Canada Kicks Ass
The Fight Store is lookng for retailers for UFC & King o


bjjnut @ Sun Jun 10, 2007 9:05 am

The Fight Store located at 1274 Hollis St. in Halifax 902-406-KICK (5425) we currently have exclusive rights to King of the Cage and UFC apparel for the Maritimes as well as exclusive right to Canadian kettle bells for the region from the province of Quebec to NFLD. We work in collaboration with local schools and organizations i.e. ECC, Titans, and Fit Plus, Cocagne Mixed Martial Arts, Extreme Pankration and much more to bring the bests equipment at the lowest prices around! We are the only providers of Twins Special Co. Muay Thai, Boxing gear and apparel in Eastern Canada! Twins Special Co. has had the reputation as the best in Muay Thai and kickboxing gear in the world for decades and we now offer it! We are looking for retailers and schools to carry UFC, King of the Cage. Please contact us at [email protected] or call us at (902) 406-KICK (5425) for the necessary forms and we can get you started today!

I know as a fan of MMA and as a person who trains to one day fight...I love having the suff available...and now we can help to do exactly mission is to make this available to everyone.


hwacker @ Sun Jun 10, 2007 9:18 am

will wearing UFC apparel make me stronger ?


bjjnut @ Sun Jun 10, 2007 9:30 am but it will show that you support MMA and face it it looks cool...and it is the fastest growing sport in the world...I'm talking the only company that managed to borrow a large amount of money (over 30 million) and paid it back within 3 years. It keeps getting bigger and is now becoming a family sport.


Blue_Nose @ Sun Jun 10, 2007 9:32 am

Hey bjjnut - while using the forum for advertising isn't usually allowed, I've got a question for you - I live a few blocks away from your store.

I've dislocated both my shoulders a few times and they're really unstable now - is kettlebell training suitable for regaining that stability, or is it too much strain? What sizes do you carry?

By the way, I think it's funny that the location you're in now used to be a comic book store - talk about different ends of the spectrum :lol:


bjjnut @ Sun Jun 10, 2007 9:43 am

Blue_Nose Blue_Nose:
Hey bjjnut - while using the forum for advertising isn't usually allowed, I've got a question for you - I live a few blocks away from your store.

I've dislocated both my shoulders a few times and they're really unstable now - is kettlebell training suitable for regaining that stability, or is it too much strain? What sizes do you carry?

By the way, I think it's funny that the location you're in now used to be a comic book store - talk about different ends of the spectrum :lol:

I would recomend talking to a Doctor and Physiotherapist to see to what extent you are allowed to train with your injury. Kettlebells can be used in a non explosive manner but their main purpose was to promote explosive strenght in athletes.

"Ballistic exercises are not the only exercises that you can benefit from, kettlebell exercises such as: the Turkish get-up, Bent Press, and Windmill will develop a rock-hard midsection and increase shoulder flexibility and stability. As a result many chiropractors are using kettlebells with their patients for rehab." This is a quote from one of the word's best kettlebell authorities.



Kettlebell Sizes

6 kg
8 kg
12 kg
16 kg
20 kg
24 kg
32 kg
40 kg


Blue_Nose @ Sun Jun 10, 2007 9:54 am

No worries - I've been to physio for this issue before. She had me doing elastic tubing exercises, because my shoulders were in pretty rough shape at the time. It doesn't sound like the kettlebells are intended for what I had in mind.

Thanks for the help - best wishes to your business!


bjjnut @ Sun Jun 10, 2007 9:57 am

Thnx..we are doing great! Drop in sometime and check it out!