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Creationist Ken Ham calls to end space program because alien


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Newsbot @ Tue Jul 22, 2014 6:18 am

Title: Creationist Ken Ham calls to end space program because aliens are going to hell anyway
Category: Strange
Posted By: GreenTiger
Date: 2014-07-22 06:15:41


GreenTiger @ Tue Jul 22, 2014 6:18 am

This just proves that not all humans evolve to become better people some just mutate.


DrCaleb @ Tue Jul 22, 2014 6:33 am



saturn_656 @ Tue Jul 22, 2014 6:53 am

He may not like the space program, but he's definitely a space cadet.


BartSimpson @ Tue Jul 22, 2014 8:16 am

I doubt that Jesus would have discriminated against extraterrestrials.


andyt @ Tue Jul 22, 2014 8:19 am

That's God for ya. Condemn the entire universe by the actions of one man, but don't offer salvation for them. Like a kid with his magnifying glass.

In Star Trek they had the crew toyed with by an alien, until the alien's parents showed up and told him to stop torturing the primitive lifeforms and do his homework. Maybe we could hope for something like that.


xerxes @ Tue Jul 22, 2014 8:55 am

Credit to Ken Ham for taking evolution to a new level. De-evolving from a fully formed human into a slug.


BartSimpson @ Tue Jul 22, 2014 9:03 am

xerxes xerxes:
Credit to Ken Ham for taking evolution to a new level. De-evolving from a fully formed human into a slug.

Not to mention that he's also devolved from a Christian to being a schismatic.


Dayseed @ Tue Jul 22, 2014 11:14 am

How the hell does Ken Ham keep getting air time? Is there a producer who needs a fool foolish enough to spout idiocy and they dial up the Ham Hotline?

Producer: Wow, a lot of kids are playing at local splash-pads this summer, maybe we should do a puff piece on different types and which of the local towns in our broadcast area have the best one.
Associate: Fuckin' A boss! Should we make a scary promo about how there's a controversy growing about splash-pads that parents didn't know about to boost TV viewing and maybe get shared a lot on Facebook feeds?
Producer: Yup. Dial the Ham Hotline.
Associate: Sir!
Producer: I said do it!
Ken Ham: Bible (pronounced boible). Jesus didn't have a splash-pad with him at the crucifixion, no splash-pad will cool the fires of damnation, boible, boible, boible, <burp> BOIBLE!
Producer: Nailed it.


Zipperfish @ Tue Jul 22, 2014 11:18 am

In defence of Christians, I imagine a lot of them are face-palming when they hear stuff like this.


BartSimpson @ Tue Jul 22, 2014 11:19 am

Dayseed Dayseed:
How the hell does Ken Ham keep getting air time?

Because his idiocy generates higher ratings from the legions of people who like to watch such idiocy and then like to be 'outraged' by it.


BartSimpson @ Tue Jul 22, 2014 11:24 am

Zipperfish Zipperfish:
In defence of Christians, I imagine a lot of them are face-palming when they hear stuff like this.

Absolutely. Jesus said that salvation was for everyone who believed. He didn't say it was just for any select group. Ham is going extrascriptural with this pronouncement of his and he looks pretty stupid from a Christian POV.


Thanos @ Tue Jul 22, 2014 11:31 am

Creationists are pretty much like reality TV show participants. Both types are deliberately proud of being as stupid as they can possibly be. Put a camera on them and give them even the slightest attention and it's pretty much guaranteed that they're going to do and say the dumbest and most ridiculous things they're capable of doing.


BartSimpson @ Tue Jul 22, 2014 11:35 am

Thanos Thanos:
Creationists are pretty much like reality TV show participants. Both types are deliberately proud of being as stupid as they can possibly be. Put a camera on them and give them even the slightest attention and it's pretty much guaranteed that they're going to do and say the dumbest and most ridiculous things they're capable of doing.

Creationists prefer a small universe and an unchallenging existence. I think it would be great fun to see these a$$clowns have to confront an actual alien someday and then have their little minds implode because they won't reconclie the notion that we're not alone in the universe.


Thanos @ Tue Jul 22, 2014 11:47 am

Which is what makes The Leftovers on HBO so fascinating. That the alleged Rapture left practically all the true believers (in their own righteousness) behind it shattered their entire spiritual worldview. Good to see it when those with the most unjustifiable contempt for everyone else who isn't one of them are forced to confront their own unworthiness, even if it's in a fictional setting.

I have no doubt that when extraterrestrials are finally encountered that they are not going to have any time or interest, except maybe for their own curiosity and intellectual purposes, in having anything to do with human theotropism and the incessant need of some people to place the entire purpose of their existence in the hands of a fictitious Bronze Age god. Anyone intelligent enough to build something like a warp drive probably isn't too susceptible to any sort of conversion to the belief system of what are still basically cavemen. I just hope the aliens don't hold all of us in contempt due to the bafflingly odd beliefs of some.



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