Canada Kicks Ass
L'évolution du Parti Québécois


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Brother Jonathan @ Sat Oct 29, 2005 7:01 pm

Canada is a net exporter of crude oil and natural gas — the emphasis being on <i>net</i>. Canada both exports oil (almost entirely to the USA) and imports oil (mainly from Norway, the UK, Algeria, and Saudi Arabia), but you export more than you import. Similarly, you both export natural gas to the USA and import natural gas from the USA, but your exports exceed your imports. (Statistics Canada is a good source for this sort of information.)<br /> <br /> Nevertheless, according to <a href="">this republished article from <i>The Globe and Mail</i></a>, Québec and the Maritimes buy about 90% of their oil from abroad, and even Ontario relies on imports for 40% of its consumption. Apparently the north-south pipelines are more extensive than the east-west ones are …


MadeInCanada @ Thu Nov 03, 2005 8:21 pm

The currency will be devalued significantly if Quebec even attempted to separate. The resulting withdrawal of foreign direct investment would mean the government would have to inject about $2 billion / day into the economy the short term to limit damages. <br /> <br /> This is why Bill Clinton made his plea for unity in 1995. The USA does not want another Argentina on its hands.<br /> <br /> So Canadians better wake the fuck up and realize this isn't a "Quebec only" thing. Quebec pulling a retarded stunt like attempted separation will hurt Alberta just as much as it hurts Quebec.(I say attempted because contrary to the bullshit propaganda sold by the PQ, you can't just snap your fingers and become a country without any sacrifices and instability) <br /> <br /> As for Quebec surviving on its own, it can barely manage to maintain a AAA rating for its debt with substantial help and moral persuasion from Ottawa. A PQ government can't manage a 3 bed room apartment, let alone a province or a country.


samuel @ Sun Nov 06, 2005 10:26 am

[QUOTE BY= MadeInCanada]As for Quebec surviving on its own, it can barely manage to maintain a AAA rating for its debt with substantial help and moral persuasion from Ottawa.[/QUOTE]<br /> Substanitial? You should replace that word with hypothetical. Does fiscal imbalance ring a bell?<br /> <br /> [QUOTE BY= MadeInCanada]A PQ government can't manage a 3 bed room apartment, let alone a province or a country.[/QUOTE]<br /> Please enlighten us. What is the PLQ or the LPC for that matter doing any better today for Québec than the PQ has done in the past.<br /> <br /> [QUOTE BY= MadeInCanada]I say attempted because contrary to the bullshit propaganda sold by the PQ, you can't just snap your fingers and become a country without any sacrifices and instability.[/QUOTE]<br /> Quite the contrary. Prior to the 1995 referendum, the PQ had calculated 17 billion as being available and required to cover bonds. Not exactly a snap of the fingers no sacrifice figure. You're just being your silly federalist propagandist self again. Let me guess, you were the one going around scaring the elderly in old age homes back then?<br /> <br /> [QUOTE BY= MadeInCanada]So Canadians better wake the fuck up and realize this isn't a "Quebec only" thing.[/QUOTE]<br /> I agree, which is why I contend Canada will be begging to promptly negotiate "sans" any fuss. Let's get on with it and acknowledge Le beau Pays!<br /> <br /> [QUOTE BY= MadeInCanada]This is why Bill Clinton made his plea for unity in 1995. The USA does not want another Argentina on its hands.[/QUOTE]<br /> Bush is in office now, I get the feeling he and Ralph Klein have a different view of the matter. Welcome to TXN, USA <img align=absmiddle src='images/smilies/lol.gif' alt='Laughing Out Loud'> <br /> <br />


gaulois @ Tue Nov 15, 2005 9:21 pm

Boisclair has been elected. Will it be the one that will separate Quebec from Canada? Time will tell.


Dr Caleb @ Wed Nov 16, 2005 10:37 am

[QUOTE BY= gaulois]Will it be the one that will separate Quebec from Canada? Time will tell.[/QUOTE]<br /> <br /> My Aunt's African Violet and Jack Russle Terrier won't <a href=''>vote</a> for seperation.<br />


michou @ Wed Nov 16, 2005 10:55 am

[QUOTE BY= gaulois] Boisclair has been elected. Will it be the one that will separate Quebec from Canada? Time will tell.[/QUOTE]<br /> Yes time will tell, now that Martin is out about buying Canadian votes with our own money...<br /> <br /> As far as I can tell, besides myself, friends, family members, my daughter, her friends and a majority of work colleagues are looking forward to the next referendum so they can say 'yes' to going forward. They've had enough of the Canadian corrupted and backward political games.<br /> <br /> Félicitations au gagnant M. Boisclair et comme il l'a si bien dit hier, "le Québec a un rendez-vous historique."


