Canada Kicks Ass
Fox News Apparently Does Not Like Canada


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carpediem @ Sat Jan 01, 2005 9:33 pm

I guess Fox news should know many Canadians do not like them either lol.

Fox News Apparently Does Not Like Canada

P.S.....At blockbuster there is a good documentary for you to watch called Control Room. It talks about how bias Fox News is and shows footages to prove it.


RoyalHighlander @ Sat Jan 01, 2005 11:45 pm

Bad link buddy


RUEZ @ Sun Jan 02, 2005 12:57 am

Carpe, I think that movie you have linked to has been posted on here before.
P.S. Foxnews sucks [flag]


__i3eef @ Sun Jan 02, 2005 7:37 am

those fuckin americans again...dont know what the fuck they are talking about. i cant wait till they show "Talking to Americans" on cbc again tonight lol... and another thing, we do they have a blond bitch on fox who doesnt know whats shes talking about, ermmm usless americans



Hopper @ Sun Jan 02, 2005 1:40 pm

True Fox News doesn't quite understand us....when I was living in NC, during the initial weeks of the U.S invasion of Iraq they called us "Pot smoking, gay loving pussies" for not becoming involved in an illegal war. My big question is, who really gives a rat's ass what they think of us? So we won't have any right wing, homophobic, gun toting, bible waving morons coming here for vacation. So? Roll up a fat one, hug your neighbour, give Fox the finger and smile as you watch Al Jazeera.


__i3eef @ Sun Jan 02, 2005 2:03 pm

Hopper Hopper:
True Fox News doesn't quite understand us....when I was living in NC, during the initial weeks of the U.S invasion of Iraq they called us "Pot smoking, gay loving pussies" for not becoming involved in an illegal war. My big question is, who really gives a rat's ass what they think of us? So we won't have any right wing, homophobic, gun toting, bible waving morons coming here for vacation. So? Roll up a fat one, hug your neighbour, give Fox the finger and smile as you watch Al Jazeera.

Amen :D


canadian1971 @ Sun Jan 02, 2005 4:09 pm

To be offend by a persons opion would imply that their opion means something to who cares wtf they think of us...its true though...i like smokin pot, and if by gay, they mean happy, well im smoking some pretty good pot here so yeah im happy!...and love pussies!!! well who doesnt???duh...thats a pretty good life in my some good green man...and pussy! woohooo


canadian1971 @ Sun Jan 02, 2005 4:19 pm

god bless the yanks...i dont like theor policies...i dont like their government...but the average joe/jane american isnt any different than you or I...soft wood lumber...b.s.e...any of the political issues that we have would be quickly put aside if...god forbid...anything like sept 11 happened ither nation...were in the same boat here.. we would do well to remember that


__i3eef @ Sun Jan 02, 2005 4:28 pm

when will they realize hardly any1 in the world likes them?


2Cdo @ Sun Jan 02, 2005 7:29 pm

I'm curious, for all the people who hate the US(_i3eef) what do you care if Fox News likes us or not?
You sound surprised that they don't like us when you pull a Carolyn Parrish by calling them "Those fucking Americans"
I personally don't give a flying rats ass what Fox News or for that matter the CBC News has to say about anything, because they both have their own agenda.
If I want Canadian news without the CBC slant I will go to CTV or if I want world news I go to BBC.
I don't think you should worry too much about it, maybe you'll get your wish for the completely unbiased views of Al Jazeera!


Johnnybgoodaaaaa @ Sun Jan 02, 2005 7:43 pm

Hopper Hopper:
True Fox News doesn't quite understand us....when I was living in NC, during the initial weeks of the U.S invasion of Iraq they called us "Pot smoking, gay loving pussies" for not becoming involved in an illegal war. My big question is, who really gives a rat's ass what they think of us? So we won't have any right wing, homophobic, gun toting, bible waving morons coming here for vacation. So? Roll up a fat one, hug your neighbour, give Fox the finger and smile as you watch Al Jazeera.

Are you saying they implied that, or they actually said that? Are you saying a newscaster said that, or some idiot who they usually have on in 4's said it? I mean, I know Fox News is about as republican/biased as you can get, but I've never seen them actually say that Canadians were "pot smoking, gay loving pussies." Usually they will have specials about how Canadians think about Americans, have interviews with a few Canadians who say they think the US is evil and don't like the US, and then have some people come on to tell their opinion about how Canadians don't like the US. Sure, there might be an Ann Coulter on who talks shit about Canadians, but usually Fox News wouldn't go as far to say that gay loving is a bad thing, or even mention it, given the outcry it would cause in the US, and that it would make Fox News look like they are pushing a hateful agenda. Alot of people in the US don't want gay marriage, but since the matthew sheperd case alot of people consider any gay bashing to be hateful. I will admit that Fox News paints Canada to be a bunch of leftist, but isn't that true? They also have specials on Fox News about Canada legalizing Marijuana, and how the US doesn't want them to, and normally Canada is painted as the bad guy, but so far I haven't seen Fox News saying as terrible things as you described, and keep in mind I'm talking about the actual station, not the guest they have on, in which case they normally have someone on the left and right, or 3 people on the right and one on the left haha.


Hopper @ Mon Jan 03, 2005 2:05 pm

Johnnybgoodaaaaa Johnnybgoodaaaaa:
Are you saying they implied that, or they actually said that? Are you saying a newscaster said that, or some idiot who they usually have on in 4's said it? I mean, I know Fox News is about as republican/biased as you can get, but I've never seen them actually say that Canadians were "pot smoking, gay loving pussies."

The quotation marks were real Johhny. It wasn't actually a newscaster, but it was on "Hannity and Combs" (spelt wrong I'm sure), or some show like that and said by one of the guests. The host agreed whole heartedly though.


Johnnybgoodaaaaa @ Mon Jan 03, 2005 2:15 pm

Hannity and Combs is a debate show. Normally Fox will have some outrageous guest on, and often times the newscasters won't defend gays, but I've never seen them agree with a statement like that. Also, are you completely sure the host agreed? I knew Sean Hannity is a fanatic, and might agree with a line like that, but he's about the only person at Fox News who would, and his show is titled a debate show. His show does have news in it, but it's also mainly a debate show. Also, Pussy would not be allowed on television, especially something like Fox News. I mean, I haven't heard of the line being you have sources for it? If something like that was said and agreed upon by a host, it would be pretty straightforward gay bashing. Fox, from everytime I've seen it, always paints Bush as being great and the war in Iraq as just, but their republican bias is usually as far as they go. Sure, they will have outrageous guest on who push the envelope, but I barely ever see Fox Newscasters agree with them, although the newscasters tend to be more critical of liberal leaning guest.


carpediem @ Mon Jan 03, 2005 3:17 pm

I wish people would stop saying "hate americans". If you were to ask in a poll to Canadians, "Do you hate the American people" you would not see a majority saying they do. We know that most poll's were regarding the American gov or policies. Those are the things that Canadians are against. And since its less then probably 30% of the total population that vote these politicians in, we can't say its the American people. They just gave up as many Canadians are giving up on elections.



Hopper @ Fri Jan 07, 2005 6:57 am

Johnnybgoodaaaaa Johnnybgoodaaaaa:
are you completely sure the host agreed?


Johnnybgoodaaaaa Johnnybgoodaaaaa:
I haven't heard of the line being you have sources for it?

No. I didn't tape it and it was quite a while ago now. As for the word "pussy", the reason it stuck out to me, was because I was living in the south and people won't say "shit" if their mouth is full of it. You'll have to take my word for it (whatever that's worth).



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