Canada Kicks Ass
NDP Kyoto Plan


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Rev_Blair @ Sun Jan 23, 2005 6:56 am

While YOU on the other hand jump for joy when you hear of a dead american soldier and agreed with another member in these forums who called 9/11 an "honorable mission" .

That's a lie, Godz. Act like a man for once in your tiny fucking life and fucking apologise.


Rev_Blair @ Tue Jan 25, 2005 9:29 pm

He did, In one of Comtech's threads called "9/11 terrorists" (now removed from the Moderators) he praised Comtech's view that the hijackers were on a "honorable mission".

No Godz, I didn't. You are lying. You are a liar. I suspect that you've been doing it for so long that you don't even know what the truth is.

BTW, have you signed up yet or are you still afraid to put your money where your mouth is?


mcpuck @ Wed Jan 26, 2005 4:10 am

Godz46 Godz46:
] Well I'm glad we can agree on this. Its not just the Liberals BTW, the NDP also slammed Harper's plan. As did thr Bloc Quebecois and the Toronto (Red) Star, what's ironic is that the biggest supporters of the corporate welfare in this country is the left and yet Conservatives are being slammed as "Corporate Whores". Try explaining that to Avro, he lives in Oshawa, Corporate Welfare capital of Canada

I’m thinking you’re making this stuff up .. give me some evidence

Godz46 Godz46:
What other fine products came from Stalinland comrade? Gulags? Refugees? Poverty? Crumbled Infrastructure? And can you explain to me how come when the Berlin Wall fell, there was a massive migration from Eastern Europe to Western Europe? All these countries had massive State-run Corporations who collapsed within time. No matter how many millions of dollars the government pumped in them. For the record yes, some products came out of the Eastern Bloc during the Soviet era, but it pales to what came out of the Western Nations between 1945-1990.

Are you implying that I must be a communist just because I value economic systems beyond capitalism? That’s ridiculous.
All such things like, Gulags, Refugees, Poverty and Crumbled Infrastructure are all manifestation of simple human error. There seemed to be a lack of political resolve to sustain the infrastructure. But, this is attributed to human mismanagement, not communism. The Berlin wall fell because its existence was irrational. Erich Honecker slapped it up under orders from the USSR to stop German migrations. Those poor people just wanted to see their families again. Simplistically speaking, Western Germany was more German than Eastern Germany.

Godz46 Godz46:

The "mainstream media" doesn't dare criticise the crown corporations. Remember who the media answers to at the end? the CRTC. And the last thing they need is trouble with their renewal contracts. A radio station in Quebec City dared to criticise many government regulations and the state-run businesses and Liza Frulla (Minister of Heritage) refused to renew their license when the time came.

The CRTC doesn’t just go around cutting people off because they don’t agree with their political standpoint. The CRTC has very structured rules and regulations to adhere to.

Once again, you write shit without providing any background ... What station in Quebec? What was it doing wrong?

Godz46 Godz46:

Careful that's easy to believe. Truth is these kind of crown companies cost the province more. Let me give you an example, when I was living in Montreal the liquor business was state-run like Manitoba's. When you look at the prices of the products you see it actually costs citizens more. Example:

A box of SMIRNOFF ICE in Quebec costs 10.99$
A box of SMIRNOFF ICE in Ontario (also state run liquor stores) costs 8.95$
Here in Florida?

4.99$!!!! (Private Sector, no state-run Liquor stores)

Why? Because there is competition, There is no monopoly, there is no major government regulation, the workers at the Local Winn Dixie or Kroger are not unionied. Unlike the Liquor stores in Canada. The price burden is shifted on to the people

In Alberta, all liquor distribution is private.

A box of SMIRNOFF ICE in Calgary costs 7.96$

Remember... alcohol is taxed significantly more in Canada.

Refer to “Coolers” in the margin:

Godz46 Godz46:
[size=12]Canadians don't seem to think so. the CBC News lags behind CTVNewsnet and Global News in ratings. They are at an embarrassing 8th place when it comes to Prime Time. Behind CTV, Global, CBS, FOX, NBC, ABC and TSN.

You know what? The Canadian public is extremely A-political .. if you know what I mean .. You can’t expect a lot of vision from the masses. You may actually be correct on this one but I mean come on? Why would a Canadian watch CNN (which should be called “America, FUCK YAH News Network”) when they can see a news agency that provides the public a view of the world from a sober Canadian perspective?

Godz46 Godz46:
Man, what world do you live in? Your wonderful concept of morale within companies has been proven through numerous studies, it is not a concept well embraced by corporate America. You live in a fantasy world. No one gives a rat’s ass about how a company treats their employees when it comes to consumer product selection.

