Canada Kicks Ass
Seperation......It's Not Just For Quebecers Anymore


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797 @ Sat Jan 14, 2006 1:01 am

Avro Avro:
And speaking of greed, how much money has the Ontario Automaker's recieved from the federal government,

I guess that dosen't include federal money to help get Albertas oil industry off the ground or did you forget that?

I really hope you can back that up..


VicVega @ Sat Jan 14, 2006 1:14 am

Avro Avro:
And speaking of greed, how much money has the Ontario Automaker's recieved from the federal government,

I guess that dosen't include federal money to help get Albertas oil industry off the ground or did you forget that?

What does keeping jobs in Canada have to do with greed or are you against high paying manufacturing jobs?

No to both questions.

I am a tradesman, I appreciate my high wage, and standard of living, so I see nothing wrong with a high pays scale, if the market can handle it.

And no i havent forgoten about the money that came here, what I think you dont understand is that was a one time gig. We float on our own out here man.

Oh btw Cmmd1,

If we leave, you won't have any money to steal for your sovergnty assosiation.

I have a serious problem with seperatists. Even France wouldn't recognize you, what does that tell you? How about instead of leaving, you work towards an equal, balanced solution with the rest of OUR country, or is it that you like the idea of living in poverty? Because that's exactly what would happen if you left, make no mistake. And i'm going to let you in on a little secret, you wouldnt get a red penny, or a blue one for that matter, from my country if you did leave. Unlike the millions that flows into Quebec in transfer payments at the moment.

Think about that the next time you want to rail on behalf of seperation.


VicVega @ Sat Jan 14, 2006 1:15 am

797 797:
Avro Avro:
And speaking of greed, how much money has the Ontario Automaker's recieved from the federal government,

I guess that dosen't include federal money to help get Albertas oil industry off the ground or did you forget that?

I really hope you can back that up..

As much as I hate to argue his point for him, the oil sands and oil industry in our province was started by crown coperations.


VicVega @ Sat Jan 14, 2006 1:29 am

I do care man, and I am all about this being one country. Which is why if you notice not once do i bring up how much money goes out of our province in transfer payments to the rest of the country. I am all for all of us being like we are here, debt free and prosperous. As far as a geographic lottery, there is plenty of oil in Sask, BC, and Newfoundland, but because of poor provincial governments their resources have not been tapped to the degree ours have.

I have simply responded to the issues of personal greed that you brought up. I am not saying that the government should give us all of our money back, and eliminate income tax. What I am saying is that SOME of that money should go back to the people of this country. The working man, the tradesman, the manfucaturing plant worker, the men and women who's blood sweat and tears is the foundation for this boom we are having country wide.

The best way to keep good economic conditions is to keep money in the hands of the working class, because if it's there, then through things such as the gst, and corperate taxes on places such as Wallmart, Sears, or HBC will put most of it back into the hands of the government anyway.


NorthCelt @ Sat Jan 14, 2006 1:14 pm

Yeah, I love how Alberta separatists make it sound like they got all their riches on their own, no help from Canada (especially Ontario, gawd forbid) in the past. Obviously Canada's just been one big bust for could the rest of Canada be so blind? All along it was Alberta carrying the rest of us. Damn those liberals for making it sound like we were all in this together.

Before you try separating from Canada, try separating yourself from the crack...reality might be a little hard to take all on your lonesome.


VicVega @ Sat Jan 14, 2006 4:39 pm

Said like a ture Easterner. What comes across to me in your statements is the typical attitude that any part of Canada can not survive with out Toronto. It's attidues like yours that fuel the fire for Western Seperation.

Its not just the Liberals who are saying that we are all in this together, it's Albertans, Quebecers, and ALL CANADIANS. It amazes me that the Liberal party is seen as the party of unity. The conservative party, and the NDP, also like to focus on NATIONAL unity. The problem that I have is that Western Sepertation is a legitimate movement, and we out here are left to deal with it ourselves because we don't make up over 50 seats in Pariliament in this province. It is shamefull to accuse Alberta of an attitude of we did it all on our own. I will fully accept and propigate the fact that the initial development of the oil sands was done by crown corperations, due do so would be to deny the truth. But the simple fact is that over the years, the general attitude from Easterners is that we are a bunch of winers, screaming foul about an alienation that we ourselves caused. This is definately not the case. This all started when Trudeau imposed the NEP and sent the Albetra oil market into the toliet. The Liberal party started this, and unfortunately the only ones who even discuss the issue of Western Alienation is the conservative party. It is because of Quebec focused federalists that the West is left to fend for itself on this issue. It's a horrible thing to look upon us as winers who should shut our mouths, be greatfull for Ottawa, and keep the taps turned on...... While Quebec is treated as a favorite child in this issue, and anything they want they get. It's disgusting! And if Alberta seperates it will not be the fault of Western Federalists, but of Eastern ones who's eyes are to focused on Montreal to see anything else.


