Canada Kicks Ass
Fort McKay land claim settlement - July 4, 2006


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thefactremains @ Wed Jul 05, 2006 5:24 pm

Dog shit<<<<that says it all..ur name


PluggyRug @ Wed Jul 05, 2006 5:35 pm

thefactremains thefactremains:
Dog shit<<<<that says it all..ur name

Is that what you eat.

I think you have had too many Mickey D's.

Do you piss coke. Is your forked tongue swollen.

Lay off the ersatz mustard.


ShepherdsDog @ Wed Jul 05, 2006 5:39 pm

That just hurts so much coming from someone who has proven time and time again that he's dumber than dogshit. Mr Pseudo Shawnee, your act is getting really old. The, me-dumb-injun-who-no write-white-devil-english isn't washing anymore. Haven't you got a bridge to hide under or some goats to molest?


ziggy @ Wed Jul 05, 2006 5:41 pm

thefactremains thefactremains:
ZIGGY [/quote)??It flowed already,were not hobbemma..but it has been has more than what Hobbema ever had.Holleee..we've been talkin about this for ..about 5 days greedy ..homeless..unappreciative ungrateful.bastrads.are just set in ur ways..all we have is Agreements and Courts ,thats all we have ,,,now I wouldnt COMPLAIN either if my part of the deal was all signed and PPL should not have signed the agreement..if ur not going to fulfill it.DONNY we better go and make our own rooms..where there is ppl that have a 1/2 brain at least cause with these rooms all were going is in circles.just a buncha..gringos..gypsies..that..they think they are high n mighty..when they are buncha homeless..ppl..had nothing but a boat ticket n the clothes on there backs.i guess they musta looked wonder our forefathers didn send em there own fault


Think you and your mentor should get a room. :wink:


Donny_Brasco @ Thu Jul 06, 2006 8:02 am

HyperionTheEvil HyperionTheEvil:

The problem being is there is a rather large numbe of Canadians who dont think you're a 'nation', who dont think the land was yours in the first place and dont think they have 'prevented' you from doing anything that everday Canadians do to improve thier lives by hard work and personal reponsiblity.

Well most of the polls that I have seen say that most of Canadians would like to see land claims settled once and for all.

HyperionTheEvil HyperionTheEvil:
200 hundred years of 'injustices' is again simply a verbal tool to extract from Taxpayers cash they have earned. Do not Taxpayers have a right to see where there money flows, and if they decide to stop it, and if they deicde to vote in a goverment who will do that for them, is that not democracy.

So what your are saying is that if there were no residential schools, no reserves, no theft of our land, if Indians could have started businesses and got credit and farmed to sell their produce on the open market - that we as First Nation people would still be where we are today?

These events are facts. The fact is that someone stole part of the reserve land we were given to survive on after we signed treaty with you. The fact is that we have few roll models in our communities because our people were not allowed to start businesses and work off reserve without relinquishing their status as Indians.

We were not allowed to accumulate wealth like the rest of the Canadians.

Ignore the facts all you want, but do not tell me about democracy, equality and freedom in the same breath.

You do not have the support of the majority of Canadians when you choose to ignore these things. I have spoken to several thousand people all across my province and have run into only a dozen or so who would oppose this history and oppose our rights.

Hyperion, you do not speak for the majority of Canadians, no matter what colour. Do not pretend that you do.

If you want to challenge this find me some hard numbers saying that Canadians are as ethnocentric and intolerant as you are.

HyperionTheEvil HyperionTheEvil:
The reason that i cant take you seriously is that you is thisYou beieve that 'justice' and 'eqaulity' is be given whatever it is you want. My idea of justice and equality is tht all Canadians are given the same laws to live under, equally protected, equally looked after, equal access to social programs. In short equal being equal and not some being more equal than others.

FYI First Nations have the least access to social programs i.e. health care, EI, daycare, etc...

FYI First Nations are the least protected people, with high rates of TB, diabetes, murder, and poverty.

If you really want equality then address these issues. It is very convenient to blame all of our social problems on us as individuals.


ridenrain @ Thu Jul 06, 2006 8:19 am

We were not allowed to accumulate wealth like the rest of the Canadians.

Can you explain that to me?
Here in BC, we have the Tswasswn band building apartment complexes. Many other bands own property and the occasional casino.

