Canada Kicks Ass
U.S. sticking they're nose in our buisness


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JackD @ Tue Feb 08, 2005 9:12 am

Are U surprised?
There is nothing new about the American empire wanting to impose their views and control to the world. Some politicians do it with a mighty army in Iraq, some lobby groups influence the govern. by maintaining unfair and illegal trade practices or set-up trade embargo with some very dangerous and evil neighbors (Cuba) and some find that some fundamentalist religious rednecks should dictate or influence what Canada should do with its social policies.
Remember, you are either with us (meaning do what I say) or against us.
As long as the United States continues to act as a global controler, the best way for us to stay healthy is to stay as far away as from Americans as possible. With our shared border, geographical distance is not an option. but political distance still is. I hope we never surrender it.


Robair @ Tue Feb 08, 2005 9:38 am

Ummmm.... not sure what Focus on the Family is, but the Knights of Columbus is a Catholic group, not an American one. K of C is worldwide.

I'm a Knight, became one whilst still living in SK.

The Catholic Church opposses gay marriage, therefore, the Knights do as well. They aren't pushing the American agenda, they are pushing a Catholic one.

Personally? I could give a rats ass either way.


Robair @ Tue Feb 08, 2005 9:57 am

"bougha bougha"? :?

I Can't actually see you right now 'G', but I'm picturing you foaming at the mouth.

The Catholic Church also opposed the invasion of Iraq, and the Pope stopped just short of endorsing Kerry when he said "Christians should not base a vote on the issue of abortion alone as there are much larger issues in todays world." He made that statement shortly after slamming (again) the invasion of Iraq.

I don't recall the Knights fronting a whole bunch of cash to promote those views... perhaps the organizations priorities need a shift.

And perhaps Christians in the bible belt should stay in better touch with what the church is actually saying...


Robair @ Tue Feb 08, 2005 10:09 am

Godz46 Godz46:
Let's try to remain on-topic here. Were not talking about Iraq, or the Pope or the church. Avro is pissed that a private group in the US has decided to back another private group in Canada. He sees this as "imperialistic" and the Americans sticking their noses where it doesn't belong.

THAT'S what were talking about.

I'm just pointing out the hypocirsy.
Speaking of hypocrisy, why does a Yank wannabe frequent a Canadian site?

When the world tried to urge Americans to vote against Bush in the last election, rednecks everywhere stood up and said this is none of your business and I'm voting Bush just to piss you off.

Here's hoping Canadians react the same way. 8)


RUEZ @ Tue Feb 08, 2005 10:26 am

I think Robair had it right, it's more of a Religious agenda than an American one. I think there's a place for religion if that's what people want to believe, but I think they should keep there religion to themselves in the churches and in there homes.

Godz46 Godz46:

Before the lefties on this board go all "bougha bougha!" over this "imperialist" drive by the "American Bastards", a few questions pop up:

How typical Godz, have you set a date to renounce your Canadian Citizenship yet?


canadian1971 @ Tue Feb 08, 2005 4:37 pm

Sorry Avro brother, don't agree with that. Free country and all.. Im sure Canada and or Canadians have pumped money into U.S. lobby groups in some way shape or form for the sake of self intersts, much like the U.S.(or those particular groups) are doing now. It blows but wadda ya do?

I agree that they should mind thier own fucking business though.


Rev_Blair @ Tue Feb 08, 2005 10:37 pm

When Micheal Moore and Ralph Nader told Canadians not to vote Conservative, where was your outcry against THAT American intervention?

It was discussed in a few places. I'm pretty sure that it was a subject here too.

So until then, I'm one of you.

i'm sorry, we've disqualified you. :lol:

Sorry Avro brother, don't agree with that. Free country and all.. Im sure Canada and or Canadians have pumped money into U.S. lobby groups in some way shape or form for the sake of self intersts, much like the U.S.(or those particular groups) are doing now. It blows but wadda ya do?

There are laws against cash donations by foreigners during political campaigns. That doesn't prohibit this cash donation, but if the government falls over the budget, which it could, this could limit the ability of the groups that received the money to buy advertising. It's kind of a grey area, but if there's an official complaint lodged with Elections Canada it will be a cool screaming match.


smokinjoe @ Wed Feb 09, 2005 12:00 am

I would bet that there are pro gay moneis flowing north too.



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