Damien @ Sat Jan 14, 2006 5:37 pm

Cmmd1 Cmmd1:
VicVega VicVega:
Well here we are....... Alberta seperation! Lets be honest, Alberta does not need the rest of Canada anymore. Our economic status alone should qualify for distinct soceity, and if it doesn't, we could certainly afford to buy it. According to eastern we already we all ready have an official language: Redneckese, with such common phrases as: "Yall", "Yeonto", and my personal favorite "The bible don't say nothing about about queers, gettin hitched." As far as Canada's national splender goes, WE have the mountains, and yes we can afford to transport all 5 great lakes to the vast open spaces in our province. Besides, the rest of Canada is going to need the money to try stay ecomonically viable after we leave.

Now unlike the typical redneck, I realize that we can do this alone, so we therefore would like to send a personal and warm invitiation for BC, and Saskatechewan to join us. This would make things obviously easier for all concerned. You would get to join the winning team, and we wouldn't have to invade as soon as we were on the verge of running out of oil. (were looking at you Sask) As far as Manitoba goes.........who the hell needs Manitoba?? I personally want nothing to with a place that gets below minus 40 in the winter, and in the summer has mosquitos the size of bees. Maybe if you ask real nice you can join Ontario.

Our currency would of course feature our head of state, and cheif defender of the faith, his holiness Ralph Klien. A strong Alberta for strong Albertans!!!!!!! Where the rivers flow with liquid gold, and the only cut used on a cow is a steak. LONG LIVE THE INDEPENDANT STATE OF ALBERTA!

Sounds just a little ridiculous doesn't it? A unified Canada is the best Canada for everyone, Alberta, Saskatechewan, and Quebec included. So why don't everyone of you seperatists take your heads out of your asses, and smell the sweet smell of this country, instead of the smell of what has been coming out of your mouths for the last 40 years?

It is my pleasure to cast the first NO vote! (Seems only fitting since it's my thread and poll)

I vote YES.

I can not see why it's better for Alberta, to stay in Canada !!!

They have the $$$ !!!!
Every people will receive 400$ !!!!
They paid all their debt !!!
They got the oil !
They will get more tourisme ! ( people will go to Alberta, not Canada )

And seriously, for the "currency". I think a new currency will appear. Like the "Euro" or something.
But it will be equal to Canada

But you will play on the "National emotional" side like :
Hey, we have build the GREATEST country in the world together..
That's wonderfull... Remeber the war??? We die together for this Canada !!! ( and democraty BTW... Option-Canada report ( of Quebec Judge ) will be on 21june ).
We are buddy buddy alberta, we love you so much !!!
We need to stay together !! Please !!! ( now crying and canadians theme )

On the political side :

They will decide their Inter-national relationship !!!
They will decide all what will going on in Alberta !
They can choose their laws
They will control their border

On the cultural side : Seriously, i don't even know if you have a culture, or it's the same of Canadians. but

Your culture will growth
Your kids will get models who look more like them ( Albertans artist or Athlète )
If you get a good artist who go around the world, he will promote Alberta ( Media will say his a Albertans not Canadians )

Environnementaly :

You will decide what to do. ( I hope you go "Green" a bit... But it's your choice ! You can make $$$ if you want )
Your naturals ressources will be totally yours !

I can find more good for alberta's separation !!

Lol that funny,
NOBODY use the argue about "Indians" who will fight for keeping their Canada!!!
Indians in Alberta are not Canadians lovers, like Indians in Quebec???

Alberta should be free !

Entre toi et moi: je crois sincèrement que tu devrais retirer ta tête d'entre tes deux fesses ( malgré le fait qu'elle semble profondément enfoncé ) et réfléchir avant de déblatèrer tes conneries, même si tu sembles y éprouver aucun remords... ( jamais trop tard pour bien faire !)

S'il te plaît, cesse de nous faire passer pour des cons, le Québec traîne les gens comme toi tel un boulet depuis trop long temps déjà.


