Canada Kicks Ass
Raw Milk Sicknesses Rise


Newsbot @ Wed Dec 17, 2014 3:19 pm

Title: Raw Milk Sicknesses Rise
Category: Health
Posted By: DrCaleb
Date: 2014-12-17 07:44:01


raydan @ Wed Dec 17, 2014 3:19 pm

Drank raw milk for a good part of my life, was still drinking the stuff 10 years ago. I prefer cheese made with raw milk, when I can find it.


ShepherdsDog @ Wed Dec 17, 2014 3:28 pm

Most Canadians grew up on the stuff prior to the 70s. I've had both, and the flavour of unpasteurized whole milk is fantastic. Homemade ice cream from uncooked milk/cream is amazing


Jabberwalker @ Wed Dec 17, 2014 5:16 pm

I knew a woman who had been struck with bovine tuberculosis as a little girl growing up on a farm in the forties. She was seriously physical twisted and crippled by it.

We started pasteurizing our milk because our forbearers got tired of burying heir children. We have forgotten what can go wrong because very few of us have been exposed to the danger over the last century.


raydan @ Wed Dec 17, 2014 5:28 pm

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'd be surprised if the dairy farmers pasturise their milk before they consume it... mind you, I'm not against the process when the milk is distributed.

The actual milking has changed a lot and is a much safer than it was before.