Canada Kicks Ass


athein @ Tue Apr 08, 2003 9:25 am

Saddam Hussien is one of the worst dictators that was in power. And now America will most likely kill him and hopefully bring peace to the region. That, in a nutshell, is the official plan.

There is a moral and ethical need to bring freedom and liberty to all of our oppressed brothers and sisters regardless of race, location and past histories. But true freedom, liberty and democracy will only come with education not force.

People should learn that there is no such thing as controlling others. At some basic point, there will always be rebellion in those who are forced to conform. Freedom and liberty cannot be appreciated by those being freed and liberated when it comes hand in hand with bombs and death.

1.) America, historically, has been the only nation to use weapons of mass destruction against another nation.
2.) America, chose Saddam Hussien as a strong-man to hold on to power the the Middle East. Saddam was placed in power with American backing, American weapons and otherwise American Support.
3.) The same can be said about Osama Bin Laden, Noriega and the list continues.

There is no doubt in my mind to the true motivation behind the war. I believe that I am human like the rest of you but it amazes me that people talk about profit and loss; use our dependency on American business to justify the war.

I was born of war. I have killed and seen my friends kill and get killed. I have lost my innocence at the hands of the military junta that I was born into. It is easy to speak for or against the war when you are not there, it is easy for young patriotic soldiers to want glory and honor in killing the enemy.

But there is no enemy. I have realized that greed and money are the only true enemies of humans. The entire purpose of life is to achieve happiness. Society and social programming via the media have taught us that happiness=money. But this, like many things, is a lie.

I cannot understand how people can be angry at our government's stance of no direct support. I understand that America is the ONLY superpower on the planet and has the power to wipe any of us off the map with the flick of a switch. I understand that the people in power use capitalism to stay in power and keep things the same. I understand Haliburton Oil.

America is too detached from war. They watch it from their television, hear it on the radio and read it on the Net. But the last war to be fought on American Soil was the Civil war. The generations have forgotten the blood, tears and true loss. The soldiers fighting for America now can understand the loss of the colleagues and even maybe their lives, but they cannot understand the loss of their families, their loved ones and their homeland.

They view themselves as liberators "the good guys". But maybe they should think that the Iraqi soldier trying to kill them has a rather personal reason. Maybe a smart bomb killed his family, his friends or on the contrary, maybe he loves Saddam and wants to stay in power with Saddam. Either way, there is no way of knowing in war, just point and shoot and let die. This is no way to resolve any problems.

This war is not going to end, not until many more are dead and business profit rises as an end result. People need to truly care about the world, about each other and truly try to understand and sympathize with their fellow man. Humanity needs to unite, to overthrow the small little tyrants that rule us with fear and money.

We all need to break the box imposed on our thinking.

Sic Semper Tyrannus
Send all hate mail to
-Alfred Thein
[email protected]


electricbuford @ Tue Apr 08, 2003 3:41 pm

Some more thinking " outside the box " :