Canada Kicks Ass
The Radiant Abyss of the Nihilist Right-Wing


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DrCaleb @ Fri Aug 30, 2019 8:28 am

Tricks Tricks:
DrCaleb DrCaleb:
Tricks Tricks:
Sounds like the Donald.

The version of the story I first read had an image of the note. It read something like "we will try to get the Somali stink out of the fair by a very capable person with a big gun. You will not be [dying] by yourself".

I just wonder in all these stories about her, they say the Right thinks she's anti-semetic or anti-israel, but they never say why. What did she say or do to get that rep?

She said that Israel is buying support from/in America.

She said that Israel needs to be addressed re human rights abuses

She seemingly brushed off 9/11.

That seems to be what's caused the outrage.

All reasons she should be summarily executed.



llama66 @ Fri Aug 30, 2019 9:08 am

She seemingly brushed off 9/11.

To be fair, so has Congress when it came to honouring those heroes who selflessly ran into the burning buildings to rescue as many as they could and to those who picked through the rubble to see if there were any still left alive in the terrible aftermath.

She merely reflected (wrongly) the government's opinion of the attack. If it wasn't their opinion, the compensation bill would have passed immediately. It took them 9 years to introduce the bill and 17 years to make it permanent.


raydan @ Fri Aug 30, 2019 9:33 am

Tricks Tricks:
She seemingly brushed off 9/11.

If you look at all the conspiracy theories about 9/11 out there and the people that believe them... she's not alone brushing it off.


Tricks @ Fri Aug 30, 2019 9:35 am

llama66 llama66:
She seemingly brushed off 9/11.

To be fair, so has Congress when it came to honouring those heroes who selflessly ran into the burning buildings to rescue as many as they could and to those who picked through the rubble to see if there were any still left alive in the terrible aftermath.

It's okay when republicans do it.


Tricks @ Fri Aug 30, 2019 9:36 am

raydan raydan:
Tricks Tricks:
She seemingly brushed off 9/11.

If you look at all the conspiracy theories about 9/11 out there and the people that believe them... she's not alone brushing it off.

Those people are also bananapants crazy.


raydan @ Fri Aug 30, 2019 9:46 am

Tricks Tricks:
raydan raydan:
Tricks Tricks:
She seemingly brushed off 9/11.

If you look at all the conspiracy theories about 9/11 out there and the people that believe them... she's not alone brushing it off.

Those people are also bananapants crazy.

What's your point? :?



stratos @ Fri Aug 30, 2019 11:07 am


What is this banana pants you speak of? Are they comfy?


BeaverFever @ Wed Sep 04, 2019 6:11 pm

This is almost as hilarious as the German anti-immigrant islamophobe who converted to Islam.

Sooo many of these conservative Christian anti-gay crusaders turn out to be closet homosexuals, being anti-gay seems to be the most definite sign that you actually are gay.

Conversion therapy organization founder comes out as gay: 'Please forgive me'

Joshua Bote | USA TODAY
2:13 p.m. EDT Sep. 4, 2019
The man who founded Hope for Wholeness, one of the most prominent conversion therapy groups in the United States, has come out as gay.

McKrae Game, the founder of the South Carolina-based conversion therapy ministry Hope for Wholeness, came out as gay this summer, nearly two years after being fired from the organization he founded.

Game said in an interview with The Post and Courier published Friday that his organization, founded nearly 20 years ago, "harmed generations of people." He was ousted by the organization's board of directors in November 2017.

He recounted his experiences as a conversion therapy minister in a Facebook post published Aug. 25. "Please forgive me!" the post began.

"I certainly regret where I caused harm. I know that creating the organization that still lives was in a large way causing harm," he continued. "People reported to attempt suicide because of me and these teachings and ideals. I told people they were going to Hell if they didn’t stop, and these were professing Christians!"

Boston's Straight Pride Parade: Hundreds of marchers and even more counter protesters

Report: LGBTQ-hate violence increased during Pride month, Stonewall's 50th anniversary

The organization operates across at least fifteen states. Hope for Wholeness did not respond to multiple requests for comment from USA TODAY.

“Conversion therapy is not just a lie, but it’s very harmful,” Game told The Post and Courier.

Game, now 51, is one of several former conversion therapy advocates who have come out as LGBTQ and condemned the practice of conversion therapy.

More than a dozen states have banned gay conversion therapy, which seeks to change a person's sexual orientation or gender identity. The practice has been repeatedly condemned by the American Psychological Association.

Maine is the latest state to prohibit the practice, becoming the seventeenth state to do so in May ... 210789001/


Tricks @ Wed Sep 04, 2019 6:26 pm ... 90511.html

Trump allies raising money to target reporters ahead of 2020 election

Today in the constitution matters until I don't like the results.


raydan @ Wed Sep 04, 2019 6:31 pm

BeaverFever BeaverFever:
This is almost as hilarious as the German anti-immigrant islamophobe who converted to Islam.

