Canada Kicks Ass
Airline Passenger With Ebola Is Under Treatment in Dallas


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raydan @ Thu Oct 02, 2014 5:56 pm

raydan raydan:
Think about it, it probably has as much chance to mutate to airborne as HIV has.

You know this how? If it becomes airborne it's a game changer for everyone.

Both are viruses, I don't see why one could mutate and not the other.

...why should I worry over something I have absolutely no control over? Might as well start worrying about meteor strikes, super volcanoes and getting hit by lightning. There's a chance those might happen too.


herbie @ Thu Oct 02, 2014 5:56 pm

BartSimpson BartSimpson:
Would you care to be on an airliner with someone who has Ebola? Are you 100% sure you'd be safe?

He could cut the cheese and you'd inhale the farticles....


BRAH @ Thu Oct 02, 2014 7:02 pm

raydan raydan:
raydan raydan:
Think about it, it probably has as much chance to mutate to airborne as HIV has.

You know this how? If it becomes airborne it's a game changer for everyone.

Both are viruses, I don't see why one could mutate and not the other.

...why should I worry over something I have absolutely no control over? Might as well start worrying about meteor strikes, super volcanoes and getting hit by lightning. There's a chance those might happen too.

Good to know, meanwhile.
News chopper caught Ebola clean-up crew; Um. Notice anything missing?


What's the worst that could happen? 8O


saturn_656 @ Thu Oct 02, 2014 7:17 pm

Must have been the lowest bidder. Saw another photo of the "armed guard" at the building making sure the quarantined folks stay that way.

Rent-a-cops. :?

Somebody is not taking this shit seriously.


martin14 @ Sat Oct 04, 2014 11:06 am ... d=25965383

This one started to show being sick on the plane.

We're getting closer.

Maybe they think flying to the US will save their lives. At least the
hospitals would be better.

Must be nice, sitting on the plane, it lands, guys in full hazmat suits show up,
whisk one passenger off the plane.

Real nice wtf moment.

It is only a question of time till one gets violently ill on the plane over the Atlantic.

Oh, it already happened.

Health officials were called to Newark Liberty International Airport to meet a plane on the runway Saturday, after a passenger began vomiting while en route from Brussels, officials said. ... 21131.html


andyt @ Sat Oct 04, 2014 12:25 pm

wonder how many drunks puking they usually pull off planes in a given day?


raydan @ Sat Oct 04, 2014 12:51 pm

We had multiple terrorist scares after 9/11, now it's Ebola scares.


andyt @ Sat Oct 04, 2014 12:58 pm

Well, since those dastardly terrorists don't mind suiciding, won't be long now before we have Ebola terrorist scares, or is that terrorist Ebola scares? IF we can figure out how to bring global warming into this, we'll have a trifecta.


raydan @ Sat Oct 04, 2014 1:12 pm

Though the scares have put some on edge, the cases are not unique. After issuing an alert to hospitals and medical providers in July, the CDC has looked into approximately 100 Ebola scares in 33 states, as of Oct. 1, the agency said.

Among those, the CDC has tested the blood of 15 possible Ebola patients and found only one patient who tested positive, according to Dr. Beth Bell, director of the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases. That patient is Thomas Eric Duncan, the Liberian man diagnosed in Dallas.


wildrosegirl @ Sat Oct 04, 2014 5:54 pm

andyt andyt:
Well, since those dastardly terrorists don't mind suiciding, won't be long now before we have Ebola terrorist scares, or is that terrorist Ebola scares? IF we can figure out how to bring global warming into this, we'll have a trifecta.

ROTFL There's the premise for the Yank's newest spring blockbuster!


Brenda @ Sat Oct 04, 2014 7:40 pm



BRAH @ Sun Oct 05, 2014 8:55 am

Poor timing! 8O :lol:


N_Fiddledog @ Sun Oct 05, 2014 12:38 pm

Entertainment break. :D

Ebola Yes, Bagpipes No

by Mark Steyn
Steyn on America
October 4, 2014

"Thomas Eric Duncan has the distinction of being America's Patient Zero - the first but not the last person to develop Ebola symptoms in the United States.

Is he a US citizen? No, he's Liberian.

Is he a resident of the United States? No, he landed at Washington's Dulles Airport on September 20th, in order to visit his sister and having quit his job in Monrovia a few weeks earlier.