NorthCelt @ Sun Jan 15, 2006 8:40 am

Alberta Separation is like your brother winning the lottery and then telling the rest of the family to go screw themselves.


rawmeat @ Wed Jan 18, 2006 8:03 pm

Avro Avro:
797 797:
Avro Avro:
And speaking of greed, how much money has the Ontario Automaker's recieved from the federal government,

I guess that dosen't include federal money to help get Albertas oil industry off the ground or did you forget that?

I really hope you can back that up..

It will be difficult because it goes back a ways but I will try.

I know you Albertans did it all on your own. :roll:

It doesn't matter who started it, the only thing that matters is who is in the lead at the end. PDT_Armataz_01_28

Just joking. :D


Elvis @ Wed Jan 18, 2006 8:06 pm

Franchement Damien à part insulté les gens qu"elles sortes d'arguments est tu capable d'aporter???

Tien moi aussi je peux me contenté de t'insulté parce que je ne veux plus perde mon temps avec toi!

Trou du cul.


Knoss @ Wed Jan 18, 2006 8:30 pm

Candian States and Sovereignty Act- Draft one

Canada is a Confederation of sovereign states each, a nation with a distinct society, values and traditions. Each state has inalienable rights and duties to their citizens.

1. Each state must be democratic in nature.
A. Each state must have an elected legislative assembly, elected at least every six years.
B. Each state must have an elected governing official; whose term is no more then six years. The title, length of term, and specific responsibilities of the governing official are to be outlined in the states charter.
2. Each state has the right to create criminal law.
A. Member states must recognize the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
B. Shall under no circumstances be permitted the use of capital punishment.
C. Each state is responsible for maintaining prisons to house violators of State laws.
3. Each state has the right to determine in which languages it will conduct business and which it will not.
4. Each state has the right to maintain its own courts.
A. The state government is responsible for the operation of state courts in communities and the appointment of judges.
B. The state court is responsible with passing judgment on state crimes.
C. Each sate must have a supreme court with an elected judge.
D. The Confederation is responsible for ensure at least one federal court is in each state. Decisions of the state Supreme Court may be appealed to a Canadian court of Appeal.
E. A Canadian court can only pass judgment on the legitimacy of a law relative to Confederate law.
5. Each state has the right to maintain a police force to enforce state law
A. State police may only make arrests or apprehensions in their home state.
B. Confederation police must be notified if a fugitive leave the jurisdiction of a state police force.
C. Police may not use assault weapons.
D. States have the right of delegating police service to the RCMP
E. The governing official has the right to request the RCMP and Canadian Forces to assist state police.
6. The state has the right to maintain an armed militia to protect its state interests.
A. Militias have the right to bear assault weapons, but not weapons of mass destruction, chemical or biological weapons, or weapons determined to be excessive for state defense.
B. Militias may have a uniform and standing orders differing from those of the Canadian Forces.
C. A militia may be used to assist state law enforcement at the request of the state government.
D. A militia may become a Canadian forces unit at the request of the Governor General, for training or home defense, pending the approval of the governing official.
E. Outside its home state militias must unsure the use, possession and transport of firearms are in accordance with the Federal Firearms Act, unless given written permission from the unit is given written permission from the Governor General and all those handling said Firearms have signed permission of the Minister of National Defense. The governing official must authorize the movement of a militia outside its home province and notify the Governor General.
F. Upon, declaring an emergency the governing official may request the assistance of the Federal Government and formally request the services of the Canadian Forces, particularly DART.
7. Each state has the right to equal representation in the Senate.
A. Each state shall be represented in the Senate of the Parliament of Canada by two senators.
B. Senators are to be elected
C. The state government may provide funding to state Senators but never to Confederation political parties or candidates when Senate is not in session.
D. States may provide transport aboard to senators, in order to promote state interests.
8. Each state has the right to seek representation in international organizations separate of the Confederation.
9. Each sate recognizes the Confederations responsibilities with regard to;
A. The protection of federal borders is the responsibility of the Confederate government.
B. All out of sate military operations must be performed by the Canadian Forces, the RCMP may assist UN peacekeeping operations.
C. All Canadian states share one currency and recognize the Bank of Canada.

[web]Candian States and Sovereignty Act- Draft one [/web][web][/web]Blog - Could a soverign Quebec play a role in a Federalist republic?


Knoss @ Wed Jan 18, 2006 8:32 pm

The parts about criminal law and court are particularly importaint.


Yunemus @ Sun Jan 22, 2006 2:40 pm

You guys really fucking sick...Always talking about Alberta's and Quebec's seperation..



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