Canada Kicks Ass
Private healthcare business booming in Canada


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flyman01 @ Fri Apr 29, 2005 3:20 pm

I think every human being should be entitled to good health. The US government says it protects its citizens from "evil doers". Why cant it protect them from the progression of bad health in every person.


Canadian_Mind @ Fri Apr 29, 2005 3:39 pm

NYCisHome NYCisHome:
If I started a thread AMERICA'S HELTHCARE IS SHIT! I would get a cool Yankie medal. For youi comrade RUEZ to say that your healthcare should be fixed means their is something wrong with it.
comrade? you discuss like your fifteen. Try growing up. Yes it needs to be fixed, there is something wrong with it.

no offence, but there are fifteen year olds on this site eh! anyways, fuck the asshole, we already know he's a flamer, he wears the medal with pride. No need to point it out. I like universal health care. without it we will have to pay big bills once my grandfather dies. nearly 15 000 bucks worth of treatment has been put forward to keep him around this long, without universal health care we'd be paying for it.


RUEZ @ Fri Apr 29, 2005 3:42 pm

Canadian_Mind Canadian_Mind:
no offence, but there are fifteen year olds on this site eh!
Yes no offence to any actual 15 year olds. [B-o]


spikecomix @ Fri Apr 29, 2005 3:55 pm

Oh so Private Healthcare is becoming pouplar in Canada,eh?... Y'know what? I think that's great! I think it's great because the US system is good in some ways but flawed and the Canadian system is good in someways but flawed. Zipperfish is completely correct in that we need some kind of blend of the two. Right now Universal health care is overcrowded because *everyone* works in the system. There's a lot of demand. If Private sectors start opening up in Canada, then people who have a problem, have the money, and want better faster service can get it! Great! It'll also go into funding medical research because medecine as a business wants to be the best, does it not?

On the otherside, when the people with the dough take their major procedures (and minor procedures) to private industry, that leaves less demand and therefore better service for everyone who is unable to afford private healthcare. So... I say great! I dont' know wtf you're trying to prove NYC.


Tman1 @ Fri Apr 29, 2005 4:00 pm

Anybody watch Scrubs? Hilarious.



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