Canada Kicks Ass
Prime Minister Stephen Harper Lays Out National Infrastructu


jensonj @ Sun Jun 03, 2007 12:36 pm

<strong>Written By:</strong> jensonj
<strong>Date:</strong> 2007-06-03 12:36:46
<a href="/article/193646104-prime-minister-stephen-harper-lays-out-national-infrastructure-plan-for-municipa">Article Link</a>

The clean-up of Saint John Harbour

The Autoroute 30 bypass around the Island of Montreal

The FLOW project to reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality in the Greater Toronto Area

The expansion of the Red River Floodway to protect Winnipeg

The Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Initiative to tie Canada into the booming Far East through our West Coast ports

<a href=""></a>

[Proofreader's note: this article was edited for spelling and typos on June 4, 2007]


Roy_Whyte @ Sun Jun 03, 2007 2:56 pm

"Canada’s New Government"

A year and a half later and they are still on with that crap. They are great at propaganda techniques - repeat the same thing long enough people will come to believe it. As benign as this is, it's just getting plain stupid to be trying to make Canadians believe this is still a 'new' government. It's the same sellouts as before with a Conservative name. It was that a year and half ago, and it's that today.

If there was ever a time for Canadians to become pushy - now is the time - for time is running out on this nation called Canada.


Dr Caleb @ Sun Jun 03, 2007 5:07 pm

Did you notice the plan costs $33B, but there was no word on where that money will come from?

And no plan for mass transit in carbon heavy Alberta, but we get better access to the far East!

The preceding comment deals with mature subject matter, however immaturely presented. Viewer discretion is advised.


jensonj @ Sun Jun 03, 2007 7:13 pm

The Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Initiative isn't to tie Canada into the booming Far East through our West Coast ports but a means to tie the U.S.A. along with its Security and Prosperity Partnership plan to provide the cheapest way of transporting trade between the U.S.A. and the Asia-Pacific Gateway.

Perception is two thirds of what we perceive reality to be.

Difficult decisions are a privilege of rank.


Reverend Blair @ Mon Jun 04, 2007 7:24 am

The expansion of the Floodway started long before Harper came to office. What's he announcing? That he didn't cancel the federal money?


RPW @ Mon Jun 04, 2007 8:27 am

Yes, in the same manner that a business which doesn't make its projected profit margins can call the lesser profit a "loss".....

The "next great megaproject" in this country is how to accomplish what we doing now with 1/2 the energy consumption we currently use.

What Harper is doing (or rather, like everything else on his plate, is promising to do when he gets his majority) is carying on the same old, same old........

"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."
-Max Planck


Jacob @ Mon Jun 04, 2007 8:54 am

The announcement of such plans is normally a sign of an upcoming election. John Turner did the same thing - when PM - but it came to nothing when the electorate turfed him and the LP out in the 1984 general election.

"O yes, I remember it well."


Crankster @ Tue Jun 05, 2007 11:51 pm

Funny how the shape of that infrastructure resembles a dog getting fucked up the ass by a bear.

General strike could be coming to a place near you...are you ready?