Canada Kicks Ass
Man who helped Sandy Hook kids is harassed


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andyt @ Tue Jan 15, 2013 1:12 pm


A man who found six children in his driveway in Newtown, Conn., after their teacher had been shot and killed in last month's school massacre has become the target of conspiracy theorists who believe the shootings were staged.
“I don’t know what to do,” Gene Rosen told “I’m getting hang-up calls, I’m getting some calls, I’m getting emails with, not direct threats, but accusations that I’m lying, that I’m a crisis actor, ‘How much am I being paid?'”
Rosen, a 69-year-old retired psychologist who lives near Sandy Hook Elementary School where the shootings took place, says his inbox is filled with emails like this one:

How are all those little students doing? You know, the ones that showed up at your house after the ‘shooting’. What is the going rate for getting involved in a gov’t sponsored hoax anyway?

“The quantity of the material is overwhelming,” Rosen said, adding that he's sought the advice of a retired state police officer and plans to alert the FBI.
On the morning of Dec. 14, Rosen had just finished feeding his cats when he saw six small children "sitting in a neat semicircle" at the end of his driveway. According to the Associated Press:
A school bus driver was standing over them, telling them things would be all right. It was about 9:30 a.m., and the children, he discovered, had just run from the school to escape a gunman.
"We can't go back to school," one little boy told Rosen. "Our teacher is dead."
Adam Lanza, the 20-year-old gunman, had shot his way into the school and opened fire, killing 20 children and six adults.
Rosen took the four girls and two boys—students of slain teacher Victoria Soto—into his home, gave them toys and comforted them while he tried to reach their parents. He spent the days following the massacre telling his story to the swarming media that invaded the small Connecticut town in the wake of the shootings.
“I wanted to speak about the bravery of the children,” Rosen told Salon. “I guess I kind of opened myself up to this.”

A quick Web search for Rosen's name reveals some of what he's opened himself up to: Appearing online are photos of his home, his address and phone number, several fake YouTube accounts and plenty of conspiracy theories.

One post, entitled "Grieving Town Grandfather, or Bad 'Crisis Actor,'" reads in part:
Gene's oft repeated, and changing, story about that day, focuses totally on the kids and the sound of gunshots. Even though his eyes and ears should've taken in the whole scene, his story focuses completely on the kids and the guns.
Why? Well, if this was a false flag event designed to move political opinion on gun control, here in America, then you would get a lot more bang for your buck by talking about the innocent little children. That's what tugs on America's heart strings the most ... especially around Christmas time.


raydan @ Tue Jan 15, 2013 1:16 pm

Not surprised that there are conspiracy theorists who believed that kids were killed for the sole purpose of getting public support for gun control. Another World trade Center. :(


desertdude @ Tue Jan 15, 2013 1:24 pm

Yeah, I've started to see this conspiracy theory start floating around on the web, that there were more than one shooter, one was captured alive, people were paid etc etc .... Not surprisingly most of this BS tracks down to infowars,com, run by your fav nut bucket Alex Jones.

This link was posted on one profile

I couldn't watch more than 10 mins before I couldn't take it no more.


Zipperfish @ Tue Jan 15, 2013 1:56 pm

Interesting. In a world so deluged with facts it seems that we can co0nstrcut just about any world we want from teh available data.


sandorski @ Tue Jan 15, 2013 2:08 pm

People can be so fuckin stupid.


HaRdLy @ Tue Jan 15, 2013 2:33 pm

I got to 1:40 and turned it off. PDT_Armataz_01_32

Can't understand how anyone believes that crap.


2Cdo @ Tue Jan 15, 2013 3:26 pm

desertdude desertdude:
I couldn't watch more than 10 mins before I couldn't take it no more.

You watched 10 minutes? I couldn't get past the introduction.


Newfy @ Tue Jan 15, 2013 3:36 pm

Why is it so hard for people to believe that not everything is a government conspiracy. Seems like the truth is harder to believe than fiction.


Psudo @ Tue Jan 15, 2013 6:27 pm

I have a cousin who apparently believes this stuff. He shared a conspiracy video on Facebook (I think the same one, but there's no way I'm watching it again to be sure.) and, when I commented on its utter lack of substantial evidence, he deluged me with all sorts of conspiracy crap, including 9/11 Truth and Illuminati. He also recommended (demanded?) that I read a book entitled None Dare Call It Conspiracy (1971). Apparently, it's an influential book for that conspiratorial worldview the same way The Autobiography of Malcolm X is for black power or The Second Sex is for feminism. (No moral similarity implied; they're all movements, but not equally valid ones.)

I still find that conspiracy-minded perspective to be the choice to believe that obvious reality is suspect, a systematic attack on factual evidence and good sense, but it's interesting to know a little about where this nonsense comes from.


Brenda @ Tue Jan 15, 2013 6:39 pm

It's ridiculous. Uni Professors saying the shooting never happened the way "the media" and "the Government" say it did, those 20 kids and 6 adults are not dead, they are all actors, the grieving parents are actors... How cruel can you be?
"We're only asking"


raydan @ Tue Jan 15, 2013 6:45 pm

When reality doesn't line up with your agenda, change reality... seems simple enough. :?


Hyack @ Tue Jan 15, 2013 8:30 pm

I know Americans are some of the most paranoid of people, but are they so gullible they constantly feel their own government is trying to screw them over! Everything from Pearl Harbour to the Kennedy assassination to the Moon landings to 9-11 and now this has bunch of total wackjobs beleiving they are all conspiracies launched by the government, or is it all controlled by the Men in Black..... :roll: :roll:


Thanos @ Tue Jan 15, 2013 8:36 pm

Conspiracists, including the ones in the NRA, have no end to their vileness. There is no lowest level for them, they always find a new depth of moral putridness to fall to.


sandorski @ Tue Jan 15, 2013 10:08 pm

Psudo Psudo:
I have a cousin who apparently believes this stuff. He shared a conspiracy video on Facebook (I think the same one, but there's no way I'm watching it again to be sure.) and, when I commented on its utter lack of substantial evidence, he deluged me with all sorts of conspiracy crap, including 9/11 Truth and Illuminati. He also recommended (demanded?) that I read a book entitled None Dare Call It Conspiracy (1971). Apparently, it's an influential book for that conspiratorial worldview the same way The Autobiography of Malcolm X is for black power or The Second Sex is for feminism. (No moral similarity implied; they're all movements, but not equally valid ones.)

I still find that conspiracy-minded perspective to be the choice to believe that obvious reality is suspect, a systematic attack on factual evidence and good sense, but it's interesting to know a little about where this nonsense comes from.

When I was a teen I read "None Dare Call It Conspiracy". I think I was half convinced for a couple days. Got over it and now just roll my eyes with the BS people try to spew about certain things.


Psudo @ Wed Jan 16, 2013 12:49 am

Hyack Hyack:
I know Americans are some of the most paranoid of people...
I'd say there are paranoid people in America. Not all Americans are paranoid, but the paranoia makes for good TV so it gets disproportionate attention.

sandorski sandorski:
When I was a teen I read "None Dare Call It Conspiracy". I think I was half convinced for a couple days. Got over it and now just roll my eyes with the BS people try to spew about certain things.
I expect I would have a similar reaction.



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