So he's a single unemployed man with relatives in the US and no compelling reason to return to his native land. That alone is supposed to be cause for immigration scrutiny.

In addition, visitors from Liberia have the fifth highest "visa overstay rate" in the United States. That's to say, they understand very clearly that all that matters is getting in. Once you're in, they'll never get you out.

And, of course, Liberia is one of the hottest spots of Ebola's West African "hot zone". It's been all over the front pages, except apparently in The US Customs & Border Protection Staff Newsletter, where it rated a solitary "News In Brief" item at the foot of page 37.

Just to give you an example of how hard-assed the boneheads of America's immigration bureaucracy can be when they want to:

The legendary Gord Sinclair, longtime news director of CJAD in Montreal, had a ski place near Jay in northern Vermont, and he invited his engineer on the show to come down and visit him. "What's the purpose of your visit?" asked the agent at the small rural border post.

"Oh, just a relaxing weekend at my boss' place," said Gord's colleague affably, and then chortled, "although I don't know if it'll be that relaxing. He'll probably have me out in the yard chopping wood all day."

So the immigration agent refused him entry on the grounds that he would be working illegally in the United States.

They all had a good laugh about that back on the air on Monday, but it took forever to straighten out. A single man with contacts in the United States: He says he's coming for the weekend, but we all know any Montrealer would willingly trade a job at Quebec's Number One anglo radio station for casual yard work in Vermont, right?

And yet the unemployed guy from an Ebola hot zone gets in.

Every day CBP agents pull stuff like that weekend-in-Vermont thing, screwing over perfectly obviously law-abiding persons - tourists, businessmen, legal residents and, indeed, citizens.

But the Ebola guy gets in.

What is the priority of America's deranged border regime right now? As I wrote two months ago:

This weekend [Campbell Webster] was returning to New Hampshire from a competition in Canada, which is how a newspaper story comes to open with a sentence never before written in the history of the English language:

'BAGPIPERS have expressed their fear over a new law which led to two US teenagers having their pipes seized by border control staff at the weekend.'

They can chisel that on the tombstone of the republic. On the northern border, bagpipers are "expressing their fear", while on the southern border gangbangers have no fear and stroll through the express check-in.

As do Ebola-bearing Liberians at Dulles. US border security devotes more time and resources to Campbell Webster of Concord bringing in a bagpipe than to Thomas Duncan of Monrovia bringing in Ebola.

Come to that, US border security devotes more time and resources to my kid bringing in a Kinder chocolate egg from Canada than to Thomas Duncan bringing in Ebola. Speaking of which, I recount the Great Kinder Egg Showdown in my new book, which comes out this month. You can pre-order now from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, Indigo-Chapters in Canada, and other retailers.

If you're wondering why the seizure of my kids' chocolate eggs is in the same book as war and terrorism and all the big-boy stuff, the answer is it's part of the same story. To function, institutions have to be able to prioritize - even big, bloated, money-no-object SWAT-teams-for-every-penpusher institutions like the US Government. You can't crack down on Kinder eggs, bagpipes and Ebola: At a certain point, you have to choose. My line with the Homeland Security guys is a simple one: every 20 minutes you spend on me, or my kids' chocolate eggs, or Cameron Webster's bagpipe is 20 minutes you're not spending on the guy with Ebola, or Tamerlan Tsarnaev. The price of bagpipe scrutiny is a big hole blown in the lives of American families attending the Boston Marathon, or a bunch of schoolkids in Dallas having to be quarantined for a vicious, ravaging disease with a high fatality rate.

But, of course, giving additional attention to West African visitors would be racist. Not like terrorizing Scotsmen over their bagpipes.

Meanwhile, the Department of Homeland Security expands its curious priorities from raiding Boston strip clubs for selling knock-off Red Sox T-shirts to raiding private homes to seize vintage cars that don't meet EPA standards. And yet more emission creep:

Homeland Security Is Now Helping To Protect Communities From The Effects Of Climate Change

Big Government is, inevitably, stupid government. The bigger it gets the more it will focus on trivia, and the less it will even be able to discern the few things it should be doing. But something more pathological is going on here: "Homeland Security" is more interested in controlling law-abiding Americans than protecting them."


martin14 @ Wed Oct 08, 2014 8:57 am

He's dead.


BartSimpson @ Wed Oct 08, 2014 9:18 am

martin14 martin14:
He's dead.

Curiously, I heard this same news last week.



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