Canada Kicks Ass
What Canadians think of Quebec


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Ed King @ Mon Oct 25, 2004 11:11 am

I thought we had already established that neither federalists nor souverainistes can claim that their sh** don't stink.<BR><BR>When did Harper blame his loss an Asians? I'd like to see a quotation, please.<BR><BR>If you want to talk about examples of over-reacting, I could "parrot" a few examples of my own. (Those who lived in Quebec in 1990s will know what I mean <img align=absmiddle src='images/smilies/biggrin.gif' alt='Big Grin'> )


Guest @ Mon Oct 25, 2004 11:16 am

Gaulois : "I do look forward to see how destroying Carthage ever started to care." <br /> <br />M. le Gaulois, j'ai essayé le lien que tu m'as donné et <br />ca ne marche pas. J'ai essayé de rechercher les mots clés et ça n'a rien donné non plus. Pourrais-tu me coller-copier ce texte ici. <br /> <br />Merci d'avance.


samuel @ Mon Oct 25, 2004 11:40 am

[QUOTE BY= Ed King]When did Harper blame his loss an Asians? I'd like to see a quotation, please.[/QUOTE] <br />A quick Google search revealed the following quote off an IndyMedia website which the Liberals no doubt missed during their dirt filled election campaign: <br /> <br />"You've got to remember that west of Winnipeg the ridings the Liberals hold are dominated by people who are either recent Asian immigrants or recent migrants from eastern Canada: people who live in ghettoes and who are not integrated into western Canadian society." (Stephen Harper, Report Newsmagazine, January 22, 2001)" <br /> <br />


Guest @ Mon Oct 25, 2004 11:45 am

Ed King :"When did Harper blame his loss an Asians? I'd like to see a quotation, please." <br /> <br />You just prove my point that it was not very publicized. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />


Guest @ Mon Oct 25, 2004 11:46 am

Ah, merci Samuel. <br /> <br />There you go, Mr. King.


Ed King @ Mon Oct 25, 2004 11:49 am

I am well aware of that citation. It was made before the election and it does not blame Asians for an electoral defeat. More importantly, it was much publicized in the media and was even the subject of a Liberal election advertisement. Therefore, Delenda Carthago's point that such comments are ignored or downplayed in English Canada is patently false. After all, you have all heard it, haven't you?<BR><BR>Pourquoi certains souverainistes continuent-ils à défendre les propos inacceptables et faux de cet homme raciste et haineux?


samuel @ Mon Oct 25, 2004 12:04 pm

[QUOTE BY= Ed King]Pourquoi certains souverainistes continuent-ils à défendre les propos inacceptables et faux de cet homme raciste et haineux?[/QUOTE] <br />Non, basé sur ces quelques mots, je n'oserais porter une accusation aussi sérieuse que celle de raciste et haineux envers monsieur Harper. Vous?


michou @ Mon Oct 25, 2004 12:06 pm

[QUOTE BY= Stymiest] <br /> <br />Whether they like it or not English is the language of business in this world and they are going to have to accept it if they want to prosper. <br /> <br />[/QUOTE] <br /> <br />Attributing English as as the language of business is an old cliché that is no longer applicable in this diversified and interconnected world. <br />I read some 'business' articles a few months back where it was explained how Britain in particular is having to learn about this new reality the hard way. Sought after careers in the EU corporated world of business are now going to multilingual professionals <img align=absmiddle src='images/smilies/eek.gif' alt='Eek!'> <img align=absmiddle src='images/smilies/eek.gif' alt='Eek!'> <img align=absmiddle src='images/smilies/eek.gif' alt='Eek!'> and many talented British men and women are losing out on promising career prospects and advancements because the supremacy of English is no longer applicable and sufficient in this NWO. It went on to say how North America, with increased ties to this new European market and a growing Hispanic citizen base at home, was a mere 10-15 years away from facing the same situation. <br /> <br />The idea of knowing English as a prerequisite for success was always a falsity in itself anyway. Money talks in business, not English. If the same logic was applied about the use of French, would there be any love in this world without it ? <br /> <br /> <br />


gaulois @ Mon Oct 25, 2004 12:08 pm

[QUOTE BY= Ed King] Pourquoi certains souverainistes continuent-ils à défendre les propos inacceptables et faux de cet homme raciste et haineux?[/QUOTE] <br /> <br />Serait-ce un cas de "Preemptive War" en dépit de mon essai de Preemptive Peace? <br /> <br />And perhaps when "Delenda Carthago" introduces self, he/she may consider a more peaceful alias? "Destroying Carthage" certainly does not give me the warm fuzzies. Je préférerais GentilleColombe.


michou @ Mon Oct 25, 2004 12:14 pm

[QUOTE BY= gaulois] <br />And perhaps when "Delenda Carthago" introduces self, he/she may consider a more peaceful alias? "Destroying Carthage" certainly does not give me the warm fuzzies.[/QUOTE] <br /> <br />It does to me ! <br />A Québec sovereignist and probably an anti-imperialist too ? <img align=absmiddle src='images/smilies/eek.gif' alt='Eek!'> <img align=absmiddle src='images/smilies/eek.gif' alt='Eek!'> <br />That's my kind of woman/man !!!


