Canada Kicks Ass
"Fighting for Canada"-Diane Francis: A Few Questio


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lachapelle @ Sat Jul 23, 2005 1:01 pm

You make a good point. <br /> <br /> I think part of the anglo-Canadian tendency to jump on any perceived anti-english happenings in Quebec is that a white english speaker in the ROC has not got a clue about what it is like to be a minority or to be perceived by the majority as being different or threatening.<br /> <br /> When they see anglo-quebecers encountering the challenges that any minority faces there is something about seeing themselves in that situation that makes them uncomfortable because it is so foreign. <br /> <br /> Francophones across Canada and anglos in Quebec live as minorities as do many other groups. Hopefully if one is the subject of prejudice rather than making us hard it makes us stop and think before passing judgement on others.<br /> <br /> I do not think the language laws are draconian. Actually, on the schools issue, they are similar to the way french schools are operated in Ontario. To go to school in Ontario in french you must have one french parent or have been educated previously in french. The main difference is that new immigrants to Quebec must go to school in french irrespective of what language of instruction they had previously. This ensurea that they can function in a primarily french society.<br /> <br /> As allophones and anglophones become more and more bilingual this issue will fade away. And that is already happening.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />


Marcus @ Sun Jul 24, 2005 10:22 am

[QUOTE BY= Marcarc] However, we have to remember that up until the quiet revolution Quebec was controlled by an english minority, which means that it will be some time before trust is given to that quarter. <br /> [/QUOTE]<br /> <br /> Marcarc, I really don’t know what to make of you...Following is a list of Premiers of Quebec since <b>Confederation</b> in 1867.<br /> <br /> Pierre-Joseph-Olivier Chauveau<br /> Gédéon Ouimet<br /> Charles-Eugène Boucher de Boucherville<br /> Henri-Gustave Joly de Lotbinière<br /> Sir Joseph-Adolphe Chapleau<br /> Joseph-Alfred Mousseau<br /> John Jones Ross<br /> Louis-Olivier Taillon<br /> Honoré Mercier<br /> Charles-Eugène Boucher de Boucherville<br /> Louis-Olivier Taillon<br /> Edmund James Flynn<br /> Félix-Gabriel Marchand<br /> Simon-Napoléon Parent<br /> Lomer Gouin<br /> Louis-Alexandre Taschereau<br /> Adélard Godbout<br /> Maurice Duplessis<br /> Adélard Godbout<br /> Maurice Duplessis<br /> Paul Sauvé<br /> Antonio Barrette<br /> Jean Lesage<br /> Daniel Johnson, Sr<br /> Jean-Jacques Bertrand<br /> Robert Bourassa<br /> René Lévesque<br /> Pierre-Marc Johnson<br /> Robert Bourassa<br /> Daniel Johnson, Jr<br /> Jacques Parizeau<br /> Lucien Bouchard<br /> Bernard Landry<br /> Jean Charest<br /> <br /> Therefore, as per your statement above, Quebec Premiers from Chauveau to (for arguments sake, let us say) Bourassa were merely ‘instruments’ of the ‘English minority’?<br /> <br /> Now I await the ethnocentric to come forward with their conspiracy theories in order to enlighten me.<br /> <br /> [QUOTE BY= Marcarc]However, being served in a store is something different, but I don't personally see why a private company should be forced to staff with english just because some think they should.[/QUOTE]<br /> <br /> Forced? What are you talking about? Do you understand the words: CUSTOMER SERVICE? Therefore, a 'real' bilingual staff would make sense. You want my money? Speak to me in the language of my choice.<br /> <br /> [QUOTE BY= Marcarc]When in Dublin there were a lot of stores where the help only spoke irish. You make do, or you learn the language. [/QUOTE]<br /> <br /> Who cares? I don't see how the above situation in Ireland explicitly or implicitly affects me in Quebec, Canada.<br /> <br /> [QUOTE BY= Marcarc]There is nothing barring your 'free expression' though, if you are talking to somebody on the street in english nobody is going to arrest you.[/QUOTE]<br /> <br /> Arrest me? No. However, I have been threatened, told to 'go back home', have been into fist fights provoked by others (which has surprised my opponents as I do not back down and know how to properly defend myself), my children and spouse have been called unmentionable names, etc, all in the name of a linguistic integrity that is propagated and protected by law.<br /> <br /> [QUOTE BY= Marcarc]When the goverment starts arresting you for speaking english then we can talk about rights. [/QUOTE]<br /> <br /> Arresting? Once again no, however, they can FINE you.<br /> <br /> [QUOTE BY= Marcarc]It may be xenophobic, but then, have you met the rest of Canada?[/QUOTE]<br /> <br /> Therefore what happens in the ROC justifies ethnocentric behavior in Quebec? Do you even fathom what you are saying? <br /> <br /> What a <i><b>stupid</b></i> country we inhabit. This is why sovereignty has my 'Yes' vote. We must first destruct in order to rebuild.



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