Canada Kicks Ass
The Collective Wisdom of Canadians


Newsbot @ Sun Sep 21, 2008 7:57 am

Title: The Collective Wisdom of Canadians
Topic: Canadian Politics
Written By: robertjb
Date: Saturday, September 20 at 14:32
Canada's political elites are contemptuous of the public good and the concept of Canada as an independent country.
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RickW @ Sun Sep 21, 2008 7:57 am

Yet, while the public perceives themselves as having only two choices, between Tweedledum and Tweedledee, we will never rid ourselves of this destructive FPTP "who wants to be dictator for a term?" governance, and adopt a far more rational PR system, which will force cooperation among the parties.

That reader who commented that "We cannot afford another minority government" is one of those who savours virtual dictatorship -- and very likely doesn't even know it. He represents that portion of the general population who wants all decisions made for them, yet reserves the 'right' to bitch about those he doesn't like.


Rural @ Sun Sep 21, 2008 9:02 am

Indeed our consecutive governments seem to have lost the realization that ALL the MPs from ALL partys were elected to represent us, NOT just those of the governing party. Be it a minority or majority it is long overdue that they all embrace a cooperative aproach within our parlimentry system. Failure to do so will, some will say already has, result in the end of our demorcracy as we know it!
Great article, that one is a keeper for forwarding to my fellow Canadians.


Leonard54ca @ Sun Sep 21, 2008 5:50 pm

We should always have minority government the Prime Minister Office as way to much power. These member of parliament have no way of represent us.. if they vote in parliament for the electorate and it opposes the PMO they get tossed out.. is this what we call democracy. When a Canadian Government is elected with a majority it is called (dictatorship) plan and simple think ago it for about 10 seconds. Now I see why they keep promising an elected senate and when the election is over they never speak about it again as if it was taboo. How blind I have been all these years.( I truly believe that the younger generation of today knows what is going on with our Canadian Politics and the Prime Ministers Office. The reason they choose not to vote is because they know it will make no difference which party is elected. Canada will remain the same absolute power from the Prime Ministers Office.(Dictatorship)It doesn't matter you will not heard because your elected MP cannot speak for you all decisions are made in the PMO the only you can make a difference if we elect a minoty government. Ideals please as to how this could done.
I always wondered why Canada as never evolved into a Republic. After all these years we are still under British Rule still part of the Commonwealth. It all comes from the Prime Ministers Office (Dictatorship)It will not allow us to mature into a great country. It will not let go of the power.
We need to find way to control who get elected. We must find way to stop any majority Government. Trudeau said a long time ago that the prime minister office as way to much power. SO LETS TAKE THIS POWER ON...


Crankster @ Sun Sep 21, 2008 8:11 pm

RickW RickW:
Yet, while the public perceives themselves as having only two choices, between Tweedledum and Tweedledee, we will never rid ourselves of this destructive FPTP "who wants to be dictator for a term?" governance, and adopt a far more rational PR system, which will force cooperation among the parties.

That reader who commented that "We cannot afford another minority government" is one of those who savours virtual dictatorship -- and very likely doesn't even know it. He represents that portion of the general population who wants all decisions made for them, yet reserves the 'right' to bitch about those he doesn't like.

Minorotiy governments are ok as long as the opposition has teeth. Dictatorships have to be led by smart people. None of the four twits we have to choose from fit that bill. Vote spoilt ballot or none of the above.


RickW @ Sun Sep 21, 2008 8:20 pm

Crankster Crankster:
Dictatorships have to be led by smart people

Then we are safe if Harper forms a majority -- unless you count cunning as being smart.

As for voting "spoilt ballot" or "none of the above", that is just what Harper is counting on to get his majority..............


coyoteman @ Mon Sep 22, 2008 10:34 am

Well, until there is the radical restructuring/ democratization of the ruling class controlled economy and political structure in this country, indeed throughout capitalism everywhere, I certainly favour the "more amenable to public pressure" minority governance result of recent years in this country.Indeed, I favour this over any other majority "vanguardist" party option out there.