We just worked it out so Native schools who teach a standardized curiculim are recognised by the province. I'm not sure of all the details, but as long as it's not a boondoggle, it looks like a win/win for everyone.


Donny_Brasco @ Thu Jul 06, 2006 8:34 am

ridenrain ridenrain:
We were not allowed to accumulate wealth like the rest of the Canadians.

Can you explain that to me?
Here in BC, we have the Tswasswn band building apartment complexes. Many other bands own property and the occasional casino.

We just worked it out so Native schools who teach a standardized curiculim are recognised by the province. I'm not sure of all the details, but as long as it's not a boondoggle, it looks like a win/win for everyone.

Yes I can!

And yes, this is what we want (Natives and Canadians alike).

I am going to find you some info on this, hold on.


Donny_Brasco @ Thu Jul 06, 2006 9:00 am

indian act 1876 indian act 1876:
11. No person, or Indian other than an Indian of the band, shall settle, reside or hunt upon, occupy or use any land or marsh, or shall settle, reside upon or occupy any road, or allowance for roads running through any reserve belonging to or occupied by such band; and all mortgages or hypothecs given or consented to by any Indian, and all leases, contracts and agreements made or purported to be made by any Indian... shall be absolutely void.

Cannot make a contract or agreement. Basically nullifies all business dealings.

59. The Governor in Council may, subject to the provisions of this Act, direct how, and in what manner, and by whom the moneys arising from sales of Indian lands, and from the property held or to be held in trust for the Indians, or from any timber on Indian lands or reserves, or from any other source for the benefit of Indians (with the exception of any small sum not exceeding ten per cent. of the proceeds of any lands, timber or property, which may be agreed at the time of the surrender to be paid to the members of the band interested therein), shall be invested from time to time, and how the payments or assistance to which the Indians may be entitled shall be made or given, and may provide for the general management of such moneys, and direct what percentage or proportion thereof shall be set apart from time to time, to cover the cost of and attendant upon the management of reserves, lands, property and moneys under the provisions of this Act, and for the construction or repair of roads passing through such reserves or lands, and by way of contribution to schools frequented by such Indians.

So any money you earn goes to the Indian Agent who decides how to spend it.

60. The proceeds arising from the sale or lease of any Indian lands, or from the timber, hay, stone, minerals or other valuables thereon, or on a reserve, shall be paid to the Receiver General to the credit of the Indian fund.

70. No Indian or non-treaty Indian, resident in the province of Manitoba, the North-West Territories or the territory of Keewatin, shall be held capable of having acquired or acquiring a homestead or pre-emption right to a quarter section, or any portion of land in any surveyed or unsurveyed lands in the said province of Manitoba, the North-West Territories or the territory of Keewatin, or the right to share in the distribution of any lands allotted to half-breeds,

Not able to get a homestead like other Canadians.

86. Whenever any Indian man, or unmarried woman, of the full age of twenty-one years, obtains the consent of the band of which he or she is a member to become enfranchised, and whenever such Indian has been assigned by the band suitable allotment of land for that purpose, the local agent shall report such action of the band, and the name of the applicant to the Superintendent-General; whereupon the said Superintendent-General, if satisfied that the proposed allotment of land is equitable, shall authorize some competent person to report whether the applicant is an Indian who, from the degree of civilization to which he or she has attained, and the character for integrity, morality and sobriety which he or she bears, appears to be qualified to become a proprietor of land in fee simple; and upon the favorable report of such person, the Superintendent-General may grant such Indian a location ticket as a probationary Indian, for the land alloted to him or her by the band.

May give up your rights as an Indian, but therefore not entitled to be on reserve.

1.) Any Indian who may be admitted to the degree of Doctor of Medicine, or to any other degree by any University of Learning, or who may be admitted in any Province of the Dominion to practice law either as an Advocate or as a Barrister or Counsellor or Solicitor or Attorney or to be a Notary Public, or who may enter Holy Orders or who may be licensed by any denomination of Christians as a Minister of the Gospel, shall ipso facto become and be enfranchised under this Act.

If you become educated you MUST relinquish your status and leave the reserve.


BartSimpson @ Thu Jul 06, 2006 10:03 am

thefactremains thefactremains:

Oh, I see, we have Rico Grande's new alter-ego. :roll:


BartSimpson @ Thu Jul 06, 2006 10:05 am

Donny_Brasco Donny_Brasco:
If you become educated you MUST relinquish your status and leave the reserve.