Sooo many of these conservative Christian anti-gay crusaders turn out to be closet homosexuals, being anti-gay seems to be the most definite sign that you actually are gay.

So there is truth in the expression "Thou doth protest too much". 8O

I just realized that Fiddle is secretly a Prog Muslim. :lol:


stratos @ Thu Sep 05, 2019 6:45 am

I just realized that Fiddle is secretly a Prog Muslim.

8O :lol:


BeaverFever @ Sat Sep 07, 2019 9:00 am

The Hateful Right showing what awful people they really are

Catherine McKenna adds new security detail as threats move from online to real world

Environment Minister Catherine McKenna says she was recently walking outside a movie theatre with her children when a car slowly pulled to a stop beside them.

The driver rolled down his window and then he let fly.

“F*** you, Climate Barbie,” he shouted, as she tried to back away from his car and get her kids away from him.

Story continues below

READ MORE: Tories seize on question of carbon tax increase after McKenna leaves door open

Much has been written about the online abuse and threatening behaviour politicians — especially female politicians — and others in the public eye face every day. But McKenna says as the heat around climate change continues to grow, that abuse is going from anonymous online vitriol to terrifying in-person verbal assaults.

The incident at the movie theatre is just one of several times her kids have been with her when someone in public began to yell at her. She has been called the C-word, a traitor, an enemy and a “communist piece of garbage.” Her family’s safety has been threatened more than once. Some people have wished she and her children will get fatal diseases. She has received sexualized messages so hateful they could be enough to make even the hardest of hearts skip a beat.

WATCH: Poilievre calls out Liberals for admitting possible carbon tax increase after 2022

“Tick Tock, Barbie B****,” one read.

“You’re a stain on this country and I hope you rot in hell,” said another.

The threats have become real enough that McKenna sometimes now requires a security detail, a level of protection even cabinet ministers don’t usually get.

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“There are places, yes, that I have to have security now and I don’t think that’s a great situation,” she said. “I’m someone who is trying to do my job, live my life, and talk and engage with people, and it makes it harder. I’m not going to let this stop me but I wish it would stop.”

READ MORE: Federal carbon tax kicks in for Ontario, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and New Brunswick

McKenna would not elaborate on the security needs, so as not to reveal when she has less protection. She said the online abuse in particular has been going on since she was elected, but that in recent months it has gotten much worse in person.

“The challenges, the increases of this, is worrying for everyone,” she said.

McKenna is not alone in fearing for her safety. Tzeporah Berman, international program co-ordinator for Stand.Earth, said earlier this summer that she has received death threats and was physically assaulted in the Edmonton airport by a man angry about her campaign to close down the oil sands.

Catherine Abreu, the executive director of Climate Action Network, Canada, said the issue is a constant source of frustration and fear for environmentalists.

Story continues below

WATCH: Trudeau says plan for economy must be tied to ‘plan to fight climate change’

“We talk about it every single day,” said Abreu. “There are many people in my community who feel they are under threat.”

Abreu and Berman both point to politicians as stoking the fires. Abreu said U.S. President Donald Trump’s rhetorical attacks have emboldened people who now feel it is perfectly acceptable to insult, abuse and threaten people they disagree with.

Berman said the threats and attacks against her worsened after Alberta Premier Jason Kenney launched his “war room,” a $30-million project to discredit people he says are using foreign funding to undermine Canada’s energy sector. Berman and others are being named by the Alberta government and called enemies for opposing the oil industry.

“Since Kenney announced his $30 million war room to attack environmental advocates & this poster of me was held up at his press conference I have had death threats, misogynist & sexual attacks on social media,” she tweeted in June. “This is what that kind of fear mongering & hate does.”


An attached image shows a sheet of paper with a photo of her speaking into a bullhorn in front of a banner reading “NO TARSANDS PIPELINE.” Below the photo are the words “Tzeporah Berman: Enemy of the oilsands.” Kenney didn’t hold it up but a supporter introducing him at a pro-oilsands news conference in June did.

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A spokeswoman for Alberta Energy Minister Sonya Savage said “in no way does our government condone any form of abuse, verbal or otherwise, towards private citizens or elected officials.”

Samantha Peck said the “Fight Back Strategy” is in development but the war room itself has not yet been established and hasn’t issued any publications naming any specific individuals.

READ MORE: Scheer’s climate plan puts focus on ‘tech not taxes’ with $2.5B in pledges

The United Conservative Party has named at least one individual in a fundraising pitch to supporters.

