Canada Kicks Ass
Harper's Conservatives Embroiled in Scandal of their Own


Newsbot @ Wed Apr 23, 2008 5:37 pm

<strong>Topic:</strong> <a href="/topics/36-canadian-politics" target="_blank">Canadian Politics</a><br /><strong>Written By:</strong> <a href="/profiles/sthompson" target="_blank">sthompson</a><br />
<strong>Date: </strong> Wednesday, April 23 at 22:42<br /><br />
The Conservative party is embroiled in scandal over the alleged misuse of campaign funds and overspending in the last federal election.<br><a href="">read more »</a>


Rural @ Wed Apr 23, 2008 5:37 pm

Unfortunatly this is but the latest of a string of questionable actions from our Knu Gobernment, they have clearly demonstrated (at least to my satisfaction) that they truly believe that the end justifys the means. Rules, parlimentry convention, honesty, openness, acoutability (yes, thats the word they used much to get elected) mean nothing to them. Only retaining and increasing the power of the "party" and the PMO and reducing the posibility of independently minded, or, gasp..., honest representitives geting elected, is important to them. Less you think the knu government is the only one playing these games, think again, they just seem to play the game more often and better (if you count getting away with it as better) than the other lot that have been in power. Only when and if we clearly tell em all that this type of BS is totaly unaceptable will it get any better. But how my friends, how, do we do that, when they cheat at the very means by which we have ANY meaningfull input and we have very few meaningfull alternatives?


sthompson @ Thu Apr 24, 2008 1:43 pm

Well, that is why we have rules in place and bodies like Elections Canada to enforce them. The idea is to keep EVERYONE more accountable.

There are lots of very active forum threads of this over on CKA BTW.


RPW @ Thu Apr 24, 2008 1:43 pm

Is it really Keystone Kops in Ottawa? Can both Libs and Cons think they can ride their Krazy Kars around so, and remain immune to the wrath of the electorate? If they actually can, are we really that stupid? Or do we just plain don't care?


Reverend Blair @ Thu Apr 24, 2008 6:38 pm

Harper and his party have shown a great disdain for our democratic institutions since before the Reform was even a real party. The scandals show that, but so do the trail of lawsuits, speeches, and bizarre behaviours by Reform/Alliance/Conservatives over the years.


sthompson @ Fri Apr 25, 2008 2:47 pm



SphinxMontreal @ Fri Apr 25, 2008 3:43 pm

It does not help when you have a widely disreputable mainstream media looking the other way and throwing distractions our way everytime their "buddies" in Ottawa screw up.


kenmore @ Fri Apr 25, 2008 3:50 pm

too much I hope the next election Canadians kick their sorry asses out


Reverend Blair @ Fri Apr 25, 2008 6:26 pm

Well, you can bet I won't be voting for them, Kenmore. I think they might lose a riding or two in Saskatchewan as, and maybe the Interlake here in Manitoba. They are on the wrong side of the CWB issue in those ridings.

They are likely to get hurt in Ontario and maybe Quebec because of their mismanagement of the economy.

It'll be close, but I think we'll come out with a Liberal minority that needs both the NDP and the Bloc to support it.


Individualist @ Sun Apr 27, 2008 11:03 am

A Liberal minority propped up by the New Democrats? Guess that means NEP II and the resurrection of a Petro Kanada style Sovietization scheme, not to mention lots of cutting of tall poppies, America-baiting and general PC-thuggery. It will be like living in Cuba, except without the nice climate.

Don't bet against Harper though. He's just plain smarter than the gang running the Liberal Party. Besides, the stench of the sponsorship scandal and the culture of "entitlement to entitlements" still pervades the Liberal Party, despite the fact that they have a rarity (a non-scumbag) as their leader (at least until those non-rarities Rae and Ignatieff finally shiv him out of the job.

In the meantime, we have a Prime Minister and governing party that are pro-business, pro-individual, pro-US and dedicated to tearing down the Trudeau social engineering state. In the words of the McDonald's ads, I'm lovin' it! :-)


Rural @ Sun Apr 27, 2008 12:45 pm

“A Liberal minority propped up by the New Democrats? Guess that means NEP II and the resurrection of a Petro Kanada style Sovietization scheme, not to mention lots of cutting of tall poppies, America-baiting and general PC-thuggery. It will be like living in Cuba, except without the nice climate.

Better than living in an old Soviet style dictatorship with all the back room and PMO boys having more say in formulating laws and policy than our elected MPs

”Don't bet against Harper though. He's just plain smarter than the gang running the Liberal Party. Besides, the stench of the sponsorship scandal and the culture of "entitlement to entitlements" still pervades the Liberal Party, despite the fact that they have a rarity (a non-scumbag) as their leader.

I will agree that the Liberal party is no gift to the electorate, but the sponsorship thing is OLD news, try keeping up with the latest Conservative scandals! Hard to do I know because there is a new one almost every day and the Harper Spin Machine is working overtime to feed the public untruths. Wow what a fine endorsement of Dion! I guess that’s about as good as we get for any Federal leader? And yes, Harper is THE spinmaster!

”In the meantime, we have a Prime Minister and governing party that are pro-business, pro-individual, pro-US and dedicated to tearing down the Trudeau social engineering state. In the words of the McDonald's ads, I'm lovin' it! ”

Let me rephrase that for you….
In the meantime, we have a Prime Minister and MINORITY governing party that are pro-BIG business, pro-RICH individual, pro-BUSH policies and dedicated to tearing down the safety nets and parliamentary procedures built up over many years.
In the words of Mark Twain “Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please.” I am defiantly not loving it, in point of fact I am outraged with the antidemocratic actions of this “government”. :(