Ed King @ Mon Oct 25, 2004 12:14 pm

Je ne suis pas ici pour défendre Stephen Harper, et je n'ai pas offert mes opinions à ce sujet. Si vous les voulez, les voici: je pense que les propos de Stephen Harper cités ci-dessus sont aussi haineux et ignorants que les fameux mots de Parizeau. <BR><BR>J'ai souvent dit que Harper est le Parizeau de Canada anglais. Two peas from the same pod, as we say in English.


Guest @ Mon Oct 25, 2004 12:20 pm

Gaulois : "And perhaps when "Delenda Carthago" introduces self, he/she may consider a more peaceful alias? "Destroying Carthage" certainly does not give me the warm fuzzies." <br /> <br />Cher Gaulois, je suis une personne très, très, très pacifique. Ton acronyme à toi est-il si pacifique que ça? Les Gaulois ont longtemps résisté à l'envahisseur... <br />Delenda Carthago est tout à fait indiqué pour défaire ce qui ne va pas et reconstruire. <br /> <br />J'attends toujours ton texte sur fe fil. While we're at it, pourrais-tu m'expliquer, toi ou quelqu'un d'autre, comment on fait un "quote". <br /> <br />Merci.


samuel @ Mon Oct 25, 2004 12:20 pm

Alors, dites-nous donc Monsieur King, quelle est votre affiliation politique? Vous avez la prétention de critiquer sans la même transparence que nous vous accordons.


Ed King @ Mon Oct 25, 2004 12:30 pm

'Alors, dites-nous donc Monsieur King, quelle est votre affiliation politique? Vous avez la prétention de critiquer sans la même transparence que nous vous accordons.'<BR><BR>J'aurais pensé que ça serait plutot évident, mais je vous le dit avec plaisir! Je suis un libéral dans la tradition de Pierre Trudeau et Jean Chrétien. Je pense que le gouvernement de Paul Martin est un désastre et le fédéralisme asymétrique me donne le gout de vomir.


Kory Yamashita @ Mon Oct 25, 2004 12:31 pm

I'm not altogether convinced that Quebec is really getting screwed that much. <br /> <br />Being from BC, I'll be clear in saying that the federal government doesn't give a sh*t about what goes on out here. I mean, at election time, maybe the Liberals will throw us a bone, but that's about it. The government's always throwing money at the Big Two - Quebec and Ontario - but when the West suffers from Post-Mad-Cow syndrome and Softwood Lumber ripoff, there's a complete lack of action from Ottawa. <br /> <br />They mismanage our fisheries and allow Atlantic salmon to be introduced to BC waters by net pen fish farms, a devastating industry. They talk about offshore drilling in an Earthquake zone here, with no regard for environmental concerns or the aboriginal claims to that land. They ignore the aboriginal landclaim process, stalling for twenty years, then telling the natives that all progress to that date is erased. Back to step one. When the aboriginals file formal complaints with every official channel of justice, the government ignores them. They make exhaust every channel of appeal and get nowhere. Then they make a public complaint against 50 of BC's top politicians (including premiers), lawyers, law firms, judges, etc. Basically everyone who is supposed to stand for justice is implicated. But the federal government doesn't conduct an inquiry. No, no. They're just natives. <br /> <br />Fishermen are going bankrupt here. The government doesn't base decisions on scientific data. Just like in Eastern Canada, DFO is messing things up big time out here. They ignore the 4-5 year return time on a specific salmon run. Instead, they base their fishing quotas on the previous year, which has NOTHING to do with the number of fish that will return this year. DFO also ignores global warming. With ocean temperatures and currents changing, doesn't it make sense that salmon will start changing their habits and new predators will show up? But of course DFO doesn't call on the federal government to actually ACT on the Kyoto Protocol. <br /> <br />Should I get into the beef situation in Alberta? The struggling grain farmers in Saskatchewan?? Should I start on how Quebec makes all the profits from Newfoundland's hydro projects? Or I could go back to fisheries on the East Coast. And all this time, the federal government has been sleeping. <br /> <br />And as to that hockey reference - I really don't care if English-speaking hockey players are MORE overpaid than French-speaking hockey players. They're all making too much. <br /> <br />Maybe instead of seperating from Canada, Quebec should be looking to ally itself with all the other suffering provinces and give Good Ol' Ontario the boot <img align=absmiddle src='images/smilies/wink.gif' alt='Wink'> hehe..



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