Canada Kicks Ass
Justin Trudeau blasted for defending Senate


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martin14 @ Thu May 30, 2013 9:32 pm

Lemmy Lemmy:
Just wondering, Brent, if you have anything of substance to add/share or are you here to rail nonsense? We've already got plenty of angry partisan nitwits here that add nothing to the debate. So what's it gonna be? Got something sane and relevant to say or are you just trolling the forum?

If you have to ask, you already know the answer. :)


smorgdonkey @ Thu Sep 12, 2013 8:04 am

Unsound Unsound:
Partisan hackery aside... :)

Trudeau is making it increasingly hard to take him seriously as a national leader. Whether he meant it the way it sounds or not, it sure sounds bad.

Not really...with Harper doing his thing, I would vote for a vegetable or a person in a coma to get Steve out of there. Ok...perhaps replacing one vegetable with another isn't the best plan but it is a plan nonetheless.

Anyone seen any of those jobs that cutting corporate taxes was supposed to create?



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