Canada Kicks Ass
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ziggy @ Tue Jul 04, 2006 4:46 pm

Blue_Nose Blue_Nose:
King eh? You do a lot of people who put much more effort into it a disservice.

Where did all this talk about engineers come from? What do you know about my "engineering shit", and when did I ever give you advice?

Cal 123's topic where you lambasted anyone who wasnt an engineer.

The voice of experience I guess.


Blue_Nose @ Tue Jul 04, 2006 4:56 pm

No I didn't; I 'lambasted' anyone who didn't know what they were talking about, engineer or not. Unfortunately, most engineers are of the type you've described, but it's unfair of you to assume I'm that way, too.

If I started making things up about the oil&gas industry, wouldn't you correct me? Having a lot of 'experience' doesn't mean squat if it's not in a relevant field to the discussion.


ziggy @ Tue Jul 04, 2006 8:42 pm

Blue_Nose Blue_Nose:
No I didn't; I 'lambasted' anyone who didn't know what they were talking about, engineer or not. Unfortunately, most engineers are of the type you've described, but it's unfair of you to assume I'm that way, too.

If I started making things up about the oil&gas industry, wouldn't you correct me? Having a lot of 'experience' doesn't mean squat if it's not in a relevant field to the discussion.

Well,your only 22 and hardly what I would call an experienced engineer.
So your opinion is based on what you got taught in school and not anything learned out in the field.

No offence Blue.I deal with engineers everyday. :wink: i know what youse guys and gals are like. :wink: :roll:


Blue_Nose @ Wed Jul 05, 2006 3:47 am

How would you feel if I said all tradespeople are only looking for the quickest and easiest way to do a job, often at the expense of safety and quality? There are certainly a lot who would fit that description (I've seen some dumb stuff done), but that doesn't mean I judge people I don't know based on that, like you're doing. I know plenty who are a little more willing to work with engineers and respect their professional opinion, and they get the same in return.

These are issues you probably should have raised in the C123 thread, though, not here.


ShepherdsDog @ Wed Jul 05, 2006 3:55 am

ziggy ziggy:
Blue_Nose Blue_Nose:
No I didn't; I 'lambasted' anyone who didn't know what they were talking about, engineer or not. Unfortunately, most engineers are of the type you've described, but it's unfair of you to assume I'm that way, too.

If I started making things up about the oil&gas industry, wouldn't you correct me? Having a lot of 'experience' doesn't mean squat if it's not in a relevant field to the discussion.

Well,your only 22 and hardly what I would call an experienced engineer.
So your opinion is based on what you got taught in school and not anything learned out in the field.

No offence Blue.I deal with engineers everyday. :wink: i know what youse guys and gals are like. :wink: :roll:

Really? Tell us oh sage one, what are 'we like'. I eagerly await your assessment.


GunPlumber @ Wed Jul 05, 2006 4:55 am

People who see something wrong and pretend it isn't:
"Not my job," or "Not my responsibility" - people in the CF are famous for this.

People who break things or create problems and then try to deny responsibility - seen a lot of that since I hit civvie street.

People who use being afraid of getting involved as an excuse for not doing the right thing - i.e., witnessing an accident but running away when someone asks you to make a statement for the police.

Guys with "small man syndrome".

People who don't stand-up for their friends.

People who don't stand-up for their friends but expect the friendship to continue.

Politically-correct forms of racism.

People who interrupt when someone else is talking (Just fired an older gent who worked for me because I got tired of never being able to complete A SINGLE SENTENCE in his presence).


fatbasturd @ Wed Jul 05, 2006 6:58 am

ShepherdsDog ShepherdsDog:
ziggy ziggy:
Blue_Nose Blue_Nose:
No I didn't; I 'lambasted' anyone who didn't know what they were talking about, engineer or not. Unfortunately, most engineers are of the type you've described, but it's unfair of you to assume I'm that way, too.

If I started making things up about the oil&gas industry, wouldn't you correct me? Having a lot of 'experience' doesn't mean squat if it's not in a relevant field to the discussion.

Well,your only 22 and hardly what I would call an experienced engineer.
So your opinion is based on what you got taught in school and not anything learned out in the field.

No offence Blue.I deal with engineers everyday. :wink: i know what youse guys and gals are like. :wink: :roll:

Really? Tell us oh sage one, what are 'we like'. I eagerly await your assessment.

You are the guys who are telling your wifes that six inches is really a foot [boff] ...that's why the have no sense of distance :wink:


Robair @ Wed Jul 05, 2006 7:20 am

Grade 9 graduates who have learned how to read a tape measure and weld thinking they suddenly know how to engineer.

Also dipshits on the floor thinking I'm some kind of big candy ass because I sit at a desk, when I put myself through school working jobs that make theirs look like preschool. And I could still run circles around most of them. Scratch that, here in Kentucky? All of them.

ziggy ziggy:
Personally I dont take much stock in what any engineer says,most of them are fresh out of school and dont have a clue what their talking about but talk like they have been in the industry for a hundred years! :roll:


ziggy @ Wed Jul 05, 2006 7:32 am

Robair Robair:
Grade 9 graduates who have learned how to read a tape measure and weld thinking they suddenly know how to engineer.