MadeInCanada @ Wed Nov 16, 2005 5:17 pm

[QUOTE BY= Samuel] [QUOTE BY= MadeInCanada]As for Quebec surviving on its own, it can barely manage to maintain a AAA rating for its debt with substantial help and moral persuasion from Ottawa.[/QUOTE]<br /> Substanitial? You should replace that word with hypothetical. Does fiscal imbalance ring a bell?<br /> <b>Fiscal imbalance basically means Ottawa is in a surplus position and the provinces are not. Forget that issue, because what matters is net transfers in. Alberta pays a membership fee of $9 billion / year to be in Canada, and Quebec receives a net transfer of $4.5 billion each year compared to what it pays in. <br /> <br /> All the bond rating agencies were planning to downgrade Quebec's debt to the same level as a banana republic in 1997 and 1998. Why didn't they? Because Canada is the safety net, everyone knows that Quebec can run 40 years of deficit budgets in a row because of Canada, and no other reason. <br /> <br /> All you artists out there should realize something. Money is what makes the world turn. Without money, Quebec isn't going anywhere.<br /> </b><br /> <br /> [QUOTE BY= MadeInCanada]A PQ government can't manage a 3 bed room apartment, let alone a province or a country.[/QUOTE]<br /> Please enlighten us. What is the PLQ or the LPC for that matter doing any better today for Québec than the PQ has done in the past.<br /> <b>PLQ is actually governing, as opposed to wasting money on referendums and scaring away jobs and business for quasi-fascist nationalist reasons. You can't compare the PLC to the PQ because they are two separate levels of government. It would be like comparing a separatist to a donkey, it's not fair to the separatist since the donkey is much smarter.</b><br /> <br /> <br /> [QUOTE BY= MadeInCanada]I say attempted because contrary to the bullshit propaganda sold by the PQ, you can't just snap your fingers and become a country without any sacrifices and instability.[/QUOTE]<br /> Quite the contrary. Prior to the 1995 referendum, the PQ had calculated 17 billion as being available and required to cover bonds. Not exactly a snap of the fingers no sacrifice figure. You're just being your silly federalist propagandist self again. Let me guess, you were the one going around scaring the elderly in old age homes back then?<br /> <b>17 billion... nice, 8 days of reserve is available. What happens on day 9? Guess the PQ didn't think of that. The PQ is not God, they can't create a world in 7 days. It's typical PQ, planning a dream but not worrying about details.</b><br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> [QUOTE BY= MadeInCanada]This is why Bill Clinton made his plea for unity in 1995. The USA does not want another Argentina on its hands.[/QUOTE]<br /> Bush is in office now, I get the feeling he and Ralph Klein have a different view of the matter. Welcome to TXN, USA <br /> <br /> <b>You can laugh all day and all night, doesn't mean it ain't true.</b><br /> <br /> [/QUOTE]<br /> Tu peux garder ta tête entre tes fesses ou tu peux voir la réalité. Personne te demande d'aimer le Canada, juste accepter le fait que le Québec s'en sort bien. Mais quand tu parles des finances public il est évident que tu es totalement dépassé. Un peu moins "artiste", un peu plus "réaliste", SVP. Tu peux pas nourrir tes enfants avec un rêve.


MadeInCanada @ Wed Nov 16, 2005 5:26 pm

Le PQ viennent juste de prouvé leur hypocrisie totale. Il ya quelques années, je me souviens, ils ont demandé la tête d'un libéral parce que sa fille était une danseuse dans un bar des Hells Angels, citant que cette fille aurait possiblement des liens au crime organisé.<br /> <br /> Maintent, ils ont élu un gars qui et aurait possiblement... des liens. Wow, j'en reviens pas à quel point le mouvement souverainiste impose un double standard.<br /> <br /> J'aime bien le fait que Poule-Ine Marois s'est ralliée à M. Boisclair. On sait tous qu'elle n'attend que le bon moment pour sortir son couteau et poignarder M. Boisclair dans le dos comme elle l'a fait avec l'autre gros porc précédent. <br />


Clovis @ Mon Nov 21, 2005 10:51 pm

[QUOTE]You will have absolutely no oil for Quebec. [/QUOTE] <br /> <br /> We just find petrol in Gaspésie. Aussi bon que celui du Texas!<br /> <br /> [QUOTE]Maintent, ils ont élu un gars qui et aurait possiblement... des liens. Wow, j'en reviens pas à quel point le mouvement souverainiste impose un double standard.[/QUOTE]<br /> <br /> As tu déjà fumer un joint de pot? Ça veut tu dire que tu tu faits parti des motards! <br /> <br /> Le gros porc comme tu dis est un homme qui a fait avancer la société québécoise et ses institutions et a été un ardent défenseur du libre échange. Fait attention à ce que tu dis! Cet homme se nomme Bernard landry.


Dino @ Mon Nov 21, 2005 10:56 pm

Andre Boisclair has never actually said were he got his cocaine. I can't wait till reporters work hard to find out were he got it. The dumbest thing the PQ did was elect him. <img align=absmiddle src='images/smilies/wink.gif' alt='Wink'> They should of gone with Pauline at least she's left wing!!


Clovis @ Mon Nov 21, 2005 11:01 pm

I am a member of PQ and i tell u that now .. we really need a right wing leader! And anyway, the cocaine is the thing they will use to maintain canada togheter? If that happen, u will be separatist too! he he <img align=absmiddle src='images/smilies/lol.gif' alt='Laughing Out Loud'>



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