Canada Kicks Ass
We allowed the rich to win the class war


siljan @ Tue Jun 05, 2007 4:16 pm

<strong>Written By:</strong> siljan
<strong>Date:</strong> 2007-06-05 16:16:07
<a href="/article/15160751-we-allowed-the-rich-to-win-the-class-war">Article Link</a>

This appears to be the underlying motivation behind Toronto's “Streets to Homes” program, which is modelled on the Bush administration's program to end homelessness in U.S. cities.

Bush chose Philip Mangano as his homeless czar to oversee a national program aimed at weaning the homeless off temporary shelter and food supports, and moving them into permanent housing.

That is a laudable goal. But, like other Bush initiatives, the stated goal isn't the whole story.

One clue that something is amiss is the fact that, at the same time that it's ostensibly working to end homelessness, the Bush administration has made deep cuts to federal housing and support programs that would be key to any successful transition from homelessness to housing.

In reality, the much-vaunted success of cities like New York in eliminating homelessness is largely spin, according to Patrick Markee, an analyst with New York's Coalition for the Homeless. “This decade has been the worst since the Great Depression,” he told me.

<a href=""></a>


RPW @ Tue Jun 05, 2007 6:36 pm

Is this taken right out of Stupid White Men..........?

"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."
-Max Planck


Ed Deak @ Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:07 pm

As much as I admire Linda, I think, she's wrong on this one.

The rich didn't win the class, war, the disgusting spoils were handed to them with the legalization of theft by our university economics departments pushing and forcing the criminal neoclassical theory on the world, then quoting Adam Smith to justify their actions.

As wealth can not be created, only taken, the rich must take it from somewhere, something, or somebody. This is an unalterable physical law.

This has always been so, just look at the medieval castles, palaces, churches, cathedrals etc. of Europe, and compare them with the living conditions of the unwashed masses. When Spain was stealing New World gold by the tons, and shiploads, it was used to oppress their own peoples, while building fantastic palaces for the biggest criminals, ordained by God, of course.

Ed Deak.


F Smith @ Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:10 pm

Take a look at Cathy Crowes book "Dying for a Home". It details the lives of some of those living on the streets of Toronto. It seems that there are about a quarter of a million homeless or underhoused in Canada.



siljan @ Tue Jun 05, 2007 9:19 pm

I always enjoy your comments Ed Deak. You are the main reason I log in at this site every now and then.

Would it be fair to say that wherever this neo-liberal neoclassic economic theory came from or who pushed it, the rich won either way? Capitalism is after all built on the impoverisment of others. The evil system that brought us disposible income also gave us disposable people, it can not function any other way.

You are right, for centuries capitalist greed has been the motivating force behind slavery, racism, colonialism and world wars.

The increasing poverty and homelessness we see in Canada, is a direct result of unregulated mafia-style capitalism.
In my humble opinion, if humanity is to survive this economic system must end.


Ed Deak @ Tue Jun 05, 2007 9:47 pm

Thanks Siljan.....nice to know.......

We have to remember that all ideologies and economic theories of the past and present have been based either on religions, or pseudo religions, like communism and nazism, justifying the actions of the predators with the scriptural quotations from dead prophets.

I have seen them all, so I can make the appropriate comparisons and have realized long ago that the instigators and seigneurs are always the same, under different coloured flags. The biggest capitalists in the former Soviet controlled area have once been the biggest communists. And it would be the same if the tables were turned around. A few heads roll, but the nameless majority fits into every ruling system and class.

Ed Deak.


Crankster @ Tue Jun 05, 2007 11:39 pm

Ok tell us something we didn't know. The rich have beengetting farther and farther ahead while the poor slumber on. The only reason why the rich continue to win is because the working class didn't come to the fight..
The only way through all this shit is to stand up and take back from the rich, hit em where it hurts.
Stop feeding the machine. It is so simple. Stop FEEDING THE MACHINE!! We working suckers are bamboozled into thinking we can't do anything. Bullshit I say. If the masses were willing to stand up,union or non-union and walk out of the machine, were would the rich get there money from?

A little peice of heaven is found in good deeds.


Ed Deak @ Wed Jun 06, 2007 8:42 am

The working stiff, and I've been one of them in 4 countries, can jump up and down, as long as the universities are pushing criminal, pseudo religious theories and governments swallow them, any new system will degenerate into oppression. Revolutions usually bring on worse dictatorships.

