Canada Kicks Ass
What is 'Race'?


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Strutz @ Sat Mar 27, 2021 2:00 pm

raydan raydan:
Even if we were all the same colour, people would find another reason to hate... sex, religion, sexual preference, political affiliation, language... I'm sure we could find new and interesting reasons to hate if we put our minds to it.

Sadly, there are those who hate others for those very reasons you listed and other reasons just as ridiculous. :(

I've known so many people from so many very different backgrounds and I have always found it interesting to learn about looking at life from different perspectives, based on their experience/upbringing that they have shared.


raydan @ Sat Mar 27, 2021 2:18 pm

I'm a bit (actually a lot) of a foodie and that has always given me an excuse to engage people from everywhere. At one of my jobs, there were a few North African ladies and they would bring me a lot of stuff to taste and I integrated some into my homemade meals. I also had an Indian couple who were my bosses, Chinese, Trinidad and many Latino co-workers too.

No matter what colour you are, I'll treat you right if you treat me right.


herbie @ Sat Mar 27, 2021 2:59 pm

Mom was a WASP, after years and years she managed to make an okay spaghetti sauce. Been a foodie for anything ethnic since my teens (when I discovered you could put more than oil & vinegar on salads).
Also remember my younger days, when I checked out a girl, her race was about the last thing I ever noticed.



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