That said, I still am of the mind that the far better outcome of this sham electoral and economic democracy system, such as would throw the system into a kind of attention demanding crisis of greatest opportunity here, is that in addition to the near 40% of the population that has already walked away from it and refuses to participate, self included, that this number be increased to a majority of the population. Or failing that, to as near a 50/50 participation/nonparticipation split as possible. To which end I will commit myself over this federal electoral period.

It is time for the sham, actual ruling class control of the electoral/political regime to be addressed and removed from the "formal" electoral system. It is likewise time that "the people" be organized, and a powerful "street democracy" movement be created, which has as its end objective, a popular democratization of the economy, at least its major corporate enterprises, and upon that principal base of popular control of the economy, the evolution of a new political democracy built around a PR system of representation and governance. Even one free of all vanguardist political parties would be my personal preference, but perhaps too far a reach right now. 8) )

And lest ye think this is all too far fetched a notion, watch the growing crisis of the economic system, its further collapse will change the dynamics of everything. (Even Real News recently had an interesting piece around this idea of the need to create a new economic democracy.See Below.) ... umival=845

A New Time of Radical Change Opportunity is Upon Us.


Leonard54ca @ Mon Sep 22, 2008 1:53 pm

There is a way we can make sure we always have a minority it will take work and it will people. This is only for conversation Let's say... call It( Coliation to elect Responsible and Acountable Government within Canada)including provinces. What we do is go to every Ridings and recommend the best canditate in that riding that would do is job to represent the voter. And explain why they should vote for this individual. I truly believe you would attract all the younger generation because they know ther vote will count.
I am not sure the number of seat in Parliament all I know it that it should be split between. Liberals Conservative NDP Green we can even have an Independent. End result always a minority and that it would take two Parties to call an election.
I know some will not like this but people will see that all we are doing is taking the power away from the PMO and returning it to the people where it belongs. They will have to learn to work together because next election will be the same.
I believe this will work if someone had the B-alls to get it going. It would take lot's of work because we would have to explain why we recommend this Candiate for this riding... Can you see the picture. This would work I am sure..


Leonard54ca @ Mon Sep 22, 2008 2:07 pm

Coyoteman... you seemed like a very smart person what do think about (coliation to elect Responsible and Acountable Government in Canada) That could keep you motivated to vote when you know you make this country a better place for all Canadians. A Government that work for people. A government that would take on bureaucracy and place them right side up.


coyoteman @ Mon Sep 22, 2008 8:37 pm

What we do is go to every Ridings and recommend the best canditate in that riding that would do is job to represent the voter. And explain why they should vote for this individual. I truly believe you would attract all the younger generation because they know ther vote will count.

My basic problem with this concept is I'm not really sure I trust "the younger generation" anymore than I trust my own "older generation", frankly. (And I'm 70. No shit.) Which is just for starters.

Secondly, and the really big one is, your Coalition to Elect Responsible and Accountable Government sounds too much like just another "vanguard" political party, who also all think, or profess anyway, that they are making "this country a better place."

I think it is really more complicated than that. And the first thing that has to happen is there has to be a big "sea change" occur in the country first, that causes people to first, seriously begin to question the status quo system and withdraw their allegiance/co-operation from it. It's coming, and minority governments partly reflect that, I think. So does a huge percentage of the population that doesn't participate in the electoral system at all, even to marking their X on a ballot. Which if this process continues and grows, leads to the next stage of development that has to occur, I think. Younger and more radical elements, though increasingly over time, not just them, have to begin to move onto the streets, into the union halls, environmental, poverty, women and community movements, coming together, creating concencus, and demanding change.

I have no interest at all in prolonging the life of either the economic or political status quo in this country. My interest is in ending and transforming it, and putting an end to the bullshit.


coyoteman @ Mon Sep 22, 2008 9:01 pm

"coyoteman"]What we do is go to every Ridings and recommend the best canditate in that riding that would do is job to represent the voter. And explain why they should vote for this individual. I truly believe you would attract all the younger generation because they know ther vote will count.