Also dipshits on the floor thinking I'm some kind of big candy ass because I sit at a desk, when I put myself through school working jobs that make theirs look like preschool. And I could still run circles around most of them. Scratch that, here in Kentucky? All of them.

ziggy ziggy:
Personally I dont take much stock in what any engineer says,most of them are fresh out of school and dont have a clue what their talking about but talk like they have been in the industry for a hundred years! :roll:

Guess I should rephrase that. I find the ones fresh out of school a bit cocky.

The older more experienced ones usually move on rather quickly and that means lots of fresh meat. Dont get me wrong,I love pissing them off. :lol: No shortage of engineer jokes anywhere I've worked.

Reaching the end of a job interview, the Human Resources Person asked the young Engineer fresh out of MIT, "And what starting salary were you looking for?"

The Engineer said, "In the neighbourhood of $75,000 a year, depending on the benefit's package."

The HR Person said, "Well, what would you say to a package of 5-weeks vacation, 14 paid holidays, full medical and dental, company matching retirement fund to 50% of salary, and a company car leased every 2 years - say, a red Corvette?"

The Engineer sat up straight and said, "Wow!!! Are you kidding?"

And the HR Person said, "Certainly, ...but you started it."

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ZoSo51 @ Sat Jul 08, 2006 10:52 am

ziggy ziggy:
No offence Blue.I deal with engineers everyday. :wink: i know what youse guys and gals are like. :wink: :roll:

Just because the people you work with are poor engineers does not mean you can plaster the entire society of engineers with a bad name...using your logic I could talk to 100 people in Canada, all of whom speak English and then declare that the entire world is English speaking...for all you know Blue_Nose could have a natural knack at engineering and have been around engineering his entire life and has had many years of experience in industry....I myself being only 18 and starting my first year of Mechatronics Engineering next year have had over 10 years of being around industry and what father would take me with him some times as he worked in many different plants and buildings, varying from companies making rugby shirts, to companies creating cutting edge dont be so quick to judge "fresh meat".....anyways if you want to flame Blue_Nose flame him, but don't flame engineering as a whole.

well back to the topic....

-little rocks or sharp things in my shoe I can't find but when you step you feel it go right into your foot

-idiots who pass on the right on the pass people on the LEFT is it that hard?

-other idiots that sit in the middle lane with a big rig right behind them forcing the big rig to pass on the right because they aren't suppose to be in the fast lane...if you got a big rig up your ass move a lane over to the right and let him by!

-dumbasses who feel that because their is construction on the highway causing lots of traffic they should throw things, flip the bird, shout profanities at the road workers...they are risking their lives to give you a smoother safer ride! get your head out of your ass and show some damn respect and patience!


Blue_Nose @ Sat Jul 08, 2006 11:23 am

ZoSo51 ZoSo51:
anyways if you want to flame Blue_Nose flame him, but don't flame engineering as a whole.
"Flame" being the correct term, as he has no reason to make the accusations he has. Lots of QbE engineering degrees out there (Qualified by Experience), but from some of the things I've seen done by the QbEs, one starts to question what exactly they've learned from that experience.

Do I have the skills a certified welder has? Not a chance (my MIG skills are decent, but not pretty), but that doesn't mean he knows jack about designing with steel - it's all about people bringing their skills to the table and not stepping on each other's toes

Good luck with your mechatronics - sounds like a neat field.


ZoSo51 @ Sat Jul 08, 2006 11:28 am

Blue_Nose Blue_Nose:
Good luck with your mechatronics - sounds like a neat field.

thanks! I think its going to be a lot of fun.....what field are you in?


Robair @ Sat Jul 08, 2006 11:29 am

Blue_Nose Blue_Nose:
Good luck with your mechatronics - sounds like a neat field.

I had to look it up 8O didn't have a clue.

Mechatronics is the synergistic combination of mechanical engineering ("mecha" for mechanisms), electronic engineering ("tronics" for electronics), and software engineering.


Ripcat @ Sat Jul 08, 2006 11:30 am

Most of the engineers I have worked with have been 'fresh meat' but only one wasn't an arrogant fuck who thought he knew everything and he was the brightest of them all.

btw, he was from Nova Scotia. Know any Zwickers out your way BN?


ZoSo51 @ Sat Jul 08, 2006 11:34 am

Robair Robair:
Blue_Nose Blue_Nose:
Good luck with your mechatronics - sounds like a neat field.

I had to look it up 8O didn't have a clue.

Mechatronics is the synergistic combination of mechanical engineering ("mecha" for mechanisms), electronic engineering ("tronics" for electronics), and software engineering.

lol Robair :P just think of it as robotics....mechatronics just sounds cooler 8)



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