Canada Kicks Ass
Mulcair apologizes for security 'misunderstanding' on Hill


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Bodah @ Thu Jun 13, 2013 7:04 pm

Lemmy Lemmy:
I'm not defending the guy, 'cause his actions seem pretty arrogant, but it depends where the stop sign is. You don't have to obey stop signs on private property, like in mall parking lots and such. Not sure where these signs were that Mulcair burned, but if they're on parliament property, not on city streets, he can't be charged for running them. Stop signs on private property are suggestions, not laws.

I know the place well . You don't blow through that check point without a wave through from the RCMP Officer there because they recognize you, no one does. He did.

After the check point there are various stop signs on the way to centre block, they are there because it's a public space and many people, tourists are walking around. It gives them technically a safe place to cross as a cross walk but most people just cross where ever on the hill, but it has to be there for that reason and intersections vehicles are expected to stop at all signs.

If I was the cop I would of answered "Do you know who I am ?"


"Yeah, you're the genius who thinks Quebec should be able to enter negotiations for separation on a 50+1 % vote but the NDP party requires a 66% vote to change the name of the party, you dat guy. "


Public_Domain @ Thu Jun 13, 2013 7:28 pm

fifeboy fifeboy:
Sooo....boys, whata we doos here. Take him out back and lynch him or draw and quarter him or mayhaps, he should just pays da fine. :o :lol: :wink:

Pay the fine.

Can we table legislation that bans the phrase "Don't you know who I am?!" because only douchebags tend to say it.


fifeboy @ Thu Jun 13, 2013 7:45 pm

Public_Domain Public_Domain:
fifeboy fifeboy:
Sooo....boys, whata we doos here. Take him out back and lynch him or draw and quarter him or mayhaps, he should just pays da fine. :o :lol: :wink:

Pay the fine.

Can we table legislation that bans the phrase "Don't you know who I am?!" because only douchebags tend to say it.
No way kiddo, if they are going to have a criminal investigation of Mikey and the 90 000$ than they should also have a criminal investigation of this heinous disregard for the traffic laws! :lol:


Public_Domain @ Thu Jun 13, 2013 8:00 pm

Hyperbole. No one is equating here.

I'd like the whole lot of them to work for minimum wage, but since that will never happen I can only hope they get punished when they do wrong, just like anyone else would. Don't worry, I certainly don't pick favourites; if all of them were in jail for twenty years I'd feel no tinges of pain.


fifeboy @ Thu Jun 13, 2013 8:24 pm

Public_Domain Public_Domain:
Hyperbole. No one is equating here.
Public_Domain Public_Domain:
I'd like the whole lot of them to work for minimum wage, but since that will never happen I can only hope they get punished when they do wrong, just like anyone else would. Don't worry, I certainly don't pick favourites; if all of them were in jail for twenty years I'd feel no tinges of pain.
Only problem there is if everyone in Government were to work for free than the only people there would be the rich. I would think that would be even more elitist than what we have now.


Public_Domain @ Thu Jun 13, 2013 8:26 pm

Only the rich? Would our government skip a beat?


Unsound @ Thu Jun 13, 2013 8:31 pm

Actually, afaik the Canadian Parliament has a relatively low average income. Compared to places like the American Congress and such anyways. Granted, many of them started out as lawyers, but even lawyers are rarely "rich" these days.


QBall @ Thu Jun 13, 2013 8:39 pm

martin14 martin14:
arrogant lil fucker, ain't he ?


But don't you know who he is?


saturn_656 @ Thu Jun 13, 2013 9:24 pm

Bodah Bodah:
If I was the cop I would of answered "Do you know who I am ?"


"Yeah, you're the genius who thinks Quebec should be able to enter negotiations for separation on a 50+1 % vote but the NDP party requires a 66% vote to change the name of the party, you dat guy. "

Mulcair: Do you know who I am?

RCMP Constable: Yes! I'm awesome at this game! Ok, Bob Vila? Wait... No no... Richard Karn?

Mulcair: I'm Thomas 'freakin Mulcair!!!

RCMP Constable: Really? Come on! You know if you pick someone obscure like that, you take all the fun out of it!


Zipperfish @ Thu Jun 13, 2013 11:14 pm

Bodah Bodah:

I know the place well . You don't blow through that check point without a wave through from the RCMP Officer there because they recognize you, no one does. He did.

After the check point there are various stop signs on the way to centre block, they are there because it's a public space and many people, tourists are walking around. It gives them technically a safe place to cross as a cross walk but most people just cross where ever on the hill, but it has to be there for that reason and intersections vehicles are expected to stop at all signs.

If I was the cop I would of answered "Do you know who I am ?"


"Yeah, you're the genius who thinks Quebec should be able to enter negotiations for separation on a 50+1 % vote but the NDP party requires a 66% vote to change the name of the party, you dat guy. "

Or--you da guy who wants to abolish the Senate even though all yuour seats are in Quebec and Quebec gets the best deal from the Senate.


QBall @ Fri Jun 14, 2013 7:05 am

We'll know when Tommy boy has gone over the edge when he starts referring to himself in the third person: "Thomas Mulcair doesn't stop for stop signs! Thomas Mulcair stops for no one!"



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