No worries for you, eh, Donny? ROTFL


HyperionTheEvil @ Thu Jul 06, 2006 11:53 am

Donny_Brasco Donny_Brasco:

Hyperion, you do not speak for the majority of Canadians, no matter what colour. Do not pretend that you do.

If you want to challenge this find me some hard numbers saying that Canadians are as ethnocentric and intolerant as you are.

Thats another time that you referred to me as intolerant. I remind you that you have already implie that im a white supremacist and i have laid out several times that i believe in eqaulity - real eqaulity - not the native version of equaity where that term takes on a new meaning in native eyes - usually invlving the Taxpaying pubic handing over cash for no good reason. I have also laid out tht i believe in Gay rights, Gay marriage, Gay Adoption and abortion on demand. So you spurious assertion tht i am intolerant merely shows your own intolrenace of anyone who questions the Native Agenda

And your reasoning remains the same, natives are entitled to extra special rights based upon their 'say-so'. Im saying that natives are simply the author of their own problems.But when problems do arise the first instinct is not to look at the true cause (themeselves) but to blame any out side agency that can possibly can. The answer for natives and their ills is always laying right in front of them. Other Canadians see economic opportunities in fron of them everyday, they educate themselves at publicy funded school, they hunt for jobs and they build contructive lives. As i said the answers are there, natives just dont like looking at them because that would mean real equality

And im still waiting for your confirmation of the police report of my assault yesterday where you also called me a liar.


Mustang1 @ Thu Jul 06, 2006 12:12 pm

And just to add that the 1969 White Paper on Indian Policy advocated getting rid of Native’s perceived “special” treatment while repealing the Indian Act and an elimination of reserves.

The predictable outrage expressed by the Native culture of victimization at realizing that they grow up culturally and start contributing to Canadian Society as Canadians not taking as Natives, sullied the report only to see its polar opposite emerge in 1996 (The Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples). While this second more politically correct set of findings called for land settlement (Donny loves this) and self-government (the likelihood of a third level of Canadian government is not realistic) it also called for reserve executive accountability and an adherence to the Charter. What Donny and his agenda peddling bigoted buddy don’t get is that Caledonia isn’t lawful and Canadians (and the judicial system) won’t stand for terrorism, lawlessness and hypocrisy. If you think that we’ll continue to placate your demands under duress, you’ve got another thing coming.


HyperionTheEvil @ Thu Jul 06, 2006 12:18 pm

Mustang1 Mustang1:
And just to add that the 1969 White Paper on Indian Policy advocated getting rid of Native’s perceived “special” treatment while repealing the Indian Act and an elimination of reserves.

The predictable outrage expressed by the Native culture of victimization at realizing that they grow up culturally and start contributing to Canadian Society as Canadians not taking as Natives, sullied the report only to see its polar opposite emerge in 1996 (The Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples). While this second more politically correct set of findings called for land settlement (Donny loves this) and self-government (the likelihood of a third level of Canadian government is not realistic) it also called for reserve executive accountability and an adherence to the Charter. What Donny and his agenda peddling bigoted buddy don’t get is that Caledonia isn’t lawful and Canadians (and the judicial system) won’t stand for terrorism, lawlessness and hypocrisy. If you think that we’ll continue to placate your demands under duress, you’ve got another thing coming.

And their is no reason why Canadians should even for a moment giving into native terrorism. It seems every spring and summer some native group somewhere is planning a 'protest' for something or other and the legal authorites and the courts (which proponents of the native ideology only love when it gives them what they want, and call discriminatory when they dont) are slow and ineffectual ,bending over backwards to excuse native violence and terrorism in the effort not to be seen as 'discriminatory' - as if keeping cops from being almost killed and retired couples from being assaulted is 'discriminatory'


Donny_Brasco @ Thu Jul 06, 2006 12:23 pm

HyperionTheEvil HyperionTheEvil:
And im still waiting for your confirmation of the police report of my assault yesterday where you also called me a liar.

I posted my public apology already.


Donny_Brasco @ Thu Jul 06, 2006 12:26 pm

Mustang1 Mustang1:
What Donny and his agenda peddling bigoted buddy don’t get is that Caledonia isn’t lawful and Canadians (and the judicial system) won’t stand for terrorism, lawlessness and hypocrisy. .

I feel that the last 100 plus days of this event have been Natives standing for something and the rest of Canada sitting and doing nothing.



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