Canada Kicks Ass
RCMP spray kids/baby after stopping parade


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Donny_Brasco @ Tue Jul 03, 2007 9:55 pm

OK, so ya I have a little bias.

Lets look at the facts:

1) Police see kids riding in the back of a truck followed by 20 other cars

2) police stop the youth's victory parade to warn the driver - fair enough

3) "Though the RCMP has helped the band celebrate in the past by blocking roads, an officer with the force was unfamiliar with the 40-year-old tradition and tried to intervene, said RCMP Staff Sgt. Brad Zalys."

4) Watch a demonstration in how not to use effective crowd control...provoke them and arrest the kids head coach.

5) at 2:37:000 watch the officer holding the suspect reach into his pocket for his pepper the suspect resisting...not in that frame...

6) at 2:37:850 watch the officer spray the suspect - BRUTAL!

7) watch 2:30:000 to 2:39:000 and tell me that man is "resisting". Luckly for you who think he is, you'll probably have a judge and jury tell you your wrong.

8) 2:42:000 the same cop turns around and starts spraying the man in oarnge...perhaps he is acting in self defence. However, he is only defending himself because he assulted the suspect.

9) 2:42:631 the same cop turns and sprays the woman in white and her baby, the suspect's wife and step-son.

10) Police Spokeswoman ""The crowd came so close, almost within a foot of them," she said. "Police had to deal with a subject who was combative and at the same time a crowd of 75 angry, hostile, swearing individuals."" Combative? where??????????

I would say that detatchment may have a few "Help Wanted" signs posted in the window soon. What a disgrace.

Let them celebrate. There is a way to insure that they can do it safely and there is a way to provoke confrontation and get yourself fired.

There is a way to handle a crowd, and there is a way to incite one. I hope those cops go to jail. General population for a month or two...

Anyways. Watch it yourself. Sometimes you have to back and re-click the video link to get it to work. The black video box appears immediately when it works.


RUEZ @ Tue Jul 03, 2007 10:03 pm

I see a lot of people interfering with a police investigation and arrest and they are lucky pepper spray is all that they got.


ridenrain @ Tue Jul 03, 2007 10:11 pm

..yeah, that could have been handled better.
What's the fine for the driver with kids riding in the back of a pick up? Probably as little as the fine for someone with an open beer at a hocky game.
This is a couple of days after the "Indian day of action" so it does look like the group was a little excited but starting a riot instead of just giving the guy a ticket was in no ones best interest.


Mr_Canada old @ Tue Jul 03, 2007 10:16 pm

Now, see, WHY didn't they do that on FRIDAY?


putz @ Tue Jul 03, 2007 10:38 pm

I think the cops were right and wouldn't be suprised if there were no charges against them. The crowd was hostile towards the police officers regardless of the circumstances. Mayar was being combatative (you can do that by being verbal btw). The crowd would not back down or move away while ranting the entire time. When the pepper spray was finally used it only makes sense to spray the suspect as the officer had to turn his back to him to deal with the crowd. You can see from the video that he just fanned out the spray to get the people back. Other then the suspect he didn't seem to take aim at anyone in paticualer. You can clearly see the man in the orange move towards the officer as he turned around what else is he to do? Anyone think to ask the question, Whats a mother doing with her 6 month old kid at the front of a crowd protesting the arrest of someone?


ridenrain @ Tue Jul 03, 2007 10:51 pm

Granted the mob was.. acting like a mob, but the infraction warrents a simple ticket, not a fight. The purpose of the stop to get those kids out of the pick up bed and out of harms way, not to show them who's the boss.
I'm not saying the natives didn't start and push the whole agenda, but simply handing out a ticket would have served the law, got the kids out of the truck and made the cops look mre like members of the community, than the outsiders they are now.


RUEZ @ Tue Jul 03, 2007 11:01 pm

ridenrain ridenrain:
Granted the mob was.. acting like a mob, but the infraction warrents a simple ticket, not a fight. The purpose of the stop to get those kids out of the pick up bed and out of harms way, not to show them who's the boss.
I'm not saying the natives didn't start and push the whole agenda, but simply handing out a ticket would have served the law, got the kids out of the truck and made the cops look mre like members of the community, than the outsiders they are now.
My understanding is the truck did not initially stop for the police. That's more than a simple traffic violation.


ridenrain @ Tue Jul 03, 2007 11:13 pm

Lol. The could have shot out the tires... (not.)
Was it speeding recklessly or was it just parading the winning team down main street?
There's times and places to show force. Armed indian blocades are definately the place for a show of force. A community parade isn't.


EmperorLiam @ Tue Jul 03, 2007 11:26 pm

Not surprised, remember, RCMP think waking a sleeping kid up with two taser shots is acceptable. Imagine what they do when they don't have so many witnesses and cameras filming them?

Anyone surprised the cops lie, is a moron, police ALWAYS lie. Look at the type of people that become cops, small cock morons that barely made it through high school.


RUEZ @ Tue Jul 03, 2007 11:34 pm

EmperorLiam EmperorLiam:
Not surprised, remember, RCMP think waking a sleeping kid up with two taser shots is acceptable. Imagine what they do when they don't have so many witnesses and cameras filming them?

Anyone surprised the cops lie, is a moron, police ALWAYS lie. Look at the type of people that become cops, small cock morons that barely made it through high school.
Oh god, not another one of you. Weren't you just advocating torturing convicted murderers in another thread?


DangerMouse @ Wed Jul 04, 2007 12:01 am

The cops were probably scared because they believe all the BS propaganda against the natives. he probably thought they were gonna get's amazing wht all the BS does to people's thinking. 2 decades ago in ontario they moved in at night on unarmed protesters that included women and children....on the eastcoast the rcmp and dfo rammed a native boat trying to kill them..whats new?


ShepherdsDog @ Wed Jul 04, 2007 1:06 am

I'm so confused.....I have to side with Donny and say the police fukt up royally. They behaved in a completely unprofessional manner. The officers involved need to be reprimanded if not terminated for their actions. Had they left well enough alone, nothing would have happened. There wouldn't be images of a pepper sprayed infant and toddler on the TV. This is something I would have expected from the Third World or Apartheid era South Africa


icekarma2752 @ Wed Jul 04, 2007 5:49 am

yes kind of looks that way...cops dont have the luxury of making mistakes like that


jimbunting @ Wed Jul 04, 2007 5:56 am

How about this.......

The RCMP stops patrolling and answering calls for assistance in that place, for 60 days, and then see how the public feels about Police. Anarchy anyone ?

Jim B. Toronto.


Blue_Nose @ Wed Jul 04, 2007 5:57 am

jimbunting jimbunting:
How about this.......

The RCMP stops patrolling and answering calls for assistance in that place, for 60 days, and then see how the public feels about Police. Anarchy anyone ?

Jim B. Toronto.
That the RCMP serves a valuable purpose doesn't negate the fact that this was uncalled for.

Their reaction afterwards after the situation escalated may have been warranted, but they brought it on themselves.



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