Emma Jackson, who works from Climate Justice Edmonton, shared the letter on Aug. 30, which named her as a “radical anti-oil and gas activist.”

Berman’s tweet was itself met with a torrent of abuse, many of which called her a liar or said she deserved everything she got. A handful of people said while they disagreed vehemently with Berman’s activities, the threats and abuse were not acceptable. They, too, were then attacked.

WATCH: It would be unfortunate if Brazil didn’t accept assistance with Amazon wildfires: Catherine McKenna

McKenna said she doesn’t call this sort of thing out often because she fears giving abusers attention. In 2017, she did stop to call foul when Conservative MP Gerry Ritz referred to her on Twitter as “Climate Barbie.”

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The insult was coined by the right-wing website, The Rebel, shortly after McKenna was named environment minister and has been used in hundreds, if not thousands, of insults hurled her direction.

Ritz, a former agriculture minister who has since resigned from Parliament, deleted his tweet and apologized for the slur when it was met with outrage.

WATCH: Catherine McKenna talks parks and climate change

McKenna said the fact that climate-change deniers have now verbally attacked Greta Thunberg, a 16-year-old Swedish climate activist, proves just how low some will go to discredit their opponents.

People’s Party of Canada Leader Maxime Bernier was among them, accusing Thunberg in a tweet of being mentally unstable. He later said he wasn’t trying to insult her, just show that she was a pawn being used by adults to put an unassailable face on their lies that climate change is a human-caused emergency.

© 2019 The Canadian Press


DrCaleb @ Mon Sep 09, 2019 6:41 am

Video shows grinning semi-truck driver hit Alberta animal rights demonstrator



A video shows a semi driver smiling after seeming to intentionally strike an animal rights demonstrator with his vehicle in Alberta last month.

Advocate Kattrina Horner is part of the Red Deer Animal Save group and says the incident, which happened on Aug. 19 near the Olymel Cornwall Bacon Plant, has caused her a great deal of shock.

"I just I really felt that it was intentional — what he had done," said Horner.

Horner explains she was crossing the street so that she could get a good picture of the semi-trailer carrying the animals, but as she was crossing the street the semi struck her.

In a video captured by a friend, the driver drove off smiling and waving after he crossed the intersection.

RCMP say the driver was issued a fine for failing to yield to a pedestrian, which resulted in a $776 ticket. Police did not release the driver's identity. ... -1.5274883


BeaverFever @ Mon Sep 09, 2019 8:08 pm

raydan raydan:
BeaverFever BeaverFever:
This is almost as hilarious as the German anti-immigrant islamophobe who converted to Islam.

Sooo many of these conservative Christian anti-gay crusaders turn out to be closet homosexuals, being anti-gay seems to be the most definite sign that you actually are gay.

So there is truth in the expression "Thou doth protest too much". 8O

I just realized that Fiddle is secretly a Prog Muslim. :lol:

And right on queue, here’s YET ANOTHER conservative religious right anti-gay crusader that happens to have a penchant for young boys:

Former pastor of anti-gay church slapped with 8-year prison sentence for sexually assaulting 14-year-old boy

Published 5 days ago on September 4, 2019 By Sky Palma

A retired pastor from Iowa has been sentenced to 8 years in prison for having sex with a 14-year-old boy he met on a gay dating app, Queerty reports.

David Holmes, who is 82, first came in contact with the boy back in 2017 and later met up with him in a parking garage, where the two reportedly engaged in oral sex.

According to prosecutor Don Kleine, the boy likely wasn’t Holmes’ only victim.

...Holmes was formerly the pastor at Central United Methodist Church in Oskaloosa, Iowa.

From Queerty:

The Central United Methodist Church in Oskaloosa’s website includes a link to the United Methodist Church’s main website, where the church’s official beliefs on homosexuality can be found.


“The practice of homosexuality is incompatible with Christian teaching,” the page reads. “Therefore self-avowed practicing homosexuals are not to be certified as candidates, ordained as ministers, or appointed to serve in The United Methodist Church.”

It adds: “Ceremonies that celebrate homosexual unions shall not be conducted by our ministers and shall not be conducted in our churches.”

There is also a detailed list of “chargeable offenses” for any United Methodist Church official caught acting gay. ... r-old-boy/

But yeah let’s ignore the conservative pedophile epidemic and go back to the “ tolerant left” thread and talk about how some teenage anarchist who doesn’t even vote was rude to somebody. Because that’s more important :roll:


N_Fiddledog @ Tue Sep 10, 2019 7:57 am

raydan raydan:
I just realized that Fiddle is secretly a Prog Muslim. :lol:

You're a fan then, are you?

Here ya go then. Something on the "nihilistic right" from Dogistan. :wink: The anti-AOC rightie immigrant who's running for congress:



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