Canada Kicks Ass
Coming from puppet-king Ralph, "communist" is a co


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RUEZ @ Sun Mar 11, 2007 7:29 pm

Nick-the-Canadian Nick-the-Canadian:
PluggyRug PluggyRug:
Nick-the-Canadian Nick-the-Canadian:
Nick-the-Canadian Nick-the-Canadian:
Nick-the-Canadian Nick-the-Canadian:
Nick-the-Canadian Nick-the-Canadian:
Now take it easy, conservatives, you know I respect your way of thinking, heck we're in Canada.
I'm not gonna start shooting at y'all because you don't think like me.
STFU noob.

WTF?? you complaining again??
WTF you crying about conservatives again?

not crying, just saying you're never gonna stop complaining. :roll:
As am I about you.

blah blah blah....

Your sickle blunt again......

You'll wake up tomorow and I will have painted your house red
You'll probably get blown away for trespassing.


Schleihauf @ Sun Mar 11, 2007 8:42 pm

MidianKnight MidianKnight:
Personal manifesto of a proud ex-Montreal/Edmonton Communist

I believe in Public Healthcare for everyone, not multi-tier system by/of/for the rich
I believe in a living wage for everyone, and I define that as a wage being geared to cost of living wherever a person happens to live.
I believe that building speculators who quadruple the rents of people living on fixed incomes belong in prison, not on the front page of the Calgary Herald
I believe that SUV parasites who display the US flag on their swine-mobiles are traitors and should be cashiered and deported to the country they love so much.
I believe that the Conservatives Party of Alberta should be outlawed, and its' members jailed--if not executed--for treason, not allowed a free ride to ultimate, uncontested power in this province (32 years and counting...)
I believe--no, I KNOW--that it's perfectly obvious that every penny of every surplus we've ever had in this province is going straight into the pockets of the aforementioned conservatives (a name no longer worthy of capitalisation) and their corpoRAT owners, and unlike "real" Albertans, I DO give a fuck abouth this...
I KNOW that there is no longer anything to be done about this, so I KNOW that my desicion to leave Alberta when my schooling is done is the only right one...

I KNOW, that despite 28 years in this province, I will NEVER subscribe to this disgusting "Western Mentality", and that that is simply a synonym for "cowardly, greedy, stupidity."

I KNOW that I will never miss a thing about your utter shit sociey, shit province, or you fucking wannabe American/Yuppie shit lemming-people.

Please die soon, OK?

Liberal, non-Albertan CANADIAN, and fucking proud of it :twisted:

I believe in freedom. This is comming from a former communist.


grainfedprairieboy @ Mon Mar 12, 2007 12:01 am

Nick-the-Canadian Nick-the-Canadian:
You'll wake up tomorow and I will have painted your house red

As if a liberal commie ever worked let alone a Quebecer :roll:


MissT @ Mon Mar 12, 2007 8:57 am

Hey all. I've been away for a while, and when I came back, I got the impression that the site had been taken over by rabid tories. Most of the threads I looked at when I got back made me slightly nauseous, so I've been keeping away.

Anyway, while the quality of dialogue certainly seems worse than ever, it looks like the lefty demographic is on the rise again at CKA. Is this the case comrades?


MidianKnight @ Mon Mar 12, 2007 3:34 pm

"Thanks for leaving Fucktard...."

"Fucktard." Did you toilet-train late or something? I guess that's what passes for intelligent discourse among "real" albertans (another name no longer worthy of capitalisation) these days, eh? But then, from what I've seen, brains are clearly inimical to "living" in the One-Party Rich People's Republic/American Client-State of Alberta, aren't they. :roll:

Hey, fucktard, it's my pleasure, sincerely! :lol:
Any of you hot-shit, patriotically-correct conservatives: while I gotcha, answer me this:

Why is it that when you people spout your rabid wannabe-Yankee/fascist bullshit it's perfectly alright with anyone and everyone, but when anybody with views/attitudes even slightly to the left of Mussolini (er, that would be me) beaks off, it's like we got some fucking social disease? And all the while, you spout "freedom of speech, different opinions, blah, blah, blah, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit ad infinitum/nauseum..." Is it because you KNOW you are supporting a regime that has spent the last ~40 years conning you into voting for them so they can fuck you in the ass some more, and, knowing this, you displace your--perfectly justifiable, I might add--anger on those who wield the uncomfortable truth? Just like the regime tells you to? Believe me, I understand how bitter a thing this is to have to face, but you could try investigating alternatives to the brazenly corrupt establishment, for starters. Instead of overcompensating for not being the Uber-RednecKKK you only wish you were, and cutting down anyone who differs even slightly in attitude.

Or, failing that, at least debate INTELLIGENTLY. Yeah, see above :roll: Odious, just odious (look it up, OK?)

Yours, a proud liberal fucktard :twisted:


neopundit @ Mon Mar 12, 2007 3:54 pm

I believe in a living wage for everyone, and I define that as a wage being geared to cost of living wherever a person happens to live.

Sign me up for the job that requires the least amount of work, then.


MidianKnight @ Mon Mar 12, 2007 3:54 pm

MissT MissT:
Hey all. I've been away for a while, and when I came back, I got the impression that the site had been taken over by rabid tories. Most of the threads I looked at when I got back made me slightly nauseous, so I've been keeping away.

Anyway, while the quality of dialogue certainly seems worse than ever, it looks like the lefty demographic is on the rise again at CKA. Is this the case comrades?

