Canada Kicks Ass
Protestant Churches Have Become a Joke


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Motorcycleboy @ Sun Jun 25, 2006 11:09 am

In 2004, the Presbyterian Church voted to divest from Israeli interests because of Israel's so-called "illegal occupation of Palestinian territory".

This summer, the United Church in Canada is poised to do the same.

If anyone was still a member of the Anglican Church, then I'm sure that institution would be on the verge of doing it as well.

Besides anti-semitism, these organizations all share a common trait. They're all dying.

While Catholicism and Evangelical Christian churches have enjoyed a resurgence in recent years, the United, Presbyterian and Anglican churches are struggling just to fill the front row of their pews on any given Sunday.

If current trends continue, these organizations will close their doors sometime in the first half of this century.

Good riddance I say.

Any organization that condemns Israel for trying to protect itself, while ignoring Palestinian murderers and terrorists, deserves to wither.

King Billy must be rolling in his grave.


figfarmer @ Sun Jun 25, 2006 11:19 am

Thanks for beginning to notice.


Newfy @ Sun Jun 25, 2006 11:24 am

I don't which Anglican Church your on about as I am a member and I haven't seen this drop in attendance you are speaking of, nor have they openly condemned Israel. I must also say though that Israel cannot always be defended for its actions and is often to blame for the killing of innocent civilians.


Newfy @ Sun Jun 25, 2006 11:24 am

I don't which Anglican Church your on about as I am a member and I haven't seen this drop in attendance you are speaking of, nor have they openly condemned Israel. I must also say though that Israel cannot always be defended for its actions and is often to blame for the killing of innocent civilians.


Motorcycleboy @ Sun Jun 25, 2006 11:49 am


I don't which Anglican Church your on about as I am a member and I haven't seen this drop in attendance you are speaking of,

You haven't eh? You must be the only one then.

Statistics Suggest Anglican Church of Canada in Huge Decline

The Anglican Church of Canada has experienced a huge decline over the past 40 years, according to a new independent survey.

Posted: Monday, February 13 , 2006, 10:50 (BST)

The Anglican Church of Canada has experienced a huge decline over the past 40 years, according to a new independent survey.

Over the period of 1961 to 2001 the Canadian region of the worldwide Anglican Church has lost 53% of its members, with numbers declining from 1.36 million to just 642,000.

An even more worrying sign for the worldwide Church is that the survey suggested that the decline is accelerating. In the period between 1981 and 1991 the Church membership decreased by 13%, however between 1991 and 2001 the numbers reduced by a greater proportion of 20%.

Read the rest here if you like. ... ne/999.htm

nor have they openly condemned Israel.

Maybe your minister hasn't got the word yet., ... 04,00.html

Synod in disinvestment snub to Israel
By Ruth Gledhill, Religion Correspondent, for Times Online

The Church of England is expected to face condemnation from Jewish leaders after it voted to disinvest from companies whose products are used by the Israeli government in the occupied territories.

Newfy: I must also say though that Israel cannot always be defended for its actions and is often to blame for the killing of innocent civilians.

I've yet to see Israeli suicide bombers blowing up pizza parlours and bus stops in the Palestinian territories.

I have however, seen Palestinians killed by their own kind, only to see Israel get blamed for it. Like at Jenin or most recently on the beach in Gaza.


Donny_Brasco @ Sun Jun 25, 2006 12:55 pm

Wow, I thought this guy just hated Indians. I guess he does hate everyone equally. Anyone with a different points of view from his anyways.

Gays, minorities, church groups...


fifeboy @ Mon Jun 26, 2006 5:43 pm


The Anglican Church of Canada has experienced a huge decline over the past 40 years, according to a new independent survey.

Does your research say that the decline in the Anglican Church is due to its lack of support of Isreal? I personally attend two Roman Catholic churches, depending where I am on Sunday. One is jammed to the ceiling and the other is about 1/16th full???? I don't expect that one of them has condemmed Isreal and the other supports Isreal!


I've yet to see Israeli suicide bombers blowing up pizza parlours and bus stops in the Palestinian territories.

I have however, seen Palestinians killed by their own kind, only to see Israel get blamed for it. Like at Jenin or most recently on the beach in Gaza.

Let me get this streight: you actually saw Palestinians kill their own kind, or do you mean you heard this happend? Don't beleive everything you hear! I don't know if these reports are true or not, but they are just reports.

I am a supporter of Isreals right to a safe secure country. I have nothing against them as a nation. But they are going to have to realize there has got to be some way they can have this and respect the national rights of the Palestinians. This Palestinian problem is the root cause of a lot of the trouble we have all over the world.

If we were to substitute the word "English" for Isreali and the word "Irish" for Palestinian, would your image of the conflict change? This is not meant to be a slight to you, just a series of questions.


hamiltonguyo @ Tue Jul 04, 2006 1:54 pm

I am an Anglican and I think the worst is over in Canada. Alot of Churches are closing in Hamilton and consolidating but the ones that already have are starting to experience some growth. The reason the Anglican United and Presbertyrian churches are declining so much is because they spent so much attention on trying to maintain churches every few streets. NO church can do that any more. When the churches consolidate the costs per person is lowered and more money can flow into evangelism hence greater growth. I don't know about the other two but the Anglican church is starting to notice that it works like that.

The Church of England is a bitch to The Church in the Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East.

