Canada Kicks Ass
Secret Society Flow Chart


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Mustang1 @ Wed Aug 02, 2006 4:28 pm

conjuredcrisis conjuredcrisis:
Your picking apart something that wasnt ever presented as an exact science in the first place. It is a loose flow chart.

It’s largely fabricated horseshit and you believed it. Your piss poor knowledge on history led you to naively accept someone else’s fantasy dreck. They messed up and so did you. It’s wrong and so are you. Get over it.

“I only posted it to provide a list with possible influences and affiliations on Secret Societies, I wasnt asking for a debate on the details.”

You aped other’s infantile crap. The ugly truth here is that you simply don’t understand what you parrot. You don’t know anything about history, secret societies, cause/effect relationships, milieu reconstruction, historiography or critical thinking. If you did, you would’ve never endorsed such bogus junk as that idiotic flow chart. There is no debate and even if the possibility existed (which it doesn’t) what makes you think you’re competent enough to legitimately participate?

“I didnt make this chart, it is a reference point on learning about societies not as popular as freemasonry or the skull and bones for example.”

It’s juvenile fiction. You erroneously believed it was authentic. You got fleeced – it’s not the first time nor will it be the last. Perhaps instead of chastising others for alleged lack of knowledge you should pick up some good books and practice your critical thinking skills because so far, you seem rather gullible and unsophisticated.

“I already stated my intentions previously in the thread, you chose to ignore it.”

Oh, I read your chicken shit drivel; I just decided to hold you to your aped crap instead. You may rationalize your ignorance to the end of days, but you don’t jack about what you post. I challenged the particulars (I could certainly go further, but since you can’t even handle the basics, why bother?) and you responded with NOTHING! You’re a mouthpiece for others, an ignoramus and even worse – a disingenuous coward. You whined and cried about “debating etiquette” and here you’ve still dodged relevant challenges and conceded nothing. And you wonder why you garner little respect from others here?

Xerox away, my naïve chump, Xerox away


Jaime_Souviens @ Wed Aug 02, 2006 5:26 pm


This is a giveaway.

Nobody's so stupid as to actually believe this crap.

Who was the guy last week who pretended to believe that there was no sex in high schools. Shadow-something or other.

This is the same guy.

Think of it. They're both playing this same vague naive game, this same very passive and naive character that maintains untenable positions and really isn't debating anything.

The same furtive brain which produced MrMagicMan and Constantinople.

He's just putting you through your paces, Mustang1.


Thematic-Device @ Wed Aug 02, 2006 5:34 pm

conjuredcrisis conjuredcrisis:
The random connections arent random at all, they show connections and influence.

Oh yeah, the assassins really influenced the formation of the vatican. And Solomons temple certainly influenced Buddhism and Hindoism influenced judaism? WTF Are you smoking? Let me guess you just slapped a bunch of words together and started drawing random lines.

Tman1 Tman1:
Natural Selection....damn, it's a conspiracy I tell you, those moths are out to get us...

As soon as they find a way to look away from the light our clothes are doomed!


PluggyRug @ Wed Aug 02, 2006 5:40 pm

Thematic-Device Thematic-Device:
conjuredcrisis conjuredcrisis:
The random connections arent random at all, they show connections and influence.

Oh yeah, the assassins really influenced the formation of the vatican. And Solomons temple certainly influenced Buddhism and Hindoism influenced judaism? WTF Are you smoking? Let me guess you just slapped a bunch of words together and started drawing random lines.

Tman1 Tman1:
Natural Selection....damn, it's a conspiracy I tell you, those moths are out to get us...

As soon as they find a way to look away from the light our clothes are doomed!

The Masons and Shriners show no link, guess he's out to lunch again.


SireJoe @ Wed Aug 02, 2006 6:02 pm

Thematic-Device Thematic-Device:
conjuredcrisis conjuredcrisis:
The random connections arent random at all, they show connections and influence.

Oh yeah, the assassins really influenced the formation of the vatican. And Solomons temple certainly influenced Buddhism and Hindoism influenced judaism? WTF Are you smoking? Let me guess you just slapped a bunch of words together and started drawing random lines.

Tman1 Tman1:
Natural Selection....damn, it's a conspiracy I tell you, those moths are out to get us...

As soon as they find a way to look away from the light our clothes are doomed!

You don't think pretty much all religion has a common thread that ties them all together? I kinda figure they do....they all seem to be based on the same or mutiple gods all knowing, who created the world. That kinda crap.

I dunno about that timeline that you drew up there, but ya gotta think most if not all religions have come from one source and have just been expanded upon throughout human history.

Maybe the dinosaurs passed it down to us! I can see that :)



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