My basic problem with this proposal, as a gut instinct is, I'm not really sure I trust "the younger generation" anymore than I trust my own "older generation", frankly. At this point in time anyway. (And I'm 70. :D No shit.) Which is just for starters.

Secondly, and the really big negative one is, your Coalition to Elect Responsible and Accountable Government sounds too much like just another "vanguard" political party trying to win seats and serve the ruling class, making "the system" work, which vanguardists also all attempt to do, or profess anyway, that they are making "this country a better place."

I think it is really more complicated than what you propose, and the other vanguardists... (Hmmm. Maybe more simple actually.) And the first thing that has to happen is there has to be a really big "sea change" occur in the country first, in the mass of peoples' attitudes, that causes them to first, seriously and fundamentally begin to question the status quo system and withdraw their allegiance/co-operation from it, even where that is only passively given, as is typically the case. It's coming, and the continued existence of minority governments partly reflect that, I think. So does the existence of a huge percentage of the population that doesn't participate in the electoral system at all, even to the extremely limited extent of marking their X on a ballot. Which if this process continues and grows, as I expect it will, leads to the next stage of development that has to occur. Radicalized younger and older elements, though increasingly over time, not just them, have to begin to move onto the streets, into the union halls, to environmental, poverty, women and community movements, coming together, creating consensus, and demanding change, occupying and creating worker-community management models in the corporate workplaces and creating alternatives to the capitalist market delivery of goods and services.

There is more to it than just that, of course, but that is roughly where and how it starts, and begins to grow and mature, transforming people and society, and creating a new and different marketplace as it evolves.

I have no interest at all in prolonging the life of either the economic or political status quo in this country. I made my decision long ago, to participate no more than I had to in it, to survive and feed my family. My interest is in ending and transforming it, and putting an end to the bullshit.


Crankster @ Tue Sep 23, 2008 9:50 pm

I hear what is being said,yet,it seems to me that it is still a pussyfoot way around the crap being spewed by todays type of government(s).
Our 'democratic' system is way to heavy with the rich fat cats drool and money. It solely centered around the dollar value of votes rather than the people.
The people need to force government to change and act responsably. This election call was not responsable. It is a waste of tax payers money in a time when the taxpayer is being hosed by outrageous taxes,low wages,and a gov that just don't get it. Democracy was supposed to give people a say in government,now it is time to say we have had enough of the parties inviolved and elect a party that has a vision for the future of canada and not just the commercial future.
A spoiled ballot vote shows the gov that the parties we have a choice of aren't worth the trouble. I have yet to see a party put forth an election platform that takes on the major issues and spells out a plan. They all kiss the issues off.


Dr Caleb @ Tue Sep 23, 2008 11:01 pm

Crankster Crankster:
They all kiss the issues off.

Come on Crankster, think of the Kittens! Kittens are a big hot-topic in this election!

PM-splashgraphic-Kittens.jpg [ 50.48 KiB | Viewed 241 times ]


RickW @ Wed Sep 24, 2008 7:58 am

This Conservative "government" is deliberately targeting such aspects as INSITE, in a deliberate diversion attempt to take peoples' thoughts away from the pandemic that is the illegal drug business around the world.

This Conservative "government" has no interest in stopping the illegal drug business around the world, because too many people are making too much money (and if not these people directly, then their contacts, friends, relatives, associates, et al).

Moreover, this Conservative "government" realizes that the whole of society would have to change, in order to actually put a halt to the illegal drug business. You have to ask yourself just why the so-called "war on drugs" is such a spectacular failure, year afdter year (and at a cost that would relieve poverty inn a very large chunk of the world). This Conservative "government" has no interest in making fundamental changes to society, because (as Coyotemen notes) life has been very good to those in charge of things.

And the voters that this Conservative "government" is targeting are those who think that drugs are used by the ne'er-do-wells, slackards, and down 'n' outs in places such as the Downtown East Side. These people think that the down 'n' outers are responsible for all the crime in Canada, while they remain safely ensconced behind their middleclass blinders.