Oh history seems to disagree with you there. Coka Cola in the 80's, Nike in the late nineties, BMW in in the UK, General Electric in the late 70's, Matel, thousands and thousands of Doctors, advertisers, tire companies (thanks to Consumer reporting by 20/20 anchor John Stossel).

Writing this stuff does not make it so. Most of the corporations above are predatory and notorious for employing third world masses for slave wages.

Godz46 Godz46:
My company treats its employees poorly while it brags about being the employer of choice in my industry. Its all bull shit.

I hear this a million times, but let me ask you, of its so bad, WHY ARE YOU STILL WORKING THERE?

I hate when people say that shit ... I do a very good job for my company. In return, I should be treated well. Simple as that. I am still there because I like stability. Commonly, companies treat their people the same way or worse. I know this via personal stories from co-workers who are recently hired and have been around the block a few times. In addition, I have been employed by a number of companies in my life and have not had a lot of good experiences. Its pure myth that workers can stroll from one job to another like some sort of speed dating exercise. Individuals require stability to carry mortgages and loans unless one has rich parents I suppose.

Godz46 Godz46:

Not in socialist countries they're not. They control and intimidate the information flow (yes even in Canada). Look if you ever have time read James Bouvard's amazing book "How Government screws you from A to Z"

Pure paranoia

Godz46 Godz46:

Energy is very profitable but there is so much infrastructure required to introduce any new form of energy.

Doesn't matter. Renewable energy is like a gold fountain. When the feel its time to start researching directly, they will. They're not gonna pass up the opportunity for a long-term cash flow believe me.

Of course it matters! Why isn’t anything happening then? Everything is in place and easily implemented. Hydrogen Power is already being implemented in Iceland (a socialist oriented gov.). Why? Government vision is driving this new energy source, not private business. Government vision is spear heading implementation of most new energy sources.

Godz46 Godz46:

What? :? What are you talking about? Why the hell does Toyota have a hybrid factory for R&D in Japan then? Why are eco-cars selling like hot cakes all across the US and Europe? Why are cars like the Civic Hybrid, the Toyota Prius, the Ford escape Hybrid are selling in high numbers if "everyone believes it"?

The Japanese government is driving the initiative. ... 6Japan.htm

Godz46 Godz46:

Yes, the basic technology was sold off by the government, and was developed by the free market. Cell Phones today are nowhere near what they used to be in the 80's, was that due to Government regulation? or competition? Did the government create online shopping? high speed internet? firewalls? Anti-Virus software? How about ABS brakes? Child safety locks? Microchips? Alarm systems? Speed Locks?

Have you done any research on your examples?


Rev_Blair @ Wed Jan 26, 2005 7:44 am

Fix your first link, Godz. You fucked up the screen. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:


mcpuck @ Wed Jan 26, 2005 6:39 pm

The way I see things my dear GODZ is that you have a level of disdain for the government that seems to be based more in fantasy in stead of reality.

To further exacerbate the situation, you seem to have a level of reverence and faith in capitalism that cannot be rooted in any sort of imperical knowledge. We have not really seen unfettered capitalism to any sort of extent after 1945. You wouldn't like capitalism unleashed.

The ugly truth is that the primary requirement in business is to exploit workers, exploit resources and exploit weaknesses. Business is in business to generate and accumulate wealth efficiently. Too much of this is bad for societies.

"For the good of the people." is not in any corporation's moto. Private business has its place in society selling goods and services .

Infrastructure should always be crown owned and operated for the good of the people.

To continue this argument would be pointless. You seem to have a bottomless pit of weak examples of why private business does a better job than government institutions but really the point holds true. Private business has a place and so does government.

and GODZ.. by the way, your CRTC example is moot. ... 260401.asp

Your example of car manufacturers and their developement of vehicles that consume alternative energies is just another example of competition driven indirectly by Governments.

Your comment about Iceland... I didn't even get what the hell you meant.

Your Canadian Autoworkers example .. again, what is your point? If your point is about unions wasting money, I totally agree with you but you also have to agree that without unions, our world would be very different. We owe them a lot.


RogueCanadian @ Fri Jan 28, 2005 5:41 pm

Oh I am just going to sit back and see where this one goes with great interest! 8)


Rev_Blair @ Fri Jan 28, 2005 8:23 pm

Well, wait no more. I found the thread and if you read it you will find that, once again, Godz was lying.


Streaker @ Fri Jan 28, 2005 9:25 pm

Well well Godzilla...I just went through the entire thread that Rev put up a link to're totally busted, bud!!! Rev pays no compliments to the terrorists whatsoever.

How do you look at yourself in the mirror, schmuck :?:


Rev_Blair @ Sat Jan 29, 2005 12:39 am

I never edited a fucking thing, Godz. If Third has launched a private campaign of slander against me, that just hows his mental imbalance. Just like your metal imbalance shows in everything you post.



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