Canada Kicks Ass
Sun sets early on the American Century


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Mustang1 @ Thu Oct 25, 2007 3:45 am

fifeboy fifeboy:
Mustang1 Mustang1:

Actually nothing works like a well articulated idea. Profanity is just the periphery in my prose and besides, i'd rather be chastised for the odd scatalogial term than be a judgmental, self-righteous interloper.

Either way, it's your prerogative to ignore an since you're only harping on the trivial and leaving the salient points alone, i'll assume you're role here is drop karma bombs. Sorry, that's your problem
Actually, I was enjoying the debate. All I did was ask you and Bart to refrain from swearing. I guess it comes from teaching Grade 7's for 25 years. On the up-side, I guess I should be thankful you haven't resorted to calling each others mothers down. When I was dealing with 7's that was usually a good sign someone was loosing an argument.

Actually, i'm not one of your students, so perhaps you need to learn to differentiate a classroom from a web forum. In other words, take the condescending attitude, along with the self-righteous pontificating and park it. Either way, you've chastised us for using allegedly inappropriate language, but in the process you've added nothing of substance to the thread and come across like a sanctimonious bore who can't tell the difference between an elementary classroom and an Internet forum.

I'm still waiting for you to post something relevant...and no, that doesn't mean preaching grade school fluff.


Mustang1 @ Thu Oct 25, 2007 3:48 am

sasquatch2 sasquatch2:
When I was dealing with 7's that was usually a good sign someone was loosing an argument.

It seems to work that way with adults, who like to talk down to folk not agreeing with their POV, and represent themselves as sophistocated, enlightened, well educated and informed and then resort to the potty mouth usually associated with the lowest common denominator.'s all window dressing as let's be honest, some here don't deserve real discourse as they're unenlightened, woefully uneducated, cognitively challenged mouth breathing window lickers. Why afford them any class when they simply don't possess it and all they can manage to mash out while they're getting schooled is "HEE HEE HAW"? That's the lowest common denominator.

Shuffle on Bigot Boy, shuffle on


Mustang1 @ Thu Oct 25, 2007 3:50 am

xerxes xerxes:
sasquatch2 sasquatch2:
When I was dealing with 7's that was usually a good sign someone was loosing an argument.

It seems to work that way with adults, who like to talk down to folk not agreeing with their POV, and represent themselves as sophistocated, enlightened, well educated and informed and then resort to the potty mouth usually associated with the lowest common denominator.

In the cases of Mustang and Dayseed, that means they have met up with yet another pig ignorant philistine, such as yourself, who can't be bothered to make a coherent argument much less defend his or her positions with any ability.

Wait a second..."HEE HEE HAW HAW HEE HEE HAW" isn't the epitome of enlightened discourse? Yeti boy is here for our amusement - he's the forum jester and yes, he will dance.


BartSimpson @ Thu Oct 25, 2007 8:39 am

fifeboy fifeboy:
Mustang1 Mustang1:

Actually nothing works like a well articulated idea. Profanity is just the periphery in my prose and besides, i'd rather be chastised for the odd scatalogial term than be a judgmental, self-righteous interloper.

Either way, it's your prerogative to ignore an since you're only harping on the trivial and leaving the salient points alone, i'll assume you're role here is drop karma bombs. Sorry, that's your problem
Actually, I was enjoying the debate. All I did was ask you and Bart to refrain from swearing. I guess it comes from teaching Grade 7's for 25 years. On the up-side, I guess I should be thankful you haven't resorted to calling each others mothers down. When I was dealing with 7's that was usually a good sign someone was loosing an argument.

A lesson I learned from a Navy SP:

When two fellows are in a bar fight it's best to let them finish before getting involved or you stand a good chance of both of them turning on you. 8)


fifeboy @ Thu Oct 25, 2007 9:02 am

Mustang1 Mustang1:

Actually, i'm not one of your students, so perhaps you need to learn to differentiate a classroom from a web forum. In other words, take the condescending attitude, along with the self-righteous pontificating and park it. Either way, you've chastised us for using allegedly inappropriate language, but in the process you've added nothing of substance to the thread and come across like a sanctimonious bore who can't tell the difference between an elementary classroom and an Internet forum.

I'm still waiting for you to post something relevant...and no, that doesn't mean preaching grade school fluff.
I said I was enjoying reading the forum, not holding forth! If ones ideas are worth reading, than they can be stated without swearing. Other than that, I give up. At least grade 7's would listen to reason, some of the time.


BartSimpson @ Thu Oct 25, 2007 9:10 am

fifeboy fifeboy:
Mustang1 Mustang1:

Actually, i'm not one of your students, so perhaps you need to learn to differentiate a classroom from a web forum. In other words, take the condescending attitude, along with the self-righteous pontificating and park it. Either way, you've chastised us for using allegedly inappropriate language, but in the process you've added nothing of substance to the thread and come across like a sanctimonious bore who can't tell the difference between an elementary classroom and an Internet forum.

I'm still waiting for you to post something relevant...and no, that doesn't mean preaching grade school fluff.
I said I was enjoying reading the forum, not holding forth! If ones ideas are worth reading, than they can be stated without swearing. Other than that, I give up. At least grade 7's would listen to reason, some of the time.

