Canada Kicks Ass
Bill 17


Scape @ Sun Nov 27, 2005 2:51 am



Snow @ Thu Dec 01, 2005 12:32 am

Weird I haven't seen anything, that guy is talking about.


Scape @ Thu Dec 01, 2005 12:44 am

Bye, Bye Bill 17


Snow @ Thu Dec 01, 2005 1:03 am

That's a pretty biased site, my friend got some charts off there about how the ndp had a surplus. i made some charts of my own. It's amazing how easily charts are made. Of coarse though, the ndp are going to apologize, their just going to brown nose till people think it's bad to have progress in our province.

Though i have to admit, it was a stupid move to go for a raise, right after the whole teacher thing, they should've waited a bit.


Scape @ Thu Dec 01, 2005 1:24 am

First past the post electoral systems tend to become 2 party systems. If you don't vote for the party most likely to win, or the party most likely to upset the first one, then your vote will likely be wasted. This gives the politicians in those two parties a sense of impunity. They don't have to be good, just not as bad as the other.

Immediate resignation is the only honourable course for all 79 MLAs.

Like the federal system. I think if we had a vote to 'dam them all' that would win on the ballot.

Recall campaigns can start in November 2006.

Thankfully such an option is not offered on the ballot.

Even if we only get one independent into the assembly, at least, never again will an atrocity like Bill 17 be accepted unanimously. If we do not meet the very realistic cynicism in the electorate with real change, then our democracy is in critical condition. If we do not govern ourselves in a process of public discussion and fair representation, then we will be governed by the few who arrogate to themselves the guns, the money and the control of information. This is called facism. Lest we forget.

Best argument I have heard yet for an independent.