Canada Kicks Ass
Sun sets early on the American Century


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xerxes @ Mon Oct 22, 2007 9:39 pm

To be fair, Streaker posed it as a hypothetical and no one yet has really agreed with the premise.


hwacker @ Mon Oct 22, 2007 9:44 pm

xerxes xerxes:
To be fair, Streaker posed it as a hypothetical and no one yet has really agreed with the premise.

To be really fair Streaker hates the USA so it figures he did it.


Canadian_Mind @ Mon Oct 22, 2007 10:28 pm

hwacker hwacker:
Tricks Tricks:
I would love to know how a silver lining can be our biggest ally weakening...

Because for some it's a full time sport to put down the Americans. (liberals)

And for others it's a full time sport to put down Liberals. (Idiot conservatives)

It's a shame you call yourself a con Hwacker. You're the worst con I've ever met, and the only oen I ever have a long-time problem with.You give the lot a bad name, which is an honest shame.

Stop stirring up shit.

Anyways, my thought on what the silver lining would be is that we wouldn't have so much American takeovers and influence in our country. all the same that siler lining is tarnished in the short term because we'd have to go through a few years of hurt while we diversify our trade, and it would be destroyed in the long term when China decides to roll in and take over.


Streaker @ Tue Oct 23, 2007 3:01 am

Not that it'll make any difference, but, for the record: No, I don't hate America.

But I sure can't stand Bush and the stream of American political culture which he embodies, so as long as people like him run the country I think it's preferable to see a diminishing of America's stature and influence in the world.


BartSimpson @ Tue Oct 23, 2007 9:46 am

And a diminished America will require Canada to seriously step up to the plate to defend her northern reaches from foreign encroachment.

And God help you if an isolationist movement takes hold in the USA. Imagine the US pulling out of NATO, the UN, and etc.

In some respects, I want to see this happen.

I want the US to withdraw from being the world policeman and the being the world's scapegoat for every little problem while also being the nation the world turns to when the sh*t hits the fan as it did in Indonesia with the tsunami.

Let Darfur go wild.

Screw Rwanda.

Piss on Myanmar.

To hell with the Balkans.

Let South and North Korea duke it out on their own.

Let the pirates take over Eastern Africa and the Strait of Malacca.

Let Taiwan swing in the wind.

Say good night to Israel and the Arabs as they immolate each other.

And let the USA pay down its debt and invest in our own country for a change.


Streaker @ Tue Oct 23, 2007 4:23 pm

Sounds good to me! :D [stupid] :P


Mustang1 @ Tue Oct 23, 2007 4:50 pm

Streaker Streaker:
Sounds good to me! :D [stupid] :P

I thought the U.S. did screw Rwanda, let Darfur go wild and pissed on Burma...whoops :wink:


Xort @ Tue Oct 23, 2007 4:51 pm

The combat arms of the US forces have reached a point well above what they were at back in 2001. The only issue is that they need to take a break, collect all the info they have learned and move forward.

But then again no one cares what guys on the ground know. Iraq cost a lot, true. But they gained more from it than most people are willing to give credit for.


Zipperfish @ Tue Oct 23, 2007 5:09 pm

xerxes xerxes:
I don't think a weakened America can be considered a silver lining. Like it or lump it, the US since 1945 has been the de facto world leader and what the past 7 years under Bush and his pack of criminals have been is the power of the US being misused and abused to nefarious ends.

The problem now is that undoing the damage Bush and Co. will take years and in some places, decades. Meanwhile, as the US has pissed away its credibility and moral authority, Iran has become the dominant power in the Middle East which was accentuated last year when Hezbollah effectively held off the vaunted Israeli Army. Added to that, the invasion of Iraq has completely upended the balance of power in the Middle East and not for the better. China is holding the sword of Damocles over America's economy (though some that began under Clinton's tenure). And it could go on.

But while the US's power and influence is definitely on the wane, it's not necessarily a good thing because if America retreats behind its borders again, who will fill the power vacuum? Europe? It'd be nice, but not bloody likely. More than likely it would be China and nobody wants that.

What he said. Great post.


hwacker @ Tue Oct 23, 2007 5:12 pm

Canadian_Mind Canadian_Mind:
hwacker hwacker:
Tricks Tricks:
I would love to know how a silver lining can be our biggest ally weakening...

Because for some it's a full time sport to put down the Americans. (liberals)

And for others it's a full time sport to put down Liberals. (Idiot conservatives)

It's a shame you call yourself a con Hwacker. You're the worst con I've ever met, and the only oen I ever have a long-time problem with.You give the lot a bad name, which is an honest shame.

Stop stirring up shit.

Anyways, my thought on what the silver lining would be is that we wouldn't have so much American takeovers and influence in our country. all the same that siler lining is tarnished in the short term because we'd have to go through a few years of hurt while we diversify our trade, and it would be destroyed in the long term when China decides to roll in and take over.

If you agree with agreeing with nothing then you must be a liberal.

And BTW you've never met me.


Streaker @ Tue Oct 23, 2007 5:16 pm

Mustang1 Mustang1:
Streaker Streaker:
Sounds good to me! :D [stupid] :P

I thought the U.S. did screw Rwanda, let Darfur go wild and pissed on Burma...whoops :wink:

:lol: :lol: :lol: PDT_Armataz_01_37


sasquatch2 @ Tue Oct 23, 2007 5:20 pm


If you agree with agreeing with nothing then you must be a liberal.

And BTW you've never met me.

I concur.....that is the element that needs to be purged.

Until the Liberals purge the LIBRANO$ and the whachos they will never again sit on the governing side of the Commons.


Streaker @ Tue Oct 23, 2007 5:25 pm

But what about the sun setting on the PNAC and the hardliners quoted in the article who now believe that the invasion of Iraq has been a disaster, samsquantch?


xerxes @ Tue Oct 23, 2007 5:29 pm

His anti-climate change, anti-liberal Tourette's won't allow him to talk about thing not connected to those two topics.


Streaker @ Tue Oct 23, 2007 5:38 pm

Yeah... All "LIBRANO$" all the time.... :roll:



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