If I were you I'd just say F*ck it because you won't get anywhere with that a$$hole.



stratos @ Thu Oct 25, 2007 9:11 am

Well Canada did continue with its UNAMIR

UNAMIR? United Nations ????


stratos @ Thu Oct 25, 2007 9:14 am

Actually DipShit ans A$$hole are perty tame for here and the debate they are/were having. For these two its almost terms of enderment. :wink:


Canadian_Mind @ Thu Oct 25, 2007 9:27 am

stratos stratos:
Actually DipShit ans A$$hole are perty tame for here and the debate they are/were having. For these two its almost terms of enderment. :wink:

For everyone those are terms of enderment, you conservative, cock-sucking, monkey fucking son of a bitch. :P Get yer head outta the cloud.

Wonder how Mr. Grade 7 is going to respond to that? :wink:

fifeboy fifeboy:
Mustang1 Mustang1:

Actually, i'm not one of your students, so perhaps you need to learn to differentiate a classroom from a web forum. In other words, take the condescending attitude, along with the self-righteous pontificating and park it. Either way, you've chastised us for using allegedly inappropriate language, but in the process you've added nothing of substance to the thread and come across like a sanctimonious bore who can't tell the difference between an elementary classroom and an Internet forum.

I'm still waiting for you to post something relevant...and no, that doesn't mean preaching grade school fluff.
I said I was enjoying reading the forum, not holding forth! If ones ideas are worth reading, than they can be stated without swearing. Other than that, I give up. At least grade 7's would listen to reason, some of the time.

Jesus, were you raised in a fucking church dude? get real.

Swear words are just words. I'm sure most of your grade 7s are familiar with the terms "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me."

Fact is, to tell us to not swear, and call it "reason" is just plain idiocy around here. Yes, it would be reasonable to expect us not to swear in a church, a school, a daycare, etc. for the sake of the people with fragile ears there. But this is the net, where people are free to go where they want and say what they want, read what they want, etc.

Meaning, we have every right to swear here. Trevor has put nothing in the rules against it, so we happily do it. If you don't like swear words, don't read the posts, or ask Trevor to add a limited censor to the forum whereby if the user activates it, all the swear words he/she is so afraid of with turn into little #s.

Another thing, don't think to imply us to the minds of 11-12 year old kids. I haven't been that old for 6 years, and since that time my concept of reason has changed.

And if you feel like you are being jumped on, you are. Should expect nothing less when you only contribution to a conversation is when you don't have enough spine to ignore a couple words.

in conclusion; Fuck, Bitch, Shit, Damn, Ass, Crap. <----- Enjoy

PS. Fuck I'm feeling mean today.


fifeboy @ Thu Oct 25, 2007 9:32 am

Canadian_Mind Canadian_Mind:
stratos stratos:
Actually DipShit ans A$$hole are perty tame for here and the debate they are/were having. For these two its almost terms of enderment. :wink:

For everyone those are terms of enderment, you conservative, cock-sucking, monkey fucking son of a bitch. :P Get yer head outta the cloud.

Wonder how Mr. Grade 7 is going to respond to that? :wink:
Send you to the principal! :lol: Than get Tommy Douglas's ghost to come see you about the NDP logo you post. I believe there was, at one time, an interesting debate going on here.


Canadian_Mind @ Thu Oct 25, 2007 9:37 am

yea, but now it is more interesting to jump on you.

And I've talked to Tommy several times, folks keep reffering him to me. Every time we come to an agreement that while my attitude and my opinions about the military, economy, etc. are things he doesn't like, I AM a socialist at heart and believe in the good for all.

Tommy has nothing on me.

By the way, I added a lil somethign to the post you responded too. ;)


fifeboy @ Thu Oct 25, 2007 9:54 am

Canadian_Mind Canadian_Mind:

Another thing, don't think to imply us to the minds of 11-12 year old kids. I haven't been that old for 6 years, and since that time my concept of reason has changed.



BartSimpson @ Thu Oct 25, 2007 9:55 am



Zipperfish @ Thu Oct 25, 2007 10:39 am

Without sounding too pessimistic, isn't a bit presumputous to assume that the Americans--or anyone else, for that matter--could have done something for Rwanda, or could do something for Darfur? There seems to be this presumption that if someone just went in there and kicked some ass big time, that it would straighten these killers out once and for all. I think Iraq is a good example of where that philosophy, in the hands of incompetents, can take you.

Indeed, if anyone has a great idea as to how people from slaughtering each other on a mass scale, I'd like to hear it, but so far some forty-five centuries of human history has failed to adequately address the issue.

In Africa--home of Darfur and Rwanda--millions of childen die every year from malnutrition. I read recently that somewhere a child starves to death every six seconds on this planet. This is an outrage bigger than any war, and it goes on all day, every day. Again, there is a presumption by some that all we need to do is ship enough food over there and that'll take care of things once and for all. But we've been shipping food there for decades and the situation hasn't markedly improved. We can't seem to do much about that one either.

To my mind, a good way to ameliorate these problems would be an effective world government, but we seem to me further away from that, not closer to it.



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