I do certainly bloody-well hope so...(cynical, blade-edged grin here) Hope springs eternal doesn't it. Glad to see I'm not completely alone though. Biggest problem with fascists--oops, I mean tories--is they have no sense of humour. That's cool, though, we'll just make up for it, right? :twisted:

Res Ipsa Loquitor, tovarisch (let the good times roll, comrade...) :twisted:


MidianKnight @ Mon Mar 12, 2007 3:56 pm

Schleihauf Schleihauf:
MidianKnight MidianKnight:
Personal manifesto of a proud ex-Montreal/Edmonton Communist

I believe in Public Healthcare for everyone, not multi-tier system by/of/for the rich
I believe in a living wage for everyone, and I define that as a wage being geared to cost of living wherever a person happens to live.
I believe that building speculators who quadruple the rents of people living on fixed incomes belong in prison, not on the front page of the Calgary Herald
I believe that SUV parasites who display the US flag on their swine-mobiles are traitors and should be cashiered and deported to the country they love so much.
I believe that the Conservatives Party of Alberta should be outlawed, and its' members jailed--if not executed--for treason, not allowed a free ride to ultimate, uncontested power in this province (32 years and counting...)
I believe--no, I KNOW--that it's perfectly obvious that every penny of every surplus we've ever had in this province is going straight into the pockets of the aforementioned conservatives (a name no longer worthy of capitalisation) and their corpoRAT owners, and unlike "real" Albertans, I DO give a fuck abouth this...
I KNOW that there is no longer anything to be done about this, so I KNOW that my desicion to leave Alberta when my schooling is done is the only right one...

I KNOW, that despite 28 years in this province, I will NEVER subscribe to this disgusting "Western Mentality", and that that is simply a synonym for "cowardly, greedy, stupidity."

I KNOW that I will never miss a thing about your utter shit sociey, shit province, or you fucking wannabe American/Yuppie shit lemming-people.

Please die soon, OK?

Liberal, non-Albertan CANADIAN, and fucking proud of it :twisted:

I believe in freedom. This is comming from a former communist.

Yeah, so do I, which is why I stand against corporate fascism :twisted:


neopundit @ Mon Mar 12, 2007 4:00 pm

Hey man, I respect your views and the fact that you want to partake in intelligent debate.

So, you're going to have to explain to me how you would institute a "living wage", and how it would be successful while trouncing all economic incentives to work hard.


PluggyRug @ Mon Mar 12, 2007 4:09 pm

MidianKnight MidianKnight:
MissT MissT:
Hey all. I've been away for a while, and when I came back, I got the impression that the site had been taken over by rabid tories. Most of the threads I looked at when I got back made me slightly nauseous, so I've been keeping away.

Anyway, while the quality of dialogue certainly seems worse than ever, it looks like the lefty demographic is on the rise again at CKA. Is this the case comrades?

I do certainly bloody-well hope so...(cynical, blade-edged grin here) Hope springs eternal doesn't it. Glad to see I'm not completely alone though. Biggest problem with fascists--oops, I mean tories--is they have no sense of humour. That's cool, though, we'll just make up for it, right? :twisted:

Res Ipsa Loquitor, tovarisch (let the good times roll, comrade...) :twisted:

Well we "Cons" get a chuckle out of......

Hope springs eternal doesn't it.



camerontech @ Mon Mar 12, 2007 4:34 pm

neopundit neopundit:
Hey man, I respect your views and the fact that you want to partake in intelligent debate.

So, you're going to have to explain to me how you would institute a "living wage", and how it would be successful while trouncing all economic incentives to work hard.

I'm waiting for this [popcorn]


Schleihauf @ Mon Mar 12, 2007 7:28 pm

MidianKnight MidianKnight:
Schleihauf Schleihauf:
MidianKnight MidianKnight:
Personal manifesto of a proud ex-Montreal/Edmonton Communist

I believe in Public Healthcare for everyone, not multi-tier system by/of/for the rich
I believe in a living wage for everyone, and I define that as a wage being geared to cost of living wherever a person happens to live.
I believe that building speculators who quadruple the rents of people living on fixed incomes belong in prison, not on the front page of the Calgary Herald
I believe that SUV parasites who display the US flag on their swine-mobiles are traitors and should be cashiered and deported to the country they love so much.
I believe that the Conservatives Party of Alberta should be outlawed, and its' members jailed--if not executed--for treason, not allowed a free ride to ultimate, uncontested power in this province (32 years and counting...)
I believe--no, I KNOW--that it's perfectly obvious that every penny of every surplus we've ever had in this province is going straight into the pockets of the aforementioned conservatives (a name no longer worthy of capitalisation) and their corpoRAT owners, and unlike "real" Albertans, I DO give a fuck abouth this...
I KNOW that there is no longer anything to be done about this, so I KNOW that my desicion to leave Alberta when my schooling is done is the only right one...

I KNOW, that despite 28 years in this province, I will NEVER subscribe to this disgusting "Western Mentality", and that that is simply a synonym for "cowardly, greedy, stupidity."

I KNOW that I will never miss a thing about your utter shit sociey, shit province, or you fucking wannabe American/Yuppie shit lemming-people.

Please die soon, OK?

Liberal, non-Albertan CANADIAN, and fucking proud of it :twisted:

I believe in freedom. This is comming from a former communist.

Yeah, so do I, which is why I stand against corporate fascism :twisted:

You said you were a communist. [huh]


MidianKnight @ Wed Mar 14, 2007 5:18 pm

Nick-the-Canadian Nick-the-Canadian:
Now take it easy, conservatives, you know I respect your way of thinking, heck we're in Canada.
I'm not gonna start shooting at y'all because you don't think like me.
STFU noob.

"If Liberalism is a 'curable disease', then con(fidence scam)servativism is a TERMINAL CANCER." [bash]



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