Canada Kicks Ass
NDP Kyoto Plan


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Rev_Blair @ Tue Jan 18, 2005 6:46 am

Godz, your facts are wrong. 99% of scientists working in related fields agree that global warming is happening and that it is being at least partially caused by man.


Private companies do waste money just as badly as the government does. Plans that don't work are common. Nepotism is rife. Expense accounts are high. Benefits are high. CEOs get insane amounts of money, even if they do badly.

You are trying to twist what I say though, likely because you lost the argument...not having read the plan and all. Let me try to make it clear enough that you can't do that.

Government leaders are supposed to look after the wants and needs of the population. That's what they are hired for.

Corporate leaders owe allegiance to nobody but the corporate board and all that board cares about is the bottom line. They are not elected by us and they have no interest in us beyond our pocket-books.

The Reform/Alliance/Conservatives supported PR until Harper thought he might be able to win an election. It isn't strictly an NDP initiative. See what happens when you shut your mind to alternatives because you see the letters "NDP"? You make a mistake. You also never mentioned direct democracy as an alternative...something that has support from people cross the political spectrum.

I brought DD and PR up in response to your ridiculous assertion that I wasn't looking for anything new though. It is you, my friend, who are fighting to keep things the same. Who do you think sets the agenda for the Liberal Party? They run from the left and govern from the right. They do that because they take their advice from The Fraser Institute and places like it...corporate funded think tanks. The Conservatives get their policy advice from people funded by the same guys. Your idea of something new is to cut out the politicians, who at least have to answer to us every four or five years.

You are basically suggesting that we let our country be run by an unelected junta.


Dan74 @ Tue Jan 18, 2005 10:33 am


Dan74 @ Tue Jan 18, 2005 10:33 am


Rev_Blair @ Tue Jan 18, 2005 11:58 am

Yeah, Dan 15,000 out of millions and those that weren't duped into signing through fraudulent means have had their theories debunked time and again. Live in denial like a modern luddite if you choose, but purposeful ignorance of scientific fact won't help you.

Nice source too. Capitalism Magazine. That's mot exactly a source that those who want to know scientific fact turn to. Kind of proves my point about private corporations being unwilling to address this issue, doesn't it. :lol:


Rev_Blair @ Tue Jan 18, 2005 11:24 pm

I like the way these latter-day luddites try to convince people that because a very small minority of scientists (yes Godz, about 1%), most of who have been publicly discredited and found to have ties to oil companies, deny global warming theory that there's some kind of scientific proof against it.

This is the same mindset that has kept the lunacy of Creationism going for all these years.


mcpuck @ Tue Jan 18, 2005 11:51 pm

Rev_Blair Rev_Blair:
Government has to run it, who else is there? Private industry is interested only in short-term profits.

Its painful how absolutely true this is. It seems no one will do anything that requires a little vision unless it is "economically viable" ...

I am not saying that the government should run organizations inefficiently but spending money that may not ever be recovered for the purpose of progress seems like a smart thing. Unfortunatetly, this truth seems vailed in capitalistic dogma.


Johnnybgoodaaaaa @ Wed Jan 19, 2005 12:38 am

8O He's back! haha, j/k. Where have you gone to for so long Godz? You were really missed around here :lol:


mcpuck @ Wed Jan 19, 2005 12:38 am

Dan74 Dan74:
Rev you contradict yourself so many times I have not idea what you are sayin cept" goverment good private sector bad cept when i suits my argument" .

Rev sounds pretty rock steady to me Danny boy

Dan74 Dan74:
You claim that the only thing companies care about is the bottom line than state they waste money.WHich is it? You can't have it both ways.

This statement had me rolling on the ground. You have both stated in other posts that you have witnessed private sector waste. Watching the bottom line and running a company efficiently are related but not the same thing. The books can always be set up to reflect whatever a company wishes to report. Therefore, success is limited to perception.

Have you ever heard a manager say, "we better spend it... because if we don't our budget may shrink in the next fiscal period."

Dan74 Dan74:
If a company ran a buisness like the goverment does they would go under.
When things get too rough goverments just raise taxes and cut services and say deal with it. .

I agree ... this seems to be historically evident

Dan74 Dan74:
Than you start on the NDP bitching about proportional representation which is just the NDP saying we can't win by these rules so lets switch them.

No ... you have a poor understanding of our system if you believe this. You seem to have a very cynical outlook on our society. Canadians are very badly represented by the Federal Gov. in this country. We need a new system. Even in PR voting, the chips will still fall where they may .. so if you think the NDP will all of a sudden start winning then you may as well believe in the Easter Bunny too.


mcpuck @ Wed Jan 19, 2005 1:20 am

Dan74 Dan74:

This is a woefully biased source.

For the record, I'm not sure I am convinced that there is a global warming trend either but .... IT DOESN'T MATTER !!

Rev has been making some very important points ... sustainable technologies are important for many reasons.

1) inexpensive and easily maintainable infrastructure (ex. windpower)
2) cutting edge technologies that enhance our trade surplus and create jobs.
3) huge infrastructures (such as: electrical grids oil and gas transport networks) can be eliminated or changed dramatically.
4) lowered travelling costs (ex. high speed maglev trains, electric autos which are both track and road based)
5) lowered heating costs (ex. hydrogen fuelled or cellulose fuelled power plants in each home)
6) increased farming would be required to facilitate new technologies such as fuel created completely from cellulose.

With these initiatives, we can achieve cheaper living costs, more revenue for Canada through trade and more jobs. Who the hell cares if the Earth is warming. We don't need Global Warming to justify our development of environmental technologies.

Let us stop arguing and let's get started toward a better tomorrow.


Rev_Blair @ Wed Jan 19, 2005 7:33 pm

The problem is that he doesn't recognise anything, Avro. He has been brainwashed into believing that the environmental movement is just out to steal his money and take away his toys. That's ridiculous, but that is the undercurrent of what he said.


mcpuck @ Wed Jan 19, 2005 8:19 pm

Dan74 wrote:

This is a woefully biased source.

For the record, I'm not sure I am convinced that there is a global warming trend either but .... IT DOESN'T MATTER !!

Rev has been making some very important points ... sustainable technologies are important for many reasons.

1) inexpensive and easily maintainable infrastructure (ex. windpower)
2) cutting edge technologies that enhance our trade surplus and create jobs.
3) huge infrastructures (such as: electrical grids oil and gas transport networks) can be eliminated or changed dramatically.
4) lowered travelling costs (ex. high speed maglev trains, electric autos which are both track and road based)
5) lowered heating costs (ex. hydrogen fuelled or cellulose fuelled power plants in each home)
6) increased farming would be required to facilitate new technologies such as fuel created completely from cellulose.

With these initiatives, we can achieve cheaper living costs, more revenue for Canada through trade and more jobs. Who the hell cares if the Earth is warming. We don't need Global Warming to justify our development of environmental technologies.

Let us stop arguing and let's get started toward a better tomorrow.



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