Whatever their bishop (which is always a Palestinian) says, the Church of England backs him up on. Due to the fact that the majority of Anglicans in the Mideast are arabs the Bishop always takes an anti-israel and sometimes even anti-semetic stance. (If you want to see what I mean just read the official site when they talk about Israel they don't even have the decency to call the IDF by it's real name)

It's time we stopped playing bitch to the Palestinians in order to maintain "Anglican Unity" If they think we do not take the stance they want then they can f*** themselves.

Also Changing Israeli to English and Palestinian to Irish would happen to not change my feelings at all.

Although the situations are different neither the Israelis nor the English deserve good portions of the criticism they get, and the Irish/Palestinians always get more benefit of the doubt and more blind faith in them then they deserve.

Terrorism will end in the middle east when we get tough on it like people got tough of terrorism in N.Ireland.


Thematic-Device @ Wed Jul 05, 2006 6:37 am

Motorcycleboy Motorcycleboy:
I've yet to see Israeli suicide bombers blowing up pizza parlours and bus stops in the Palestinian territories.

Firing at beaches from apaches is more like it.

I have however, seen Palestinians killed by their own kind, only to see Israel get blamed for it. Like at Jenin or most recently on the beach in Gaza.

Palestineans don't have apaches or tanks, but I suppose no one is capable of telling that when a shell or missile goes off, chances are it came from israel. From everything which goes on, both sides are equally guilty of war crimes.


Stormrider @ Wed Jul 05, 2006 7:20 am

Donny_Brasco Donny_Brasco:
Wow, I thought this guy just hated Indians. I guess he does hate everyone equally. Anyone with a different points of view from his anyways.

Gays, minorities, church groups...

Motorcycleboy don't take the bate Donnys just try to start argument. You did no wrong , you just presented some facts.


BartSimpson @ Wed Jul 05, 2006 10:12 am

The same thing has been noted in the USA and within the Catholic Church as well.

The common denominator is that liberal churches that have a social ministry instead of a faith-based ministry are losing membership to the churches where the clergy actually believe in God.

The United Methodist Church has been in decline for the past few years and so have several other liberal denominations including the liberal sects of the Catholic Church.

The largest growth in California for the Catholics has been with the conservative and traditional Legion of Christ.

Then the Protestant churches experiencing growth are also conservative and traditional.

The fact of the matter remains that if you are a liberal and secular person then you do not need to attend a liberal and secular church.

The liberal churches are putting themselves out of existence with their faithless messages and agendas.

Healthy people do not go to hospitals and secular humanists do not go to church.

So why these liberal churches insist on their secular humanist agenda escapes me.


Thematic-Device @ Wed Jul 05, 2006 10:20 am

BartSimpson BartSimpson:
Healthy people do not go to hospitals and secular humanists do not go to church.

I believe you just equated faith to an affliction.


fifeboy @ Wed Jul 05, 2006 10:39 am

BartSimpson BartSimpson:
The common denominator is that liberal churches that have a social ministry instead of a faith-based ministry are losing membership to the churches where the clergy actually believe in God.

I gotta agree with you on this one. Just comming back from the U.S. I saw this. Now I don't know about the clergy not beleiving in God though, as I have a friend who is a Presbeterian (sp??) minister. She is very liberal, but believes deeply in God and religion. Its just watching T.V. and talking to people, there is a move to very vocal, aggressive religion going on in the U.S. I don't know why.

BartSimpson BartSimpson:
The United Methodist Church has been in decline for the past few years and so have several other liberal denominations including the liberal sects of the Catholic Church.

As I said earlier, I am Catholic and attend two churches and the Sunday results are exactly opposite of what you are saying. The very traditional church, run by Oblate's has almost nobody attending, while the more liberal, city church is overflowing to the point they need to add to it.

BartSimpson BartSimpson:
The largest growth in California for the Catholics has been with the conservative and traditional Legion of Christ.

I have nothing to say about this, as I have not been to California for more than 40 years. Didn't like the place then, and I doubt I will like it now! But I guess that any place that elects by popular vote a Hollywood actor as Govenor??

BartSimpson BartSimpson:
Then the Protestant churches experiencing growth are also conservative and traditional.

This is true, especially in the south east. One can hardly sit down to talk with anyone without them starting up on evolution, birthcontrol, abortion or some other topic with a religious basis. Funny though, no one, the whole time I was there (6 weeks) spoke of illegal immigration.

BartSimpson BartSimpson:
The liberal churches are putting themselves out of existence with their faithless messages and agendas.

The secular churches I know are run by faithful people, Now, I must admit, I don't know many in the states who belong to these churches, but to say they are faithless is a bit mean spirited


GreatBriton @ Wed Jul 05, 2006 11:13 am

Motorcycleboy Motorcycleboy:

I've yet to see Israeli suicide bombers blowing up pizza parlours and bus stops in the Palestinian territories.

So you obviously weren't around in the 1940s just before Israel was created when Jewish suicide bombers, who would later be Israelis, attacked and killed many British soldiers.


GreatBriton @ Wed Jul 05, 2006 11:16 am

And I see nothing wrong in Protestants NOT going to church.

Protestantism was created by Henry VIII so he could divorce one of his wives and England broke away from rule by Rome - the religious equivalent of the US getting its independence.

Unlike Catholics, who feel it's a sin to not go to church and go there nearly every Sunday, Protestants rarely go to church as, religiously, we are freer and can pray to God whenever we feel like it and in our own time.



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