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polemarch1 @ Mon Apr 07, 2003 1:28 pm

U.S. Say It May Have Found Iraqi WMD Storage Site

Initial Tests Suggest WMD 'Cocktail' Found in Iraq


Rev_Blair @ Mon Apr 07, 2003 3:44 pm

Rumsfeld is saying not to get too excited, that nothing is conclusive yet. Coming from him I'd take that to mean that the results aren't what he was hoping for.


Twila @ Mon Apr 07, 2003 4:23 pm

How come their finding them now?

Even with all the info they gave the UN regarding locations (which turned up nothing) they find them now?

I'm wondering if this isn't another TONKIN.

After the forgeries, lies and deceit from the US and Britian regarding these WMD. Even the defector the security council quoted so often said "they were destroyed" all the "evidence" the US and Britian had was from before the first gulf war.


electricbuford @ Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:19 pm

Not that this has anything to do with finding proof of WMD in Iraq , but a sad reality of the world we live in is that people can learn how to make various explosives, deadly chemical cocktails and many other nasty things by using the internet . I worked with a guy from New Zealand a couple of years ago who used to talk about all the different sites on the web that give detailed instructions on how to make explosives and deadly chemicals designed to kill large numbers of people . Add to all this , the problems of Russia's nuclear security problems , and the fact that Chechneyan rebels were able to steal some nuclear material . I'm sure North Korea would not hesitate selling nasty stuff to whomever was willing to pay . Well , looking on the positive side , if we can kill every single bad guy in the world that wishes us harm , we'll be safe . Soon as Saddam is gone , that only leaves a few million more to go.


Hollywoodhitman @ Mon Apr 07, 2003 9:54 pm

Yes, I've served and I still serve. The Regimental cap badge is there for a reason....... :twisted:


HollywoodHitman @ Mon Apr 07, 2003 9:58 pm

^^^ That was me.


IRONMIKE @ Mon Apr 07, 2003 10:04 pm

Hey Guys and Gals! :D I won't be on for awhile. I have to pack by ruck and shovel to go to IRAQ. I will be assigned to the 69th WHT (Weapons of Mass Destruction Hiding Team)- Provisional. Wish me luck!

Disclaimer-This as an attempt at humor and in no way shall be considered an official statement to support consipiracy theories. :roll:


polemarch1 @ Wed Apr 09, 2003 7:36 pm

Marines hold nuclear site

Weapons-Grade Plutonium Possibly Found at Iraqi Nuke Complex

Possible Evidence of Weapons of Mass Destruction
You have to scroll down a bit to find it.



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