can honestly say that I have never talked to anybody who had ever mentioned anything about invading Canada or annexing them or any of this other rubbish. This is absolute garbage.

Some of you have an over-inflated sense of worth or importance. Americans, generally speaking, don't care about Canada. At all. Not even a little bit. Definitely not enough to want to annex Canada.

If you guys believe this hogwash you are insane. But enough of you have proven just that already so it wouldn't surprise me.

Hey, here's an idea!!!! Since we're planning on 'taking you over' and all that, how about building up your military and getting ready to defend yourselves? If you were really concerned about the coming USA invasion of Canada I think maybe, just maybe, your government might be pushing to beef up the laughable Canadian armed forces. But in the real world, which some of us live in, Canada is America's ally and there is no danger of a US takeover.

Listen for the 'popping' sound, that's when you'll know you have removed your head from your ass.


gorian @ Wed Nov 24, 2004 12:28 pm

It isn't surprising, but it is alarming. The last time the United States openly plotted invasion of Canada was in 1933 -- but that was stalled by Hitler. There will be no such distractions this time. They have insinuated themselves into our country, our political institutions, and now even our borders. I expect they realized that if they openly pushed Canadians would fight. However, if they creep north with a coaxing smile, our natural friendliness will pull out the family linen (while they steal the silver -- an appropriate pun).

But where is the Right to defend this? The founder of the Conservative party in Canada, Sir John A. MacDonald, fought the Americans himself, with a gun in hand and no armour to protect him. The Liberal party back then, under Laurier, alternately argued in favour of Free Trade, with some members suggesting a variation of sovereignty alliance with the States. The Conservatives, conservative though they may have been, said "No!" and rallied the troops. The Liberals haven't changed all that much -- but where are the Conservatives now? First in line at the American feeding trough!

Come on Conservatives! Rise up for Canada! The far left, now stuck with the NDP, can't muster much energy for anything any more -- let alone a fight for the country. Where are the Conservatives challenging the Liberals to make Canada more independant, more powerful, more anything?

People voted for the Liberals, not because of their positions on health care or taxes -- but because we all believed that they were the surest way to guarantee that we would wake up in our great Canadian nation. If the Conservatives would take that plunge, make that commitment to the nation -- and even, god forbid -- develop policy that would make the country stronger, I truly believe they would win the next election. Regardless of their social policies.

Just my two cents (actually, about $1.17 worth).



Darvin Jackson @ Wed Nov 24, 2004 12:29 pm

That was mine, didn't realize I wasn't logged in. What can you expect from a dumb american with no health care! :-S


KWL @ Wed Nov 24, 2004 12:54 pm

First of all, Darvin, you being American, I am surprised that you read this site, seeing as it is a Canadian site devoted to issues of importance to Canadians.

Secondly, most Americans don't care about Canada because they don't know anything about it. Washington politicians know plenty though. They know about our abundant oil wealth, our minerals, our water resources, and our forests.There may not be a military invasion, there doesn't have to be. Our politicians are quietly handing over the country to American interests.

If you knew Michael Chussodovsky you would not call his article rubbish. The man is an economist at the U of Ottawa. He knows of what he speaks.


pylon @ Wed Nov 24, 2004 1:00 pm

Further to that, his article places no blame for malice or anything at Americans' feet; we are handing them control in exchange for the snakeoil-like protection they propose for North America. All the U.S. is doing is trying to (IMO, futilely and misguidedly) protect themselves for whatever threat, real (unliekly) or imagined (likely). Canada's jumping on the misdirected bandwagon knowingly.


Guest @ Wed Nov 24, 2004 1:37 pm

They're lying to us, but the Canadian politicians want hte same thing. Depressing.


gorian @ Wed Nov 24, 2004 1:38 pm

And exactly how many Americans were talking about Iraq before that country was annexed? Or how about South American during the 80s? or the Caribbean during the 1880s? I agree that most Americans are ignorant of the actions and ambitions of their own government, but that has never stopped the Imperialist actions of your government.

Get your own head out of your ass. Your country has been at war almost constantly since it was invented. It's gotten extremely good at keeping its own population (that would be people like you) ignorant of its violence and aggression, by keeping them just fearful and patriotic enough that they never question the Brass.

Don't question, D, don't think. Don't worry about it. George is there for You. Just remember that. You. He's making you money, over there, somewhere else, so just sit back and enjoy it. Hey, the British were content for a while to do the same with slavery -- over there. But we shouldn't talk about that either, because America was one of the last places on earth to outlaw slavery. Don't think about that. Let's just say, money was made, which is good enough isn't it?

Don't read this stuff either:

And don't sing Bob Dylan's "Masters of War" or else the Secret Service will arrive:,141 ... 75,00.html



Guest @ Wed Nov 24, 2004 2:09 pm

Oh my God! - the next thing you know we'll all have a 30% increase in wages and pay less tax too! and a more balanced system of gov't instead of the Liberal stranglehold on Parliament! and the US will have hit the motherlode of Democratic Party voters! - oh wait, that's hardly what Bush would be after - oh well, so much for your dumb story...


elysium @ Wed Nov 24, 2004 2:18 pm

Whether its annexation or not, they should not be able to have so much control over our nation. I don't care what NORTHCOM says, they have no jurisdiction here!

"If we don't define ourselves, we are going to let others define us."


Guest @ Wed Nov 24, 2004 2:35 pm

What are they putting in the water up there in Can'tnada ?
I can't believe these postings. Seek professional help immediately if you believe this bullshit. You Can'tnadians truely are a funny bunch. Thanks for the laughs,....move over Jim Carrey, by the looks of things, you are not the funniest thing out of Can'tnada by a long shot.

God Bless !


anarcho @ Wed Nov 24, 2004 2:59 pm

Sorry, Gorian, but there doesn't seem to be any Canadian conservatives left anymore - Other than David Orchard they seem to be extinct. The present Conservative Party is of course nothing more than a US neocon Fifth Column.


Perturbed @ Wed Nov 24, 2004 2:59 pm

Hi anonymous. I see the CIA is having a slow day. Take a lunch break.

As for pay increases, yeah, for 1% of our population.....the rest would be Puerto Ricans, and you should know it.



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