We have thousands of years of examples and precedents, so we don't have to speculate over what is going on. The only purpose of globalization is the removal of the democratic decision making rights of societies, colonize, urbanize and make them incompetent, so they have to rely on the mercy of an international self appointed ruling class conspiracy.

The only solution is physical laws based, from the ground up, sustainable, self sufficient to the greatest degree, economic systems.

But then, the working stiff will also have to learn to take part in the decision making process and not to vote for imbeciles and crooks, as they have done in Western Canada for ages.

Ed Deak.


siljan @ Wed Jun 06, 2007 8:44 am

There are signs here and there that the slumbering masses are waking up, Crankster.

And look out when 'Joe six-pack' gets off his butt and start realizing that he has been lied to all his life, and that he has voted against his own interest all his life as well.


Diogenes @ Wed Jun 06, 2007 9:17 am

Whatever movements that were started in my fathers tim or in mine for the awakening of the underclasses have long since been quelled. The power of the system with its main stream media as a Propaganda tool set the directions of thought that all but a few of us bought into.
The current ‘waronterah’ identifying Moslem extremist, who by the way, were either created by those who hold and have held control through church, state, law and press or identified as useful idiots (theirs) for other useful idiots (ours)

The working class waking up?

Don’t bet on it!


By the use of instilled memory, monetary gain, or bait as I prefer to call it have and will continue to control the wilfully ignorant.

"Those who understand Higher Wisdom do not speak in an ordinary manner.
Those who speak in an ordinary manner do not grasp Higher Knowledge.

Lao-tzu, Orie


siljan @ Thu Jun 07, 2007 8:39 am

A quote from the long and 'hopeless' fight against segregation in the American South comes to mind:

"Free your mind and your ass will follow"


Ed Deak @ Thu Jun 07, 2007 10:47 am

I agree, but the vast majority of people, anywhere on Earth, are very happy to have closed minds, because thinking free is very disturbing to them.

Look at the demands of various religions and governments elected here in Canada alone. Would clear and free thinking people have elected Harper et al. Or Bush ? Or followed jerks like Hitler and Stalin by the millions into death ?

If there had been elections in Germany and Austria immediately after WW2, and the nazis still alive and free to run, Hitler would have been elected by a vast majority, creeping out of holes in the ground to vote, in flattened cities.

Ed Deak,


Diogenes @ Thu Jun 07, 2007 11:54 am

"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance." - -- Thomas Jefferson

"A mind is a terrible thing to waste. United Negro college fund

there are a lot of slogans, snappy sayings and some deep thoughys to be had
but here's the deal the don't mean shit to a goose without the action to support them!
There is hardlt a second of time that cannot be occupied with "entertainment"
and is
but for the serious stuff of life???
That has been the province of those who took control and now own each and every one of us to some degree or the other
Those of the under clas would sell you or me out in a heartbeat with their yammerings of "Oh what ever does he mean? His spelling is Atrocious "

But offer up athe letter c followed by three ***'s ans see how quicck imagined cognition begins

I have been inspired by so many free thinkes, commedians and philosophers I've lost count
BUT! (full stop!)
the majority are lost in Circuses of one sort or the othetr
How about those Ducks eh?

"Those who understand Higher Wisdom do not speak in an ordinary manner.
Those who speak in an ordinary manner do not grasp Higher Knowledge.

Lao-tzu, Orie


h.f. wolff @ Sat Jun 09, 2007 2:09 pm

Bread and circuses for the masses to keep them fed and amused (occupied).

It worked in Rome and appears to be working now.

I've thought for some time that the EFFECT of the French revolution, American civil war, Russian revolution, WW I and II, was to eradicate the CRITICAL MASS of the intelligentsia of the western world in order to make this world easier to manipulate.

Current observations seem to bear this out (present company excepted, of course!)

I'm not saying that there are no intelligent people left; what I am saying is that there are not enough intelligent people left to make their thoughts and wishes felt in sufficient quantity so as to influence the powers-that-be in no uncertain ways.

Consequently the remaining people that think and give a damn must make their opinions and wishes known much more forcefully. The easiest way I know of doing this is to vote only for independent candidates. Elected in sufficient quantities it would send an unmistakable message to the political parties that it is no longer business-as-usual.

Hope springs eternal....

H.F. Wolff