Canada Kicks Ass
Canada’s race problem? It’s even worse than America’s.


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Mowich @ Fri Jul 15, 2016 3:35 pm

Thanos Thanos:
It's not supposed to make sense. It's a contribution by a Canadian "journalist" to this year's major collective media event, trying to stir up a race war with an endless deluge of evil-whitey-forever-guilty stories. It's the trend of the moment that will end immediately when something extra-stupid occurs in the US election, another mass shooting happens, or some disaster strikes overseas.



Mowich @ Fri Jul 15, 2016 3:45 pm

shockedcanadian shockedcanadian:

You can mention Hoover and McCarthy, but those were the darkest days, so it's not the norm.

Darkest days about

The Viet Nam conflict.........cause of course the US never actually declared war on the country, no - instead they just went over there and bombed the living shit out of everything they could while defoliating vast quantities of land that to this day have never recovered



Kent State Massacre

And let's not forget Bush and his pal Cheney - the evil fuck - who first lied about WMD then invaded the country thus giving rise to what is now known as ISIS

I could go on..........but won't as I think you really need to do a bit more studying of history. The United States is a great country but like all great countries they too have had their problems.



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