Canada Kicks Ass
Right of Return


Brother Jonathan @ Thu Aug 25, 2005 4:05 pm

The Wyandot/French alliance was formed in 1609 — when the nearest English colony was Virginia. According to Champlain’s writings, the Wyandot chose the French:<br /> <br /> [QUOTE by Champlain]</b> Pursuing our route [from Tadoussac to Quebec], I met some two or three hundred savages, who were encamped in huts near a little island called St. Éloi, a league and a half distant from St. Mary [now St. Anne]. We made a reconnaissance, and found that they were tribes of savages, called Ochateguins [Wyandot] and Algonquins, on their way to Quebec, to assist us in exploring the territory of the Iroquois, with whom they are in deadly hostility, sparing nothing belonging to their enemies.<b>[/QUOTE]<br /> <br /> Both nations gained from the alliance, but the French earned the hatred of the Iroquois, which had large effects on 17th and 18th century North American geopolitics.<br /> <br /> [QUOTE by lesouris]</b> Would they even want to come?<b>[/QUOTE]<br /> The answer to this question should be determined first.